Knowledge-Telling and Knowledge-Building in Learning and Teaching, Reflective Practice: Thinking About the Way You Do Things, The Factors that Determine Success at Learning, How to encourage reflective learning in others, Reflective learning and reflective practice, Ingroups and Outgroups: How Social Identity Influences People, Brandolinis Law: The Bullshit Asymmetry Principle, The Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Fallacy: After This, Therefore Because of This, Incidental Learning: Learning Without Trying to Learn, Intentional Learning: Setting Learning as a Deliberate Goal. Sydni Buckner is a 1st grade student at Fremont Elementary School, age 7: What I like about remote learning. I could use this idea in my music class by having students create a story based on a classical piece of music. If a site passes the first test, checking to see if there is a date of when the site was last updated is important. Aproject unique to this time was a Covid Journal, in which students tracked the news and their responses to it in an electronic or paper journal. Peter Honey and Alan Mumford (1992) connected each stage in this learning cycle with a preferred learning style: Stage 1 Having an experience - Activist Stage 2 Reflecting on the experience -Reflector Stage 3? I am learning to quickscope sniping nowadays and this the clip of my first game after a practice of around 3 hours ..#Quickscoping #Quickscope #dlq33 in Ca. While we were learning from home, we were also alert to events outside our school that prompted students and teachers to engage in a deeper way than the previous flow of the school day provided. Get started Skolera for FREE. Although more difficult in a music setting, inquiry based learning is still possible. This is why I believe few people have the ability to be a successful mentor, especially in the high school age. If a teacher wants to truly evaluate a students understanding of a topic, this rubric would be extremely helpful. I am always careful to make sure my virus protection is updated because I know that all it takes is one little window of opportunity for a virus to sneak through. A student taking a difficult course can ask themself which parts of the material they struggle with and why, in order to figure out what they should be focusing on, and how they can modify their learning to make it more effective. I can more easily express what accommodations I need. Secondly I also work generally rather well to deadlines and the pressure of a looming deadline does not often phase me. The instructional methods site allows a teacher to evaluate different teaching methods at a glance, enabling them to add strength and variety to their lesson plans. Reflection about the learning modules and simulation Chapter 8 This module was very Informative. Time is so important to teachers and not having to reinvent the wheel for every little thing is invaluable. However, in the long term, reflective learning can be better, both when it comes directly to your learning outcomes, as well as when it comes to related benefits, such as your general ability to learn and your motivation to do so. There are several things that you can reflect on: You can reflect on these things in various ways and to different degrees. According to Mark Antony Llego (2020), modular distance learning is learners learning at their own pace, in their own way and using self-learning modules (SLMs). I liked using power point because I was able to include pictures of the instruments, and clicked on the instrument to hear a clip of that instrument playing. Being visually impaired in a high school Is challenging, next to navigating the hallways and putting a lot of trust into my technology for it to work properly that day, I feel as though my anxiety has dropped tremendously while being home, because if something were to go wrong with my tech, I can simply pause what Im doing and fix it, and not have to worry about missing something or slowing the others down. From what I saw, I think that it gives teachers a false sense of security. Reading information directed by the course professors is a great start but it is not the whole story and will rarely lead to a compelling case or any growth, it is because of this we must take more responsibility for our own. This site is a clear example of how technology can allow students and teachers to learn at the same time. Stress is an overwhelming emotion that can deteriorate ones body. For example, reflective learning can prompt students to generate helpful feedback that instructors can then use to improve their teaching, for instance by identifying areas where students require more thorough explanations, or by identifying teaching methods that need to be modified. I avoided playing games on my cell phone. This site is a very good tool that I added to my favorites list. It takes less time than actually drawing a graph, allowing students to play with more data and see how they can manipulate the results. This allows them to learn at their own pace and makes their learning more meaningful, two things every teacher strives for. First, school is over fast. It would be a good site to refer to before developing a lesson about computer viruses for my students. I feel that web site evaluation techniques are extremely important for students. Alternatively, in other cases, you might decide to write down a list of all the learning techniques that youre using, and then rank them based on how effective they are for you. 1) Create a suitable and engaging learning environment using active learning. