Las RUNTE 86-Dog and Pet 87-IIirds. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. WE WILL TRAIN YOU, FURNISH THE MERCHANDISE, AND GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO ASSOCIATE YOURSELF WITH THE FINEST REAL ESTATE AGENCY IN THE GREAT SOUTH WEST. Saul Cooper. Invitation and Instructions to Bid ders. The newspaper has an approximate daily circulation of 65,000 and 125,000 on Sundays. Military welcome. Number 18533. NO RENT. DIAL 532-1971. A Tribute to Chief Gregory K. Allen will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the El Paso Convention Center (1 Civic Center Plaza), El Paso, Texas 79901. Prestige environment. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the City Council of the City of El Paso has passed and the Mayor has approved nrrlinnnre No. He was a member of the Roman Cath olic church and a veteran of WWII and the Korean Conflict. February 17, 2023 4:57 pm. Experience unnec essary. Call Spanqler. Call Mr. Alderete, 772-3541. Apply in person. NEED help to drive to Wisconsin For information, call 751-3421. DAYS CALL 772-1409, NITES 772-4378. American Srhnnl. ToVrtC before suit upon same is barred I WANTED by the general Statutes of Limitations, before such Estate is closed, and within the time prescribed by law. Daniel Leo Thistle officiating. 1901-1931 El Paso: El Paso International Daily Times. For interview, Mr. Berry, 755-7647. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery. 115. 18,600 IN PROBATE IN THE COUNTRY COURT OF EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS." Texas Obituaries - 170 Newspapers 1867-Current including Austin American-Statesman 1989-Current, Corpus Christi Caller-Times 2001-Current, Dallas Morning News 1984-Current, El Paso Times 1999-Current, Houston Chronicle 1985-Current, San Antonio Express-News 1990-Current, Star-Telegram (Ft Worth) 1991-Current, at Genealogy Bank ($) El Paso Times Obituary Search Tweets by elpasotimes US Newspaper Front Pages Other US Newspapers You May Like A. Ochoa offi ciating. Please join us in celebrating his life and memory. APPLY IN PERSON NORTHGATE RED ROOSTER. Must LIVE in. H. W. CROOK REALTY 3824 TOMPKINS' statistical typists, military or civil-See Mr. Crook or CO. Visiting Masons welcome. FINANCING! Rev. Top Wages, Stores open 8:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. LIST WITH DeWITT & REARICK, INC. MAN to work with Manager. Reward. Part or full time. Joe's Barber 22-IloIp Wnted-Female PARTICULAR JOBS FOR PARTICULAR GIRLS BEST JOBS Welders, day shift $1.75 hour Welders, night shift $1.95 hour Desk Clerk, age 21 to 30, experienced $7 shift Bell Boy, age . IF YOU must give call Humane Society, up your 532-6971. pet. Read 1914-1977 El Paso Herald Post Newspaper Archives from El-Paso, Texas. Age 80. El Paso Times | Homes Sale- In State Equal Housing Opportunity All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to. DEGREE COUNSELORS Grove I Arch Draftsman To $3.25 hr. BAR maids and waitress needed. . 