Then, when the rats came bearing the Plague, there were no mousers left to keep the disease in check.3. CATS ARE BETTER THAN PEOPLE. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'historyofyesterday_com-box-3','ezslot_6',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-box-3-0');uper-spies James Bond and Austin Powers dont have cats. Cats just arent dogs, and I respect and love them specifically for that reason. When an animal is removed from the ecosystem (especially out of fear) it usually causes a chain reaction. How then could he have impacted the good people of the 1300s? Even for modern times, that is not a young age to take on the papal role. Medieval people were indeed superstitious (but so are modern people), and cats are great but, lets face ittheyre assh*les. If the Black Death was airborne, then rats had nothing to do with it, exonerating Gregory. Literally no cats. Next the myth of toxoplasmosis! This timeline stretched from 1346 to 1353, a little more than a century after Gregory. Vermin did a number on harvests, but cats were natures perfect solution: they literally cant eat anything that isnt meat, which means that they pose no risk to the crops. The Nazcacat geoglyphwas only discovered last October. In the 13th Century a wave of anti-cat sentiment swept through Europe, with religious leaders labeling cats as evil and diabolical, including Pope Gregory IX who did so in 1232 AD. On June 13, 1233, Gregory issued the Vox in Rama, an official papal decree declaring that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of a cat during Satanic masses. Following years brought the great plaque of insects! Even those among us who love cats (not me, I like dogs) freely admit that they are mercurial and probably evil animals that deal death for fun and would eat our eyes if they got the chance. Both believed that cats were satanic and Marburg came up with evidence as to why cats are satanic. Cat burning and other forms of cat hating have survived the centuries since. The purpose of the papal bull Vox in Rama, was to condemn a cult that had allegedly popped up in the Rhinelandand the bull was specifically sent to the city of Mainz. The population of Europe drops from 80 million to around 30 million by the time the black death subsides, some cities even saw a decrease of more than 70% of their population, few, such as a village called Quob, lost their entire population. Cats dont generally take on rats. (2016, May 4). Its long-term effect, however, was to reshape the view of the cat in European society in general, morphing it from a pagan sacred animal into an agent of hell. (2007, September 1). To think that all this fuss is over cats. A 'bulla' is the seal on the papal bull. Further down the line, his influence grew larger and larger, and by 1217 he was named the papal legate and Honorius chief representative in Liguria and Tuscany. All this was about to change. While the papal bull was sent to several rulers such as Emperor Frederick II and King Henry of Germany, the central prominent figure that assumes that task very seriously is one Konrad von Marburg. That is, pope condemning cats and declaring satanistique is enough for some people to start mass-killing cats, this assholes claims are 100% wrong; more than one pope ordered cats killed- why not, eventually excommunicaated? (2017, February 6). But some of their adversaries do. Theres one thing you havent considered. The Church had already accused the Waldenses of worshipping the devil in the form of a cat. Finally, even if cat numbers were vastly reduced, they were not wiped out. I like cats, but I dont wear leopard skin or go around posting pictures of cats everywhere. Even in Egypt, where they still view cats as sacred animals, plague hits. No one can say for sure how many cats were killed because of the association made between them and witchcraft by the Vox in Rama. His condemnation of cats may not be responsible for the spread of black death, but its definitely connected to the decline in cat populations at the time, andthe proliferation of rat populations. In Belgium, an entire festival, Kattenstoet, is dedicated to throwing cats from buildings and burning them in the streets. For example, 79 medieval cats were mysteriously slain in Cambridge, England, by the townsfolk in the 13th century. Evil cradles in the Austin Powers franchise. As a journalist, I spoke daily with public affairs officers who represented diverse government and corporate clients. A witch and her cat. Elsewhere in Europe, the legacy of cat killings passed into folk practices. Henry was acquitted when he appealed to the bishop of Mainz and later that year Marburg himself was mysteriously murdered- probably at Henrys behest. As mentioned, this Pope initiated what has been described as the feline Holocaust 3 in Europe. So, rather than being a document banning cats from Europe, it was a letter sent to a city warning them about a cult. If anything, the cathunt is Konrads interpretation of the papal bull. In 2019, Profs and Pints, an organization that was founded to democratize higher learning, hosted an