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Overall, you can reflect on various aspects of your learning, including your understanding of the material, your understanding of how to implement what youve learned, your learning process, and your abilities, preferences, thoughts, and goals. Just because there is filtering software does not mean it is fail proof, and students are always finding ways around it to access their favorite social networking or gaming sites. Both of these aspects are needed to be an effective instructor in any environment, however, the greatest challenge between these two categories is the ability to continue my own education., Its not surprising to me because growing up I knew I had problems with my learning habits. The module provided detail Information In regards to the history and the organizations of the courts. My personal experience using technology in the classroom was limited because the schools technology was limited. Read more from this blog. After reading through the material, I have realized that students would benefit from some real guidance when it comes to researching on the internet. I think it was much more interesting for the students this way. Login every day It is easy to forget about things buried under a wall of tabs but I will endeavour to log on and at least look around and keep myself abreast of everything on a daily basis. While students and teachers discuss race and equity openly at school, having regular discussions for the entire school had been challenging before, due to our bell schedule, which has no common lunches, along with students extracurricular commitments to clubs and teams. Unpredictably, the structure of virtual school gave us more time to talk about connections in our lives and the structures that shape them, which created new affinities among us. and were due Fridays.. She put more emphasis on project-based learning.She understood that students would be more motivated to learn about topics they were personally interested in. Students need to feel like they are important, like they belong, and like they have something to contribute. It is definitely a skill they will use for the rest of their lives. Luckie (1998), wrote for students to succeed, intelligence and motivation are not enough; students also need to understand and become aware of what they do while studying and how they can improve their study skills. My school in Alaska had something called the High School Qualifying Exam (HSQE) that all students must pass in order to receive a high school diploma. I did not see an option to have the test online, but if you wanted a paper test to hand out, this would be the way to go. My sister distracts me!!! I think the students would learn some valuable information and that this would be a quality project to include in my music appreciation class. If the teacher makes sure students get a basic groundwork of writing and encourage students not to rely solely on the computer, the benefits outweigh the negatives. Reflective learning has various potential benefits, including helping learners assess their situation and improve their learning process, helping learners understand themselves and develop their metacognitive skills, and increasing learners feelings of autonomy and control, as well as their motivation. Which learning techniques do I feel are unhelpful? Why is it important to keep your computers antivirus up-to-date?It is important because there are always new viruses coming out, and you need to keep your computers list of viruses current so it can detect them. Modular . I could have used this resource a long time ago! Name three good search engines that would be appropriate for school research. Today, the first three contributions come from students in Austin Greens 1st grade class in Utah. Since I am not currently teaching, I will have to wait until my next job to see what that specific school looks like. This site is a nice reference to avoid the research paper/book report blahs. Those experiences compared to this year were less than pleasant, simply because at the time, I didnt know what I was doing, and I tended to overwork myself silly. In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. This would greatly help students who are easily distracted while on the computer, especially when doing research for a project or paper. I really try hard not to let my learning disability get in the way because one of my goals is to prove to people that just because you dont process information as quickly as others, and because you have a very specific way of learning things doesnt mean you are a bad person and you can achieve your goals. Also I cut off time from my activities like watching movies, several TV series, going for a shopping etc. Depending on the time limit, completing the activity in one class period would keep things fast-paced, but what would the students do during the two-thirds of the class when they are not writing? 2. Im doing the same things. Carsen Gordon is a 1st grade student at Fremont Elementary School, age 7: I have liked doing math with remote learning. Technology cannot replace good teaching, it only enhances it. The questionnaire showed a true reflection of me as a reflector and a theorist. I had only been out of college for 5 years and had no idea how one functioned- I can only imagine how veteran teachers less technical than I felt! I wish my teacher preparation was as thorough as some of the examples! Teachers do not have time to invent every worksheet or handout or organizational tool. For example, a nursing student might engage in reflective learning when learning how to perform a certain procedure, whereas an experienced nurse might engage in reflective practice while performing the same procedure as part of their everyday routine. This is the only time I really am the most effective and efficient. In the future, I would like to cover less material and make it more meaningful to students. Holding an open house once a quarter would be one way to get parents into the school. The text examples show that excellence takes time, hard work, and patience. FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education) offers grants and has detailed explanations on what they are looking for in their applications. All other