5400 DYER, I CAB DRIVERS DAY SHIFT AVAILABLE APPLY IN PERSON 50 COMMISSION CHECKER CAB 801 OLIVE BEAUTICIAN, experienced, depend able, act as assistant manager, 5- dav week. My post office ad dress Is care of Mayfield, Broaddus and Perrenot, 525 Southwest Na tional Bank Building, El Paso, Tex Edith J. Haggard Robinson, In dependent Executrix of the Will of Nellie L. February 24, 2023 6:36 PM Kerry Mannix. Your income will be completely up to you. NOTICE TO: Mrs. Faye Hodges, 413 Alicia Mr. Sturdevant Todd At 9:30 o'clock a.m. on July 7, 1965, in the Council Chamber In the City-County Buildina, the City Council of the City of El Paso will hold a hearinq on the question whether certain buildings, struc tures (cross out one) located on All of Lot 5 of the W. C. Wilkins Paso, Texas, ex-in the northwest 389.62 ft. (5539 El Paso, Texas are endanqor persons reason of deterlora- IF payments or past due bills are troubling you, let us consolidate and arrange to pay your bills with one low payment you can afford IF YOU OWE YOU MAY PAY AS LOW AS $1000 $15 per week uuu 525 per week $3000 $35 per week UKfcN fcVfcNINCjS BY APPOINTMENT NOT A LOAN COMPANY CREDIT CONSOLIDATORS Suite 702 119 N. Stanton Bldg. For interview, Mr. Berry, 755-7647. 1111 AF&AM. Owners In For service on your Compact Cleaner, call Cruces 524-1311. NAME STREET CITY STATE 22-llelp Wnted-FemaIet32-IIusiness Op'tunity OFFICE POSITIONS TYPIST, Cashier, Phones, Out Montana S2i0 TYPIST, Rusty Shorthand (Sorre Experience) Up Mesa St. 2j& PBX, Type (Local Experience) S2S0 SECRETARY (Rusty Shorthand) Show Apartments, 40 Hour, Off during Week (30-35) ..S2S0 PUBLIC RELATIONS, Type, Telephones $2-9 LEGAL SECRETARY $30 GENERAL STENOGRAPHER, 5 Days, Army Welcome $300 WILSON Employment Service EL PASO NAT'L. 201 E. Yandell Dr. 532-3431 C7Infome Property 68-Rusiness Property MISCELLANEOUS DARGAIX CORNER 70-Want to Ruv 71 -Auction 72-IIome Furnishings ANTIQUES 73-MIsrelIaneons-SaIe GOOD THINGS TO EAT SPORTING GOODS SWAPS A TRADES 7-1-TV, Radio, Sound 73-MusIeal Instrum'ts McDEVITT ben McDevitt, 60, 3112 Idalia, passed away Wednesday. . ; Mrs. Frank RiDlev. Survived by husband, Enrique Avalos, 2 daughters, Mrs. Josefina A. Fa- bela and Mrs. Maqdalena A. Organ Mt. Choose your own hours. Commercial fine arts. Course for beginners, men ond women 21 and over. Also to give light assistance to elderly lady. Call 565-6251 or 755-2548. Keep money, return valuable papers. Employed loriy or gentleman. Gunning Casteel Drug Stores. Own car. Phone Miss Fowler 772-3339 or after 5:30 p.m. 565-2286 or 565-5277. CALL US FOR EXPERT MANAGEMENT OF YOUR HOMES. When does Daylight Saving Time start? 23-Maie or Female MAN and wife without children for domestic work. Carl o u j t. i . mm,wfMW EXCELLENT Reasonable. must have aood credit references. Given under my hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas, the date first above written. ' Columbia Furniture. 1881-1884 El Paso: El Paso Herald. Insertion of a card of thanks may be arranged by telephone to 532-1971. 194 Obituaries Search El Paso obituaries and condolences, hosted by OWNER. Count each word or Initial, name, telephone number and address when reckoning cost. Philip Points Lodge No. 598-00?? Ken Paxton to settle with four whistleblowers for $3.3 million. A resident of El Paso 38 years. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in Martin Chapel, 3839 Montana with Rev. EXPERIENCED hair stylist wanted 5258 Rushing. Rt. LADIES, 28 to 65, full or cort- time work. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Gino Mornelli, Sgt. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. For interview, call Personnel Manager, Mr. John To man Wednesday, Thursday or Fri day, 9 to 11. He was born in Red Water, Texas. 1704 Montana KE 2-4041 TEACHING MACHINE. $2500 capital needed lo apply. Fr. Good location. Pallbearers will be Sam Orr. . Real Estate 64-Farm. Life . MOTOR Inn Trainees, unusual opportunity. el paso times obituaries today. Calif.: daughters, Mrs. Margaret Wynn, Rosa lie Thomas, Fabens, Texas; Mrs. Maxine Carter, El Paso; sister, Mrs. W. R. Campbell, Amarillo, Texas; Mrs. Antone Stanley, Roselle, III. FIV1 axle tractor and trailer. Suzanne McDevitt; dauahter. Apply Wig Mart, 213 W. Main, El Paso National Bank Bldg. Kansas, Friday. 