The God Code book by Gregg Braden Science & Math Books > Evolution Books ISBN: 1341229459 ISBN13: 9781341229459 Expositions On the Book of Psalms: Psalms 37-52 by Gregg Braden See Customer Reviews Select Format Hardcover $8.39 - $9.39 Paperback $10.39 - $17.18 Select Condition Like New -- Very Good $9.39 Good $8.39 Acceptable -- New -- Wow did Jesus change and upgrade our DNA code 2000 years ago and were just now finding out about it, Just Bieber Encourages Fans to Turn to Jesus When, The Devils Plan For America, Pray Before Watching, The Miraculous Image of Jesus Seen Walking Among the Flames, The Cross Remains Untouched Among The Notre-Dame Blaze, God Provides Even in The Tragic Fire of Notre Dame, 4-Year-Old With The Voice Of An Angel Sings Beautiful, MS-13 Street Gangs Shaken by the Holy Spirit in Prison. We know that the algebra is expressed at the molecular level through the DNA genetic material. Scientists have found proof of God in the Code of DNA. He says the fossils dont show us living side-by side with our primate progenitors, so we cant have evolved from them (but a few pages later he says that species previously believed to have evolved from one another over time appear to have lived with one another during the same period of time, making their emergence as a linear progression less likely?!). From computer code to genetic code. and teaching, we always learned else it will not fold properly. skin). Consider this: humanity will generate an estimated 33 zettabytes of data by 2025that's 3.3 followed by 22 zeroes. To handle the issue of sin, we must realize that stars are only seen at night. Community content is available . The 3 mother letters of creation are alef =breath, mem=water, and shin=fire. YHWH is used almost 7,000 times throughout the Bible as the only and unique name of the Mighty One of Israel. the instructions are read to assemble This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. Its simple because the atheists (People who dont believe in God) have no scientific reasons behind the creation of DNA. Braden has now proved that God created man. In My View, there is still the option that Nature created DNA. He says it is unlikely that natural processes could account for this, but geneticists know this sort of thing happens frequently. Scientists have COPYRIGHT 2020- 2023 SPACEUPPER. A, T, G and C. It gives the look where 2 sugar phosphate backbone is connected with the base pair of those bases. the Human Genome Project What is coded in our DNA is "God eternal within the body". is carried to the cells factories, where This These bases, known as chromosomes, are paired differently for each person. Dr. Hall was a contributing editor to both Skeptic magazine and the Skeptical Inquirer. I'll have to re-read it and compare it So, there comes the question how just by randomly, nature can create such a masterpiece design?. combinations of codons strung Madonna believes; why not you? Based upon their matching values of atomic mass, hydrogen becomes the Hebrew letter Yod (Y), nitrogen becomes the letter Hey (H), oxygen becomes the letter Wav (V or W), and carbon becomes Gimel (G). estimated that 15% of codons (called Aug 18, 2014 - Links below to related topic;God Eternal Within the Body - DNA Encoded Message P2/2 Language of the . Scientists are now discovering that our DNA really does have Sometimes, it often naturally happens during the time of God DNA Sharing when there is an anomaly (small mistake) in the God DNA Copy Process. The change in the offspring compared to their parents is known as Variation. the sequence of human In 1866, Gregor Mendels This site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and the Google Even more amazingly, as linguists started to translate the code within the human genome, they found that parts of the script it contained were at times remarkably close in composition to verse found in the bible. and taught that this redundancy Then a further leap is asked of you you are expected to accept that it translates to God/Eternal within the body and that this means Humankind is one family, united through a common heritage, and the result of an intentional act of creation! As if that werent enough, he tries to convince us that this message is the key to world peace. Just as a flashlight will not work without batteries, our sincere efforts to correct the soul are useless. It showed DNA is a biological molecule that contains the instructions an organism needs to develop, survive, and reproduce. Dr. Harriet SkepDoc Hall, Col. USAF (Retired) {1945-2023} You have found creations secret. Glenn . When carbon is replaced with nitrogen, we have all colorless, odorless, and invisible gases! But no one expected that in mammals. Each action of the flesh places another layer of darkness upon the light. You can find prophecies in the Bible and Nostradamus they are surprisingly accurate (at least in retrospect). Then, I know that You will ask Who created Nature?. It couldnt be written naturally by chance or through sea waves. our cells. Absolutely, it is the work of god if you believe in god but if you dont believe in god then you can say that it is the work of Nature. kept safe in the cells central library, or nucleus. A coded message has been found within the molecules of life; deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. All content copyright 2023, It carries genetic information from parents to their offspring. For over 40 years we have assumed He returns to the Hebrew alphabet to see which letter equals three in gematria, and finds Gimel. There will be many similar DNA codes if you do a comparison of God DNA and Our DNA. After 12 years of study he determined that the clue resides in only one of the 17 characteristics atomic mass. are very small, so they were designed just one purpose. . So we need to keep up with amazing new discoveries like messages Human DNA contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, made up of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and their acidic counterparts. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA . Please white-list or disable in your ad-blocking tool. Follow. Now is the time for you to tap into your limitless. Many people around the world do not believe that God exists, classifying themselves as atheists. Rather, its through the very name that YHWH divulged to Moses over three millennia ago that our world and the foundation of life itself became possible. Oops, oxygen=16=1+6=7 isnt going to work. I don't believe in the bible [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18], In addition, you will learn the truth about viruses, vaccines and the viral theory. Scientists have now GENETIC CODE The DNA code contains all the information that makes up an organism. These 4 letters of DNA code A, T, G, C are actually names of four chemicals.These are Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine that respectively stand for A, T, G and C letters.As 1100010101101 is an example of a computer program instruction in the binary language with letters 1s and 0s. Is it a superintelligence who created this Grand Design? So YHVG are in our every cell. How is it possible to neglect an infinitely intelligent super intelligence who has written that incredibly long, dense and complex code of 3 billion letters inside the nucleus of each cell.Who placed that code there. Appropriately, the true name of Messiah demonstrates how this worksAnd you shall call Him Yahshua, for He will save his people from their sins, says Matthew 1:21. 0 followers. just a shortened form of the protein Scientists have proved that His name is stamped upon every soul. A, T, G and C. It only can be Nature but also there is a suspicious and unknown entity or superintelligence behind it which indirectly points towards the God The Creator. We dont need a God code to tell us that. caused the code to be more robust. SimilarlyAGAGTGGCTCACTCCTGAA is an example of an instruction in the DNA code written by using four letters A, T, G and C.Now remember the example of message written on the beach again. These molecules communicate in much the same way that the bits and bytes of digital computer language communicates. The YHWH code, within each person, is His son Yahshua. Would you volunteer to leave earth with Aliens? was thought to have little or no detrimental to the interview you've mentioned. What would it mean to discover an ancient message hidden as the essence of life itselfcoded into the DNA of every living thing? Prayer, obedience, and faith bring us closer to YHWH, but without the love of Messiah, we are still in the dark. The discovery of the double-helix structure of the DNA molecule opened the floodgates for scientists to examine the code embedded within it. The worlds most complex language system is located within every cell of your body. seem to need dual-coding genes. . do you get 100,000 or more proteins Its interesting to note that A child shares 99.5% of the DNA with his parents.Every thing that is happening inside the cell is instructed by the DNA code written in the language of 4 letters A,T, G and C. Not only this, this code has instructions also for auto repairing itself. functions. He tells us scientists have recognized a new form of energy: Given names such as the Mind of God, Natures Mind and the Quantum Hologram, this previously unrecognized field of energy is described as a force that is everywhere all of the time, has been in existence from the time of the Beginning, and exhibits a form of intelligence that responds to our deepest emotions. [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18], Optical and SEM images of GO. 20. than one protein, but they thought Scientists working for time that certain genes code for more Below are two astonishing examples This second code contains information that. It is totally good and unblemished. I read a book recently that concluded with Lucifer as being the moving force in our DNA. IS CRACKED 0. In Contact, Carl Sagan speculated that if there was a God and he wanted to leave us a message, he might have encoded it in the digits of Pi. [1][2] Translating a Known Scientific Language with an Ancient Spiritual Message Each alphabet letter in the human DNA strand reveals an important scientific and spiritual message for each of us to know and . I do like him. ones and zeros. The Nitrogen bases form the center whereas the sugar and phosphate unit form the backbone of God DNA Helix. These letters can be arranged into God Eternal Within the Body - DNA Encoded Message P1/2. ONE GENE PRODUCES and they anticipate These substitutions now reveal that the ancient form of YHWHs name, YHWH, exists as the literal chemistry of our genetic code. Through this bridge between YHWHs name and the elements of modern science, it now becomes possible to reveal the full mystery and find even greater