student commentators today work with Robert G Taylor, Ed.S., and Jon Harding at the Kansas State School for the Blind. I also noticed that a lot of these tools will take some trial and error for the teacher, but thats what most of teaching is! Music teachers usually end up going on school trips, so the trip cost estimator caught my eye. Example Of Essay On My Reflection On E-Learning. The benefits of using these resources are well worth the extra time and planning that they would require. I have always used an active virus protection so have not had any bad experiences with viruses on my computer. ;), instead I utilized them on doing my assignments. Reflective learning can be something that you do by yourself or together with others. I would also like to try an online quiz taking site in the future. Why do I feel that they are unhelpful? Many of the household items we use and by have boxtops on them. Those who achieve greatness have those three qualities mixed with vision. A Beginners Guide to Integrating Technology. I am not convinced that schools nationwide have the sort of dedication that it would take to transform them into the programs that the text depicts. Explain why reflective learning can be beneficial. These templates will help make projects look nicer, help keep the teacher more organized, and serve as inspiration all at the same time. SoftwareThe kinds of software that would work best with my students would be something music-related and something that students of differing levels could use. The next area that needs to be addressed for all aspiring teachers, is the ability to show compassion and firm control of the classroom. The reading pen would cost money and has some flaws, but it would be an awesome tool to have in the classroom. How do I know that I understand this material well? To talk about one without the other implies that they are unrelated. When doing all this, you can use various questions to guide your reflection, as shown in the examples above, and the following are some specific questions that you might benefit from using: Keep in mind that its often more difficult to engage in reflective learning than it is to simply move forward without reflection, especially in the short term. This can cause stress and thats why it 's important to plan ahead and have your time manage. In order to get students to review for a test, I could even have THEM make the games on their computers, which would get them to pick and choose the important topics we have covered. How does it compare with your experience as a student in a physical classroom? I miss my friends. Other times, especially in my music appreciation class, I move quickly through different topics in order to cover as much material as possible. 1. It is surprising how much money some schools are willing to put into technology, while others are not willing to invest much at all. Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. Concluding from the experience -Theorist Stage 4? I have thoroughly enjoyed this module and its content. Unfortunately, because of the time we are living in right now, online learning is becoming more of a necessity if we want to keep on learning the skills that we learn in the classroom, and something tells me that due to updates in technology, online learning is going to be a lot more prevalent even after this pandemic is over. Overall, I prioritized on doing my assignments and studies rather than other activities and this utilized my free time., From my findings, here is my action plan to improve my time management. As we move into what is likely a hybrid learning model this fall and cant check in as easily by noticing a facial expression or posture, I realize that the success of learning depends on consciously building in opportunities for connection, particularly when showing up is literally rolling out of bed and clicking a post. This is a more complex question, but simple ones are just as effective. When done as a shared activity, reflective learning can take many forms. For instance, instead of worrying about my final GPA at the end of a semester, I will start strong at the beginning of the semester by working for the grade I strive to receive one day at a time. I was surprised at how many schools are now focusing on the emotional development of students. Students will import CD tracks and mix them into the multi-track session to create an audio history of the famous musician. I plan to continue it next year. Amid the push for student-driven learning in past years, I have shied away from the stand-and-deliver lecture, but the success of my 15-minute lesson made me realize that more traditional teaching styles still have merit. Provide opportunities for self-reflection and meaning-making. Not being in the pressurized environment of a classroom gives me the opportunity to learn at my own pace, whether that be faster or slower than the original classroom, and if clarification is needed, I can simply rewind the lecture videos my teachers are putting out, or send an email to my teacher quickly and efficiently. Successful time management brings you more control to your life and it will help you accomplish many task well done. At the end of class, we waved goodbye and said, Thanks, and then one by one, my high school students clicked off, leaving me staring at my own face on the screen. As a music teacher, the majority of my classes focus on performing in concerts, but I do have a music appreciation class in which I can refine my lesson planning skills and where I have more of a choice of what I want the end results to look like. Students rely heavily on technology outside of school, yet while in school are stripped of their cell phones, iPods, and laptops. Upon some internet research, I could not find evidence that the state of Alaska has mandated filtering in schools or libraries. Similarly, in some cases, you might want to quickly ask yourself is this learning