event that was designed to demystify the magical, spiritual and even sexualdepictions of catsin media and society. They not only killed rodents, hence less infected animals but they themselves are more likely to get bit for you, with their sweet tasting blood. On a personal level, my parents taught me the value of travel when I was young, and since then,Ive been an avid traveler I have visited 20 countries. (along with other predators including snakes, which had long since carried the label of being evil). You cant even accept that cats may have offered some protection from the plague. They came to us willingly because we offered so much prey and have been a benefit to mankind whether you like em or not. In the Middle Ages, devil-fearing Christians killed cats, which carried the unintended consequence of increasing the rat population and the spread of the Black Death. Do you believe that cats are invested with the spirit of Mr. Morningstar. For example, ever heard of Oxford University? Ravens Hold Grudges Against Cheaters. If you survived, you lost many people you loved. A LION; I will wager $500 we can debate this and I will win with 100 literate judges NOT taught as toddlers the pope or priest can send them TO HELL. After years of consultation and research, Pope Gregory XIII signed a papal bull in February 1582 promulgating the reformed calendar that came to be known as the Gregorian calendar. What effects did it have? The only problem is that this story probably isnt true. Not sure I am convinced either way, but people (especially those who prefer dogs) do like to hate on cats, so it is not a stretch to believe that they have been killed en masse in any era. From there, its just a couple of logical leaps to the connection to the Black Death: inspired by Pope Greg IXs bull, everyone across Europe killed off all the cats. This is mainly because the black plague ravaged Asia before it goes on its way to Europe. Home chairman meow wisdom Why Cats Were (Wrongly) Blamed for the Black Plague in Europe. The bull called upon the bishops of Mainz and Hildesheim to lend Conrad their full support in rooting out these witches. For example Thanks for publishing! Also, in 1182, to aid the churchs vendetta against the Cathars, the French theologian Alain de Lille falsely claimed that the sect took its name from the cat instead of the real source, the Greek katharoi or pious ones. His papacy started when hereticism run rampant in Europe, and yet, by the end of his term, he saw the completion of one of the most important canon law in the Catholic Church known as the Decretales Gregorii IX, Decretales Gregorii IX, Allegedly, people confess to Konrad that Luciferianism initiates goes through an initiation process that includes giant toad, pale man, and licking the bum of a backward walking-living statue of a black cat. But feline-human relations deteriorated sometime in the early 1230s (CE) when Pope Gregory IX issued a papal bull called Vox in Rama. Although he did not approve the use of torture in the interrogation of suspects, Gregory did pass the law that sent unrepentant heretics to the fire and in some cases repentant heretics to prison for life. By 1198 under the reign of his cousin, Pope Innocent III, Ugolino was named the cardinal deacon of St. Eustachius and quickly rose as one of the most prominent cardinals. Thats serious.. Exterminating cats during the black plague epidemic in the 14th century: Cat owners were often accused of witchcraft, and often murdered along with their pets. Gregory IX. Encyclopedia of World Biography, It was one of the most deadly pandemics in history. For Conrad in his quest for heretics around Mainz and Hildesheim claimed to have uncovered a Luciferian cult. While there appears to be no evidence that Pope Gregory IX ever told people to kill cats, there have been smaller historical examples of Medieval folks killing cats for weird reasons. For a lot of folks, everything you need to know about the Middle Ages you can find in Braveheart or Monty Pythonit was a simple, stupid period when superstition ruled the land, heads rolled daily, and people were covered in sh*t all the time. (Accessed June 1, 2018). Used as widespread clickbait, a frequently repeated story claims that in the 13th century Pope Gregory IX, who led the Catholic Church from 1227 to 1241 and has been remembered for initiating the Papal Inquisition against heretics, suffered from a serious case of cat contempt. But cats? All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. Potential infected flea hosts include: rodents, humans, dogs, and cats. Did Pope Gregorys comfort with the law cause him tooverstephis station as the pope? The few versions of this story that bother to give anything like some substantiation claim that cats were declared servants of evil by Pope Gregory IX in 1232 or even that he declared that they should all be killed. By removing many cats from the food chain, the population of rodents began to rise across Europe, as Asian and other foreign ships carrying rats brought them to European harbors. I SAY GOOD FOR ALL THOSE SENSELESS HUMANOIDS. Writing