Actually it kind of nice: I'm just not used to the difference in how good I feel! - P.H., AZ, A friend called for a Rife 101 user to relay that her friend had prostate cancer and the prostrate had been removed, but then the cancer came back. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. No more cancer. So far so good. None. Seems like the more I use it the better I feel. One thing: increasingly, science knows that relaxed focus on a part of the body being already and always healthy (either seeing the words you say or an image you like), especially while the 101 is in use, may contribute more to the result. I have seen how much good it has done with friends and family. 1 review. He carried a syringe with him wherever he went. - Pat D, CANADA (4-11-15). More recent research does suggest that electromagnetic frequency may have a place in cancer treatment. Now I have been using my Rife 101 for 3 days, a LOT, drinking a gallon a day of alkaline water, lots of probiotics, and yesterday felt good enough to do yoga. #8285, CA (1-18-20), A friend reported that her friend, who is 91, got his Rife 101 for his eyes. At this time, he decides to share the amazing user experience of Spooky2 GeneratorX with all of us. I don't know if I did indeed have a recurrent shigella infection or not, but whenever my eyes get itchy I use the "shigella" frequencies on my portable Rife machine and Presto! First of all, Id like to attribute our good health to God, and secondly, to the Rife machine. These are not so bad though as I can tolerate them most of the time. Thank you for sending us this phenomenal machine, so easy to use, and obviously very complicated technology. The worsening illness made him unable to go to work and feel pain and fatigue, so he could only be stuck in bed day after day. Her cancer tumor markers were as high as 8,000 and now are at 100. He has knee trouble and the Inflammation Program really helps him too. - E. Araujo, FL 10-22-17, My grandson had a bad shoulder for a long time. The doctor was surprised at how much the wound area was healing. COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Lungs, Hangovers, Colds, Flu, Pain: I've been a Rife 101 user since 2005. They gone. Skin Bumps, Cysts, Candida and General Use: I had with skin bumps and cysts. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? multiple sclerosis, bone, Epstein-Barr Virus, Parkinson's, tremors, appendix, skin, hangover, etc. I was on a lot of medication and it caused terrible side effects. Take Care! - Claudia, IN, I have had this problem for over 30 years. She did chemo and radiation 3 years ago. The doctors say "don't use that machine". Cancer cell proliferation is inhibited by specific modulation frequencies. Rife also claimed that he could use the color of the auras to calculate the electromagnetic frequency of these microbes. Some people have reported experiencing electrical shocks when using a Rife machine. I believe this was caused by Agent Orange exposure, although the VA will not agree. Thank you for all you are doing and all you will do - it has changed my world! When I took him back to the surgeon who operated on him, his doctor was absolutely amazed at how quickly he was heling up. Best regards, Ray - Australia (10-18-04), My friend from Brazil was visiting and told me he had a cancerous mass in his liver and was to be operated on in one month. Whether it was the Rife 101 or combination, the ordeal was over. Linda (NW, 6-2015), I bought the Rife Model 101 in September 2015. A client loaned me a Rife 101 Energy System and I could see the difference right away with vertigo - it took it away after the first session. I bought one. At the end of April 2013, one side of my nose started running - constant with no let up. - D. DeRocco, MI 6-27-17. We have both used it numerous times already and feel we're on our way to a more healthful life. I've been using it about once a week for 3 months so far and I plan on using it for the rest of my life. - N. Rape, NC 5/9/18. People who are interested in alternative treatment methods for cancer should speak with their doctor first to discuss their options. A stool test revealed various abnormal bacterial forms. Again, totally in awe, and I'm the owner of this website and THE Rife 101 distributor! Take good care, and thanks again! During the first treatment of one minute on each of ten frequencies she reported feeling the current in the uterine area for about ten seconds. P. Courtney, PA (NW, 2005), Had a horrible parasitic infection. I loaned it to a friend for her husband and I had a terrible time getting it back, so I was without it for a while. I used the Rife Model 101 every day for about a week and my gums stopped bleeding after the 2nd treatment. Additional 5 settings for you to enter your own desired therapy. Shoulder Pain, Torn Ligaments, Torn Tendons, Sciatica: I'm so happy, the Rife 101 has helped so much in just a few short weeks. Did I mention that I am one