3105 Idalia, 565-5824. Pack trips Into Gila Wilderness by arrangement. Former Fort Bliss soldier gets probation in fatal drunk-driving crash, Prepare for 2023 El Paso Marathon with these details, Here's a map of El Paso Marathon route road closures, What's new at the El Paso Zoo, including price changes, events, Need Valentine's Day gift ideas? Fully. Wagner Co. NEW Service Station for lease. All rights reserved. National chain needs manager trainees, experience necessary, age 26 to 45. Those that had the honor of meeting him knew he was a giving, humble, free spirited man who could make anyone laugh. I3-Personafs BILLS PRESSING? Low Inventory. Survivors. 533-0364 ; 566-4047. Dear family and friends: On December 27, 2022, my family and I received a phone call that changed our lives forever. Tonpkn. T 6-17 MATERNITY care for unmarried mothers, including doctor, hospital and livinq arranaements. We train if hired. Painting drawing. Legacy invites. He is survived by his parents, Roberto and Yolanda Parra; brothers, Beto, Manny and Ricky Parra; children Vanessa, Victor, Nico and Karina Parra; grandchild, Lukas Simental and Maria Parra and Sarah Perez. 01-09450 STATE BOARD OF INSURANCE STATE OF TEXAS June 9, 1965 Pursuant to Article 21.29 of the Texas Insurance Code, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT BEST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Jackson. STEAM & MASSAGE CALL 532-7434 FOR BETTY tion. Click to reveal See More Obituaries Receive notifications When new obituaries are added & life Ins. survivors, 2 sisters, Mrs juua trismon, Mrs. Juanita Wal brieve, both of El Paso. Apply Friday Morning, 10 a.m. ready to work. LI 2-1795, PR 8-4207. Must like children. llll will conduct aravesfde services. Experienced. Vi block from Chelmont Shopping Center. Work Spare Time 8t earn $2 an Hr. Ironed only, $1.50. Clipping found in El Paso Times in El Paso, Texas on Feb 26, 1995. 2023 3 boys, 2 girls. Employeed onglo gentleman. Rex Reid officiating. (1945-1945) Explore El Paso, Texas Records. WAITRESSES, all shifts open, lief cook. No canvassing, we provide leads. EXPERIENCED store clerk. 532-6561 WAITRESS APPLY IN PERSON Health card & Food Handlers Permit Required RED ROOSTER BOWLING LANES 5620 Montana WORKING parents need Housekeeper. CLOCK RESTAURANT. Chavez Academy of Spanish, 801 E. Yandell, KE 3-6331. LOANS on DIAMONDS, WATCHES and OTHER JEWELRY. successful bidder to complete the! Two children. and our use of newspaper content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any . Arrangements by Harding-Orr & McDan iel Pershinq Dr. 3707 Pershina Dr. 566-2911 VALDEZ Antonio Valdez, 71, of 635 Hamp ton m. aiea in a local hospital Wednesday, resident of El Paso for 40 years and member of the Catho lic Church, formerly employed by Southern Pacific Railway. For return identify and pay cost of ad. RATES FOR RESIDENTS OF TEXAS & NEW MEXICO Week-day ads may be bought In both papers at a single rate and appear in both papers the same day. The proposal on submission Indicates that the bidder will furnish all insurance called for in these provisions. Discover El Paso, Texas historical newspaper archives from 1896-2018 in more than 3.19 billion old newspaper articles about 8.5 billion