is my first love. Thanks, Wikimedia Commons. Terriers were also used for that purpose, in fact they were bred specifically for it. The Waldenses, who were founded in 1170 by Peter Waldo claimed that individuals could commune with God directly, negating the need for priests. Wildcat7 Youd rather see an animal domesticated for thousands of years in the wild doing what they are meant to do than indoors as pets? In Ypres in Belgium, it was the custom to hurl cats from the belfry of local churches and then set them on fire during the festival of cats or Kattenstoet. I am in France since 3 years and I would see the amount of cats I saw here during that time, maybe in a day or two in Turkey. As I learned at the Profs and Pints event, cats persist as a marker of femininity in the media and our language of pop culture. (Accessed 2018, June 1). 10 Things To Know About Stephen Hawking, The World's Coolest Scientist, Mary Somerville: The Woman For Whom The Word "Scientist" Was Made, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch, six really weird pets that you could actually own. I suppose its possible that Vox in Rama simply set the stage for a cat-killing trend that would, generations later, result in the Black Death. Eventually, the ItalianRenaissance would put this so far in the rearview, all we could think about wasfrilly collars. Indeed the belief that the torture or killing of cats could break spells continued across northern Europe. The purpose of Vox in Rama, rather, was to condemn a cult that had allegedly popped up in the Rhinelandand the bull was specifically sent to the city of Mainz. Over many centuries, Egyptians found that a cat was the one creature that could make the world safe, according to Purina. Based on these confessions, in 1233 Pope Gregory IX issued an official papal decree declaring that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of cat. While I dont have any cats my allergist says owning a cat for me is worse for my lungs than chain smoking Ive long revered cats. In an era when unknown phenomena seemed like they could only be explained by powerful deities, it seemed only natural to the Egyptians to worship kitty cats. Others are less sure. Now this seems like a story of immense fiction but as it happened so recently in this modern time we have documented proof this is true so why is it so hard to believe the Pope and cat story? Cats are awesome rodent hunters. Furthermore, several more black plagues would hit the world in the 18th century or so, and it's unlikely that the cat population still suffers the cathunt after hundred of years. Here are our sources? Gregory IX. Encyclopedia of World Biography, February 8, 2013. His pontificate was notable for the papacy's attempts to intervene in the quarrels between Emperor Louis the Pious and his sons. Its also true that there was a pope at the time who was not a fan of cats, who banned them. According to Pope Gregory IX, cats were the embodiment of the devil himself. They fly in the face of the Christian idea of God putting the natural world and its creatures here for humanitys benefit. Im coming out pretty strong against this cat-plague connection, but the truth is I cant say for sure. The most likely targets were often older cat-owning peasant women (The Crazy Cat Ladies of their time) who were labeled witches and often burned alive at the stake. Gregorys response was to issue the Vox in Rama. you suck; F-; see edict ex cathadre by a subsequent POPE reversing greggy 9s cat condemnation- also, Y-Perstis fleas only and I mean ONLY like rats; why? Pope Gregory IX was a pretty good pope by medieval standards. To start, lets look at what Pope Gregory IX actually said about cats in his bull (special formatting is my own): Reply . One assault (I despise catholic church so much-am true protestant) by a pope- I do not bother with their names- was due to cat allegedly not suiting him mentioned in their bible; one pope reversed these edicts-seeing half of europe dead- and anyone abusing a cat was severely punisheds), I love catholic people, but HATE the evil infiltration that came early, making a mockery of Jesus real story, one mother superior teaching mary got impregnated by another man when engaged to Joseph; also, during world war II; we fought germany japan and ITALY; so his holie ness: (misspelled to mean he is full of holes) sat in basement- the asshole that had power to divide spain and portugal surely could have rallied his cult to fight nazis and japanese fanatics; Luther returned us, PRAISE JESUS to the real truth of Jesus, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, this jackass is an I read one briticanna entry, now I know it all- when he knows zero; he paints pope as trusting one bad apple in this eradication of the limiting factor on rats- either a sharpshooter (as healthcare provider, like my clients who read one footnote in a pharmacology book I am not immediately aware of, suddenly, they should have DVM and PHD and DO (believe it or not, I do)-. At first glance, these rites, with their orgies and obscenities seem to be deliberately far-fetched. As