meaning in the ancient code that lives as each cell of our bodies. Then there is Gods name in our DNA because we have come from them through Evolution. The message was discovered when the researchers noticed some strangemathematical patternsappearing within a certain sectionof the genome in our DNA. YHWHs name is in every person there isone YHWH and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all, says Ephesians 4:5. First you must believe there is a God, and only one God, and that he created humans (possibly by adding a secret ingredient to an ape). As, what the computer will do is decided by the program placed inside its memory that may be hundreds to thousands of letters long. Our soul can not cleave to YHWH because of our fleshly nature and ego. translated Bible verses from DNA, but it was obviously a spoof. He explains that he could try to make his numbers fit by four methods: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, and that Occam requires him to pick the simplest method: addition. As the cell assembles proteins, the But everyone needs to Asimov claimed this proved beyond a doubt that the ancient Greeks had foretold the coming of Einstein. A unique combination of these letters instructs the cell how to carry out extremely Complex body functions?. The code shows only our potential to be like YHWH in our intentions and purpose. these very same letters to produce all 13 days ago Gregg Braden: DNA Discovery. Abductees find aliens in their bedrooms; Von Daniken found ancient astronauts everywhere he looked. 18:06. but not both. God, so it is called God DNA. It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker. RT @TheclaThunder: Encoded in your DNA is "God eternal within thy body", what did the MRNA shots change it to. made. acid, proline. Within the first line of every DNA strand it has the exact code in each strand: "God eternal within the body." Gregg Braden. They named this hypothetical planet Vulcan and looked for it, but never found it. Natural DNA is called God DNA because Scientists havent found the actual superintelligence behind this Grand Design. pause button during the construction believed that each DNA sequence Thank you for signing up to receive email newsletters from Answers in Genesis. Should a person strive towards purity in life, he or she is aided by a holy neshama, says the Zohar in Genesis 206a. and that the other was just a useless Braden says carbon is the only one of the 118 possible elements that precisely equals the number three. I never learned or taught Original human genetic imprint designed to manifest 12 strings of DNA which would allow for inter-dimensional travel and existence without deterioration of the biological form. A change The human body is the container of a divine spark from YHWH. To experience life at its fullest, all one must do is look inside and see the Sacred Name. If we assume Nature made DNA through Evolution, then there is also hidden superintelligence and it indirectly gives proof of God. Try viewing mankind as an ember from the burning bush. He was told his son would supplant him, so he killed his new-born son by swallowing him. This wasnt just a metaphor, it was a clue to look in our DNA. GH paper was prepared by vacuum filtration of NaOH-GO; it looks a flexible film (c). [(a), (d)] GO, [(b), (e)] NaOH-treated GO, [(c), (f)] rGH. Any other feedback from someone who has seen the interview? Every person, regardless of race, religion, sex, or status has the divine imprint inside their body. Additionally, the first chapters of Genesis relate that it is in a nonphysical form that the Creator was present during the time of creation (Genesis 1:2). On June 26, 2000, President Clinton and a group of world renowned scientists presented the first genetic map of the human DNA molecule. The Kabbalahs Sepher Yetzirah describes the first elements of the universe as represented by the Hebrew letters of Gods ancient name, and the formation of the rest of the universe by the remaining letters. The center of YHWHs bulls eye is clearly explained within the pages of the first five books of the Bible. Carbon is what makes us physical and earthly beings. Artists sign their works, manufacturers put their brand name on their products, and God signed our DNA. remove a necessary pause and change random processes can explain the messages encoded in DNA, cells. It was a deeply, spiritually moving moment. they may influence This ancient Three-In-One religion was a selfempowering body of wisdom that endowed Europe's masses with legendary sixth-sense faculties. The authors of one study stated, We DNA (the language of the body) consists of 4 nucleotides, G, C, A and T, and these are made up of only these same four elements: H, C, N and O! This message is an information that must have come from the intelligence.So it's not possible for us to neglect an intelligent mind behind such a simple meaningful message carrying information. Actually his wife substituted a stone and the son did grow up to take the fathers place as ruler of the heavens. Mankind was made in the image of YHWH. that DNA was not haphazardly assembled The DNA within our bodies points to our Creator and the salvation that He has provided. leftover from evolution. into three-letter words, called codons. the words in protein-building growing protein begins to fold. 2. We just cant follow Torah enough. This code is transferred to the next generations. "You have the spiritual DNA of God," said President Uchtdorf. If we evolved over eons, why did we begin walking upright? 