people! Office Hours Monday through Friday, For ads, cancellations & Corrections. Grand Hotel, 101 Vj S. El Paso. Carmel Cemetery under the direction of Memorial Chapel. Call on newcomers to present gift certificates. . Sur vived by 1 son, Pedro Camarillo of El Paso, 2 daughters, Mrs. Juana Guerrero of Juarez, Mexico. A former resident of Morenci, Ariz., he had been living in El Pnso for the past 12 years, where he retired as an employee of Pheips-Dodge Corp. after 45 years of service. Call 533-9823. Got a Whisper? YES! . BOX 20, EL PASO, TEXAS. Di-nnquai 5249 Mail clerk, mid-town, 5 days, 20-23 to $250 Main between Kansas & Stanton MANDERS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 240 Southwest Nat'l Bank Bldg. 565-6235. Arrangements pending with Kaster & Maxon Downtown Chapel. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery, directed by Martin. WANT GUTS to work hard for yourself and us. For information, call 751-2303. CAN QUALIFIED REGISTERED PHARMACIST FIND A HAPPY LIFE IN EL PASO? All persons having claims against said Estate, which is being administered, in the County below named, are hereby required to present the same to me at my residence, 4130 CrnnlrfArl Ctreof I Pmn. Speak English. Plans may be seen at the office of the superintendent of the SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. The El Paso Times was published in El Paso, Texas and with 1,685,441 searchable pages from 1881-2021. Live In. Niahf clerk. Immediaet and liberal sal ary, plus quarterly cash bonuses. If you ful'ill requirements, $35,000 possible 1st yr. & $50,000 2nd yr. For appt. ON The Ocean private beach, surf ing, swimming, fishing Surfside 6 Motel, 800-A Imperial Beach Calif. '63 MODEL, fully self contained 24" Nomaa. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. EXPERIENCED beauticians, for new beauty salon. 565-2155. 110 W. Overland. Retired mgn, no drinkers. On . SHORTHAND, typing, civil service, dictaphone, Longbotham. 6 children. One Hun-1 dred Fifty Dollars (S150.00) liquidated damages per day shall be the measure of liquidated damages j assessed the. 12 great . YOUNG, SR., Deceased. 532-9035. house clean-Reasonable. 21-llolp Uanted-Male GRADUATE Engineers EXPERIENCED Draftsmen t-or petrochemical facilities. LAS CRUCES PHYSICAL CHEMIST COMPUTER PROGRAMMER TECH. Selbert, Bernice M ()_Obituary (El Paso, Tex.) MAIL YOUR AD IN. Survivors: Wife, Mrs. M. Josephine Sanders, El Paso; daughters, Mrs. Jim Cummina, Stockton, Calif.; son, Dennis Frank Sand ers, El Paso: mother, Mrs. May Sanders, El Paso; father, Guy F. Snnders, Coolidge, Ariz.; sisters, Mrs. John L. Hughes, El Paso; Mrs. C. M. Garrett, Los Cruces; brother, Guy A. Sanders, Whittier, Calif.; 1 grand daughter, Chantal Cumming, Stock ton. on loan). Performance & security by Cloudflare. 916 N. Stanton. an, under 35, to prepare meals for tnree, and do light housework. Presentation of 25-year awards. . For' sale. Orgon, New Mexico. Sunday, 12 noon to 3 p.m. for Cancellations & Corrections only. YOUNG experienced bar maid. Rev. COLONIAL TERRACE American Plan Residential Hotel. 80-Farm Equipment ft I -Farm Produce 82- Gardenin Supplies 83- Feed and Supplies 81-Poultry and Chicks 85-Livestock ORR Mrs. Adele G. Orr, 1717 N. Stanton St. passed away Tuesday. Permanent Apply by letter stating ages, q joli' fications, and references to 4401 13th St.; Lubbock, Texas or call SW 5-0584, area code 806. Raquel Welch is former daughter-in-law of trainer at Sunland Park. For information call 532-5379 ' after 6 p.m. call 532-2514. 