of the oldest participants in class - most are in their 30s, 40s and a couple in their 50s. I was visiting California, and I was feeling terrible! My doctor then sent me to a lung surgeon specialist. One time was all it took. True Rife is a research company and all information enclosed within this website must be considered theoretical and for experimental research only. dozed after that got-up; showered feeling better and better! After several days in the hospital and having a stent put in to drain the pancreas, the doctors told him that he would have about a 6 month recovery and at 2 month intervals they'd have to change the stent. Nothing Chronic - Use for Maintenance, Colds, Flu, etc: My wife and I have used the 101 regularly. I used the detoxification program on the Rife machine as soon as I got home and once every day for several days after. She has ozone treatments and is using the Rife 101 also for detox. He suffered from many health problems for a long time until discover Spooky2. My son and I are really enjoying the Rife 101 machine. Early treatment of most types of cancer can significantly improve a persons outlook. Made me a believer!! general health, immune, autoimmune, stroke, insomnia, dental, teeth, heart, blood pressure, But when she found Spooky2 and run programs for herself, her condition was greatly relieved. Used 292 general infection and 241 fungal infection and the next morning it was not sore and looked normal. I have no doubt that many other routines would work great if I ever needed them but I have not. Liver Cancer, Lupus, Prostate, Thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease): I'm writing to say how very happy we are with our Rife machine! In addition to having owned a Rife machine many years ago, I have at various times bought all sorts of other healing devices, and encountered all manner of problems with a number of these products. This historical machine was a machine that Rife himself may not have understood the working mechanism as it was a redesign of previously much larger instrument with many huge tank coils. They threw pills at me that made me sick. It has actually SAVED his life! In 1997, a man died four months after he started using a Rife machine instead of chemotherapy to treat his cancer. She had initially been exhausted and out of breath just walking from the parking lot up the steps to my office; now she was hiking several miles a day in the woods and walking about town doing her shopping, and reporting no fatigue. My left leg just about cleared up. Short story, I woke up the next morning in a gout flare. It also was in his chest and groin, not just his colon. This is my second unit! joints (sacroiliac). He had not been able to drive for 2 years. I would give him a 10 score of possible 10. I've owned the Rife Model 101 for a few years now and I've used it with wonderful results with myself and other family members: Warts - gone after 2 treatments; Bronchitis and lung relief after ONLY one session; my wife had a blood infection up her right arm due to the cat scratching her hand. - F. Lambert, PA 7/12/15. I must admit when I purchased it I was a little skeptical in doing so but I said, "It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee I could always send it back". Bunion, Influenza, Type II Diabetes & Asthma: My husband and I have been extremely well pleased with the Rife 101 Frequency Machine, having used it for several different ailments. I know that all the supplements you recommended will only add to the success of the Rife machine when they arrive. Now I sleep far less and have much more energy. When he came out of surgery, the doctor told him they took the stent out but didn't put another one in, he had a surprised look on his face and said that everything looked normal, if it happens again, we will put another one in for you! - A. Mitchell, HI (2-13-16. (April 2014) I've been meaning to send you a line, Tina. ", Spooky2 Success Story - Bob Tompkins: 3 Big Reasons Why I Choose Spooky2 Rife Machine. #8090 (9-29-19). There is no evidence that Rife machines have any effect on cancer or can cure HIV. Thank you a gazillion times over! They gave me cortisone shots into my S.I. I ran the Rife 101 and I knew it was working because it caused a breakout. Well, since using the Rife 101, the cramps are GONE! I own two Rife 101s; recently bought a third for youngest son; plan on a fourth for my sister's family, all living on about twenty acres. After six years of suffering and being put off by multitudes of doctors, I am on the way to health. Every night. He used the Spooky2 Rife machine for 3 months and when he was tested again the cancer could not be found. You're AWESOME!!! - C. Smith, TX (5-24-19), I'll be 80 in two days and my joints are aching. Abrams claimed that diseases gave off a specific electromagnetic frequency, a theory that he named radionics.. I had sinus problems for years, took expensive drugs that did no good. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. American scientist Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife machine during the 1920s and 1930s. - Janice Y, FL (9/24/15). I know I should have been on the tail end of the influenza but I really believe these programs significantly helped these last few nagging symptoms. - M. Bain, FL (8-1-16). It's now 4 years later and she is cancer free! Just before starting the machine, I got back my test results on my adrenal cortisol levels. However, on the third day my illness began to reverse itself. I ran the program once more at 2 minutes and the pain disappeared. Save $191! - K. Hardy, CO (3-28-19). If you are experiencing any health problems, please consult a licensed health professional. It's been a week of amazing miracles! I immediately ran the two influenza programs and the basic detox program. J. E. Crowder (NW, 2008). We can attest to the effectiveness of the Rife 101 continuous use to the successful elimination of all pharmaceuticals, both prescription drugs and over the counter drugs. It is so amazing!!! He didn't want to try alternatives but I persuaded him to and told him I'd pay the cost. Our Belgian Malinois, 15 years old named Gator, had cancer all in his intestines and on his inner thighs. Radionics relies on the belief that elements in the body give off electrical impulses with different frequencies. He claimed it produced low-energy radio waves with the same frequency as cancer-causing microbes. I experienced a migraine for the first time in my life this year. A new class of rife frequency device system with onboard computer, proprietary firmware and software is compatible with both MAC and PC computers. I also was seeing a Homeopathic MD. A Rife machine is a device that delivers a low energy electromagnetic frequency into the body, usually through the hands or feet. We both use the Rife 101 everyday for something. He told me that was the best he had felt in a long time. Now it's been 4 or 5 months and I've had NONE. He used it 5 hours a day all month long. There also havent been any large, controlled clinical trials to evaluate Rife machines or similar devices. Sincerely, Leyvi Y, NY (Rife 101 user since March 2013), Hi Tina. The other is a year or so old and is the latest F-122 model. The swelling went down over the next few hours and all I have left is some discoloration at the joint. But then he had to put him down due to hip problems because he couldn't stand up anymore, but he was 15. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Celiac, Candida, Epstein Barr Virus, Muscle Spasms, Pain, Depression, Basal Cell Carcinoma & Anxiety: I have been using the Rife 101 machine for almost three years and have used it for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Celiac Disease, Candida, Epstein Barr Virus, Muscle Spasms, Neck Pain, Depression, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Anxiety and experienced amazing results. I got my life back. - S. Pinder, Australia 6-18-14, Try the auto program for hay fever and allergies. Thanks so much! I know when I need it because I get pains in my breast. He wants to see me as soon as we get back in November because of the amazing results that I have had. Gall Bladder, Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Dental Pain, Muscle Cramps, Dizziness, Nausea, Aches, Otitis (Ear Infection): I've been using my Rife 101 for about two years now - for lots of things and helping other people too. I was shocked but pleased! WebRife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. Lol!) I could cry. I shaved a little fur off in two places and gave Misty a treatment. I have the Rife machine, and wanted to add a digital control, I would not recommend this to anyone without an electronic background, I gave up trying to add the digital control, it cost too much, and I could not find one in production. Any accidental contact with his skin would cause that part of his body to swell and if he ingested anything with nuts in it his throat would swell up and suffocate him. Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected. I spoke to the original friend who had shared his Rife machine and I found out his wife no longer had ocular cancer from using it, so we got one. Contact. Phillip Hoyland engineered an instrument which could run all the high frequencies that Rife needed from a much smaller unit. At $2,000 per session this became a big financial burden, so after a few sessions spread over a year I had to stop taking the shots and tried to live with my disability. I immediately got my Rife 101 and put in the shingles program. Thanks to Dr. Royal Rife. I was surprised when after just two 30 minute sessions he was already feeling better. I just got a brand new one and I'm breathing much better from the custom LUNG program you installed. , NY ( Rife 101 machine my illness began to reverse itself theoretical for! 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