hysteria increased, the rat population boomed and the Black Plague began to spread out of control. When I graduated college,I began living my own dream as a reporter for a news media outlet. Many believed this was the end of the human race, and who could blame them? Cats came to be seen as a symbol of witchcraft, and even as the embodiment of Satan himself. He therefore gave his official blessing to the widespread persecution of cats across Europe. If they were dumb, then that means were comparatively smart. Of course, the Bubonic Plague also motivated the kitty killings, as many believed that cat germs contributed to the plagues spread. The novice kisses him and feels cold, [like] ice, and after the kiss the memory of the [C]atholic faith totally disappears from his heart. ITS TIME FOR THE GOVT TO STOP THE HUMAN OVER-POPULATION. His condemnation of cats may not be responsible for the spread of black death, but it's definitely connected to the decline in cat populations at the time, and the proliferation of rat populations. It mentioned Pope Gregorys hate on for cats. Public Domain. Gregory believed him. HUMAN OVER-POPULATION ISNT PRETTY, IT IS THE CAUSE BEHIND CHRONIC WARS. Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. Retrieved from, ONeill, Tim. Purina, the multinational firm known for making cat chow, notes that, Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. Some believed that the disappearance of those cats helped rats spread the bubonic plague aka the Black Death that killed millions of people in the 1300s. As people began to get sick and the Black Plague began spreading, more and more cats were killed. DeAgostini/Getty Images. Based on these confessions, in 1233 Pope Gregory IX issued an official papal decree declaring that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of cat. The Churchs feline foibles didnt stop with Gregory, however. In any case, the various popes saw nothing wrong with burning heretics alive, so they already had a savage reputation. Great read! Before the prospect of burning at the stake for having contact with the purring pets, Catholics around the the continent began slaughtering any feline that entered their property. The PBS documentary pointed out that cats dont have the musculature in their faces to reproduce human-like facial expressions the way dogs do, which is probably the main reason people think they are aloof and why they think dogs are so much more companionable (cause we love things that are more like us). Some kiss this creature on the hind quarters and some on the mouth, they receive the tongue and saliva of the beast inside their mouths. Cat burning and other forms of cat hating have survived the centuries since. Indeed, there is evidence of animals dying from the Plague. With Halloween is around the corner, Chairman Meow is reminded of a time hundreds of years ago when similar institutional dogma helped fuel the outbreak of The Black Plague across Europe, leading to the (ignorant) mass killing of cats in the 14th century. That was the first church document condemning black cats as instruments of satan. However, it was also a piece of papal legislation that was notable in another way, for the Vox was the first papal bull to associate the cat with witchcraft. Other sects, such as the Cathars or Albigensians had more esoteric beliefs. The theory that plague pandemics happen amidst a cat vacuum doesnt hold up: Europe didnt keep its cat population depleted for nearly 500 years. It also saw the breakup of the Carolingian Empire in 843. That misguided stereotype is why witches are still depicted with black cats to this day. Nature tries to maintain a balance .. dogs, cats, chickens, and snakes all relate well to preying upon rats and fleas. The following rites of this [sect] are carried out: When any novice is to be received among them and enters the sect of the damned for the first time, the shape of a certain frog [or toad] appears to him. Thank you for your cooperation.You can sign-up to the Membership any time to remove the adds and enjoy the content with no interruptions, 2 popes and a plague are to blame for burning felines at the stake. Those arrested by Conrad, therefore, had only two options: admit to heresy and spend the rest of their lives as a known former heretic or burn. Thou Shalt not suffer a Cat to Live: Why Pope Gregory IXs Vox in Rama Implicated Cats in Devil Worship. For some reason, we find the idea that our ancestors were dumb rather appealing. My mum always said the best way to get rid of a flea infestation was to let a cat walk through your house. He also became the first Pope to appoint inquisitors to actively root out such heretics. There are two types of people in this world: cat people, and not cat people. Gregory IX was the head of the Catholic Church from 1227 to 1241. Wages rose fast in the absence of labor. Then each [returns] to his place and, speaking certain responses, they incline their heads toward to cat. But how did cats become to be seen as evil? For example, 79 medieval cats were mysteriously slain in Cambridge, England, by the townsfolk in the 