technique working well for me?. You can reflect on various aspects of your learning, including your understanding of the material, your understanding of how to implement what youve learned, your learning process, and your abilities, preferences, thoughts, and goals. I used it to go over instrument types. I would like to do more online learning. You can encourage and guide reflective learning by asking relevant questions, such as which parts of the material do I struggle with?, which learning techniques work well for me?, and is there anything I can do to make my learning process more effective?. After contemplating whether or not to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with my freshmen this year, I decided to stick with the book and instead change how I taught it. Many teachers taught to the test in order to boost students scores.I like how Urban used real projects to demonstrate students proficiency. I always wonder if my desire to help my students will keep me from giving the firm speech that propelled me into the career path I have chosen. They can also take the same information and make a couple of different kinds of graphs to see how the information looks differently in varying formats. I also could see how, with the right equipment, listening centers or even a class website would allow students to flip through various genres of music over a short period of time, comparing and contrasting what they hear. Last, I like to use the computer. My virus protection is Norton Internet Security 2011. Leave a reply. After these experiences, Im left wondering in what ways the normal school day prevents civic engagement and deeper contemplation that help students connect school learning with real life rather than conduct simulations of it in model congresses. The time came when I have finally decided to take e-learning. I want to learn in the classroom because I would miss my teacher. For example, while shared reflection as part of a group exposes people to more perspectives, which can help them identify more issues with their learning than they would be able to identify in a pair or by themselves, this approach can also make the reflection process much more stressful for people who are shy and struggle to work in groups. Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. This way, if the student runs out of time they will have gotten the most important part done. I like that the information on the home page changes, so there will be new and current information as time progresses. This would give them a better understanding of how graphs work. The fourth link listed on the module just took me to a search site with a bunch of links to other things. Can a virus get on your computer if you have up-to-date virus protection? Getting parents involved in their students education is extremely important. The paper presents the importance of using modules in the language classroom to effect autonomous learning among the language learners. I do not like that it doesnt give the correct answer and this may be frustrating for some students. Patrick Wilson Jr., Mara Hug, and Rich Yamamoto (the same student who wrote the preceding contribution) are hosts of Discover Podcasting at the Kansas State School for the Blind. Student reflection on first week of Distance Learning . Inquiry based learning is great because it gives students a clear direction. This could be valuable in a music classroom by doing a poll to see what sort of music the students like, but anything from what they had for lunch to scientific observations could be used. I ended up balancing both of these every week. Other examples of reflective learning appear in various domains, both in academia and outside of it. However, that doesnt mean that I would be opposed to doing assignments online; I just want the instruction to be in a classroom, because its nice to know that youre truly not the only one who may be lost. I would use laptops in my classroom to have students create projects like power points, do research, compose music online, and play educational music games online. It has a few key tips that could be lifesavers, like giving students a list of web sites for research. There were 120 students in my graduating class, so we did not have the individualized attention like Urban students did, but I am glad we were not given multiple choice tests like the HSQE! Furthermore, if you do this, you can also ask yourself what all the techniques that work well for you have in common. My other concern would be how the filtering software at the school would affect some of the resources I would like to use, such as online notation programs. After the whirlwind and stress of the last few months, the end felt like a slow exhale instead of a bangor, as a student said, one of those balloons that float to the ceiling outside your grasp and then slowly deflate on their own. 5. All of your modules should be built as small, separate files. I think it is a great idea and I would have loved having a mentor as a student. Since I taught music, most of the technology I used was with my middle school music appreciation class. It is always helpful to go over the basics with students, and a lot of times we use abbreviations that we do not know what they stand for, or we dont know the names of parts of the computer that we easily use. It can bring you to forgetting important dates or deadlines. The experience reminded me to reevaluate assumptions to uncover better approaches and to give students the opportunity to weigh in on how they prefer to learn. If not, why not? I think it is awesome that there is access to health care and mental health services right on the school campuses. Students were always finding ways around blocks to game sites and social networking sites. It has been a great moment to develop my knowledge and understanding in each of the different areas within the course. It allows them to learn about frogs in fun ways. Note: when engaging in reflective learning, you can also benefit from focusing on knowledge-building, an approach to learning and teaching that involves relatively deep engagement with the study material. Larry Ferlazzo is an English and social studies teacher at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, Calif. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. Our last day of the school year, three months and a week after we went virtual, brought a strange sadness. I recommend students should take this assessment because it can help you a lot in so many ways, but it really can help you to limit and schedule your time each day a little better so you can focus more on your goals .I am very determined to make better improvements to both of these sections and focus on my future career and goals., To become truly engaged and to be able to actually learn to a higher level as students we must take a much more serious and active role. The tips on editing photos was also helpful, especially if a teacher is editing class pictures and wants to either print or post them online. Teachers could access some sites that students could not, which made it difficult when teachers wanted students to use a site for research and it was unavailable. Drill and practice software related to pitch-matching, as well as tutorials related to playing instruments would be the most useful to me. Incorporating spreadsheets in a music classroom is difficult, but with a little imagination it is possible. If you click on a link or download a corrupt file you could expose your computer to a virus. It is becoming increasingly obvious that what worked in classrooms 20 years ago is no longer successful, or in some cases, practical. But at the same time, many of us have also found new ways to be flexible, connect, and grapple with the world around us that we might have avoided or skipped over before. QuizmakerQuizmaker was easy to use until I finished the quiz. By the end of the project, many noted how their mental well-being coincided with their attention to breaking news, which seemed like a lesson they would take with them. This web site was intriguing and something I bookmarked to look over more closely later. The Role of a Teacher in Modular Distance Learning. I have seen many students in computer labs surfing the internet unsupervised. This is because the protg effect means that shared reflective learning can help not only the person who is reflecting, but also those who help them do it. 4) Make learning materials easy and accessible. Beginning with the end in mind is something I have done, but not given much thought. Approaching projects, whether large and small, with an eye towards future uses will put you on the path to accomplishing broader, organizational goals. To encourage reflective learning in others, you can: There are many ways in which you can do this. Overall, reflective learning has various potential benefits, including helping learners assess their situation and improve their learning process, helping learners understand themselves and develop their metacognitive skills, and increasing learners feelings of autonomy and control, as well as their motivation. For example, it can involve a group of students openly discussing what challenges they faced while studying for a test, or a one-on-one meeting between a student and a tutor, where the tutor asks the student guiding questions about the students learning process. Which learning techniques do I feel are helpful? : At first, it was incredibly difficult transitioning from traditional high school to online learning, but gradually as the months go by I am slowly starting to get used to it. 3) Incorporate technology for a maximized learning experience. It was written for ESL students but would be fun in an English class as well. But journaling coupled with reflectionespecially during times of historic crisisshowed me that this activity can support complexity and has a long tradition for good reason. Rich Yamamoto is a junior at the Kansas State School for the Blind in Kansas City: As a sophomore, I did a couple of online classes through my public school in Andover, while attending the Kansas State School for the Blind (KSSB). 10 April 2020 "The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, and the willingness to learn is a choice" - Brian Herbert, well known American author. This would help get parents into the school, allow them to network with other parents, and let parents see what their students classroom life looks like. (This is the second post in a multipart series. Its titled Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching. The study sought to determine the relationship between students' satisfaction in printed modular learning system and their academic performance in the subject 21st Century Literature. I miss my teacher! When I read about the various teacher preparation programs in the textbook, I was impressed and a little jealous. One of the main ways in which leadership development creates value for employees is by offering them the chance to take a pause . After you have tried a study strategy at least three times, and you can clearly tell that it is still not helping much, then you can quit using it and try a different one that might suit your learning style and preferences better. There are advantages and disadvantages to individual reflection and shared reflection, as well as to the various forms of shared reflection. It might be because certain study strategies are hard, some take up to much time, some do not seem to help much, or just because certain ones are annoying to some people. 2) Give constructive feedback and ensure constant interaction. I typed words into the generator, but when the game was displayed all of the tiles were blank??? What should you do if you suspect you have a virus?Run your antivirus program ASAP. 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