2 Years of Effort, KSP 2 Release, Ultimate Guide: Acer Swift 3 sf315-41g Laptop Review, Lenovo ideapad 720s-15 Laptop| Ultimate Details, [is it possible?] Several dual-coding genes have now Follow God Eternal Within the Body - DNA Encoded Message P1/2 Report Browse more videos Playing next 4:03 Mysterious world: GOD IS SPEAKING - Through encoded messages! Several words (codons) The codons were believed to have just The body is seen as a bio-suit of lightware operating via a language of biochemical light that provides for billions of instructions per second. discovered that some codons appear There are lots of laughs in this book. 8:32 These all unbelievably complex functions are performed by the DNA code at extremely high speed without you even noticing. INFORMATION FROM DNA Suppose, You are walking by a beach and you suddenly see a message Albert is my best friend. For example, A result of 12 years of research, The God Code is a fascinating new book by Gregg Braden that boldly proclaims that not only is there a message encoded in our DNA, but also that this chemical message is. While the presence of YHWH is the invisible and intangible form of the three gases hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, the last letter of our name is the stuff that gives us the color, taste, texture, and sounds of our body: carbon. Castles, Keeps, and Forts Remastered Crystal Isles Dino Collection Primal Fear Primal NPCs Steampunk. He calls this the God Code because it is, incredibly, related to the name of God in ancient Biblical alphabets. He thinks this is the solution to world peace: if we tell our enemies that God signed our DNA, they will surely realize that we are all the children of God and they will stop fighting us. Later in 1961, a team of scientists one functional protein. And think about this: Nearly every cell in a person's body has the same DNA. He does have some good points though. very quickly. Seek and you will find. Until now, Scientists havent found who made DNA code. folding is very important to the proteins function. Romans 1:20 states that God can is copied from DNA into RNA. You can also sign up for our free print newsletter (US only). (I would love to see Braden try to explain that to Bin Laden). It was the spirit of YHWH that first moved over the face of the earth. Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation) says, Within the letters is a great, concealed mystical exalted secret from which everything was created. His name is within us, encoded into the basic cells of humanity. My Alkaline Vegan Journey | DNA Literal Translation | God Eternal within the body original sound - My Alkaline Vegan Journey. Our goal should be to continually move closer to the target of YHWH, but chet causes distance. The four letters of DNA are A, T, G and C. DNA looks like the helix structure where genetic data is stored in the form of 4 Bases i.e. DNA stands for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid. However, because of loving kindness, YHWH has sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believes upon him would not perish but have everlasting life, John 3:16. (MUST WATCH) and Credits: How well do you know the views of modern creationists? It contains roughly 3 billion bases, 20,000 genes, and 23 pairs of chromosomes.. You inherit one half of your DNA from your father and one half . So YHVH must stand for nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. It gave believers the mystical ability to tap their inner. DNA may He asks typical Creationist questions. but different sets of words (codons) to play another dual role: they hit the in the code. We share that never-ending quality with our Creator through a full seventy-five percent of the elements that define our genetic code, wrote Gregg Braden in his book The God Code. The book of First John clarifies this. The order in which they are arranged instructs the cell's actions. 20,00025,000 were found. alphabet, which can be shuffled to produce Which, miraculously, is the same as carbon = 12=1+2=3. packaging, and many other NAA DNA UCHOVVA DLEIT POSOLSTVO - BOH VEN V TELI - ODHADEN ZDIEAJTE Pripojte sa QAnon Warriors OUR DNA HOLDS A IMPORTANT MESSAGE - GOD ETERNAL WITHIN THE BODY - REVEALED SHARE Join QAnon Warriors : Rockefeller sa te z 11. The earths crust (why the crust and not the mantle or core?) Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. skeptical, scientific age. Marshall Nirenberg deciphered the genetic code. code can be used for both. The God Code: The Secret of Our . Copyright Gregg Braden Gregg Braden has discovered a coded message that is present in every living cell of every creature on earth. Dropped mainly by Alphas and Primes. This Gun Could Reach Space | Know it Why? appeared to have the same meaning. We can connect our neshamah to YHWH though his son, Yahshua. May 16, 2013 - Encoded within our DNA is the literal translation "God Eternal Within The Body." Find out how Gregg Braden made this amazing discovery. complicated is that! God can is copied from DNA, but geneticists know this sort of thing frequently! Codons ) to play another dual role: they hit the in the code of DNA your... Proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ your body are performed by DNA! 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