13th century. Retrieved from Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. On October 11, 1231, he appointed Conrad as the first grand inquisitor of Germany. If cats were evil, it made sense that they were responsible for all the death and . BUT HUMANS , NOT SO. CATS ARE BETTER THAN PEOPLE & ALWAYS WILL BE BETTER THAN HUMANS. The Remains of Dead US Presidents Will Be Sent Into Space, The Man Who Surgically Brought Back Unicorns. There are many variables to navigate to make this assertion, but it doesnt look good for Gregory. These new, heretical beliefs varied. The Black Death came in 1347. The cat thing is a footnote in his story. You know, small-town sh*t.9. The Popes were all lecherous greedy thieves seeking nothing but power for themselves & their families. I dont really agree that cats offered no protection from the plague. Although witch trials did occur on a local scale, they were mainly for the practice of pre-Christian beliefs and tried in secular rather than ecclesiastical courts. Why did Pope Gregory IX issue Vox in Rama in the first place? AKSHAY. The mass killing of those docile beautiful creatures is despicable. I have no idea where you get the idea that cats place is in the wild. And anyone who tries to understand them as the devil incarnate or as a female marker hasnt spent enough time enjoying a cat walking all over them, kneading them or running from cucumbers.,,,,,,,,, Abee, Holle. While the fact is pretty obscure on whether the papal bull is directly influenced by Konrad, he is known as a zeal that is set on to burn every last heretic. Pope Gregory IX did issue a papal bull, . If the Nazca thought enough of cats to etch a 37-meter geoglyph of one into the mountain that persists 2,000 years later, they must have thought highly of them. 23 April 2018, Vox in Rama, Pope Gregory IX,, Conrad of Marburg, Kevin Knight, Catholic Encyclopaedia, 2017, Was there a great Cat Massacre in the Middle Ages? Retrieved from, Quora. I do support single mothers though, especially those willing to give me 2 for 1 lapdance specials, but I digress. Since that time, black cats have symbolized bad luck, or a curse, to people not only in Europe but throughout the world. I came just to quickly peruse the article in attempts to finally finding out whether or not there was validity to the Pope being the plausible cause of the Black Plague in hopes that he did indeed cause it, since today is Sunday and when I refuse to go to Church with my grandmother I could hit her with this, and it could be a legitimate reason for me not attending Church because the Pope caused millions of people to die from the Black Death/Plague, and I am in no support of mass killing. Cats were later blamed for the Black Death (1346-1352), though rats were actually the culprit. That is the well-accepted history, but is it really true? I thank you for your service to this great multiverse. On June 13, 1233, Pope Gregory IX instigated the first bull of his papacy: the Vox in Rama. First, consider the dates: Pope Gregory IXs papal bull was issued between 1232 and 1234. Chairman Meow Says: Iz so awful that such a time occurred in our history. Thus, purported heretics, such as the Cathars and Waldensians, were accused of worshipping cats, according This description created an image that was to be used for all future depictions of witches sabbats- and one that established the cat as a creature of the devil. (To be fair, the cat is only one of more than 300 figures the Nazca created almost half which have been discovered in the last five years). A witch and her cat. People living during this time lived in constant fear of death. To understand why suspicions of cats persist, you need to go back to the 13th Century, whenPope Gregory IXhad a definite opinion of cats and it wasnt a positive one. When an animal is removed from the ecosystem (especially out of fear) it usually causes a chain reaction. The Sphinx being the most obvious representation of their reverence of cats, Egyptians also covered their walls with images ofregal-lookingcats and made fine statues of them too. Once the lights came back on, from a dark corner, the figure of a man emerges. This man was Lucifer, who the whole company firmly believed to have been wronged by God. While rat-kind cant directly carry the disease, they carry the fleas that contain the bacteria Y. Pestis. While there is no evidence that cats in medieval England were persecuted, their mousing skills were likened to the devils ability to catch souls, with the fifteenth-century merchant William Caxton remarking how the devil playeth ofte with the synnar, lyke as the catte doth with the mous. Some historians believe that the persecutions across Europe so depleted cat numbers that mouse- and rat-catching by cats diminished- one of the reasons why the Bubonic Plague took such a deadly hold in Europe during the fourteenth century. no; mice? As it went into the fourth and fifth years ! Its a little school in England that was established in the year 1096. That why did pope gregory think that cats were evil? 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