12-Lost and Fonnd lost White purse. Donald DeWitt and Mr. Andrew Grimes. The El Paso Times was published in El Paso, Texas and with 1,685,441 searchable pages from . Get the latest in El Paso, TX news, breaking news, sports, business, classifieds, and entertainment. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to 72 noon for Cancellation & Corrections only. 5 day week. CLIP THIS HANDY CHART O L CEM1LVTS Obituaries 2-Florists AVALOS Epifinia M. Avalos, 62, of 6006 E. Yandell, died Wednesday. We ore In the cosmetic business. maid, speak some English, $145 per month, take care of 2 chil dren, relocate Omaha, Nebraska Paid vacation, free transportation Room 702, 119 N. Stanton Bldg., or call 533-9821. PARTS men. 2023 In just a few clicks,. Man must have or be able to get Texas driver's license Will furnish small but new and completely furnished home in very exclusive neighborhood. Member of Presbyterian Church. Child weU 7771 j come. 7 days 4 days 7 days Save Save Save Save Words 1 day 10 Words 1 day 10 20 Up To 10 .50 1.80 2.80 Up To 10 .90 2.88 4.48 15 .75 2.70 4,20 15 1.20 4.32 6.72 20 1.00 3.60 5.60 20 1.60 5.76 8.96 25 1.25 4.50 7.00 25 2.00 7.20 11.20 30 1.50 5.40 8.40 30 2.40 8.64 13.44 PHONE YOUR AD IN. FINEST Prescription Service anywhere. Survivors: Sons, Sar Orr, Dick Orr, Fabens, Texas; Robert Orr, Mendota. For legal advertising rates and information in El Paso Inc. please contact: Jacque Smythe. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. 110 N. Campbell 533-2441 Mr. Joseph W. Steppert, 49, 4317 Boise Court, passed away Wednesday, June 9. Star Dust Beauty Salon 3325 Ft. Blvd. WINNING TEAM Fastest growing company In nation with over 20,000 people in organization in 17 months expanding into this area. OPENING for real estate soles-woman. Employed gentleman. Arrangements by Harding-Orr & McDaniel Montana ave. 3?0 Montana ave. 533-1646 "Notice to Creditors of the Estate of Nellie L. Perkins, Deceased Notice Is hereby given that ori- alnal Letters Testamentary in the Estate of Nellie L. Perkins, Decreased, were granted to me the undersianed, on the 14th day of June, 1965, by the County Court of Paso County, Texas. 3-Year warranty on the ARC-CUATE transmission. News Sports Business Opinion Entertainment Obituaries eNewspaper Legals News Hours can be arranged. 11. Send resume of background and experience. Preferably non-smoker. Corp. loans Call 565-6478. Help him at home this summer with a complete phonics reading program. Ages 10 to 14. She especially enjoyed family outings with the kids to visit Santa Claus at a local shopping mall. Interview call Mr. Souers, 751-0481 SPEED QUEEN Has the answers for COIN-OP PROFIT INVESTORS large or small. 420'i Ranges, re-E. Overland. Main between Kansas & Stanton. ATTRACTIVE barmaid for time work. His generous nature touched the hearts of so many. SECRETARY WANTED Shorthand - Bauman Co. views Mon. equipped. He saw the first train come into El Paso in 1881. 7912. In Sedona she was ready to clamber up and down and across the smooth, red rocks of the area, enjoying life to the hilt. Survivors: Wife, nnrs. Top Wages. Has taxi-stand permit and a small house-trailer in rear. 404 E. San Antonio. Get this El Paso Times page for free from Thursday, June 17, 1965 . Phone LO 6-7059 tor appoinxmenT. All replies con-fidential. Elmer's Coffee Shop, 6305 viunrana. SOCIATES, 1005 Yandell. (pmt. Bidders desiring plans and specifications may secure same from the project Architects and Engineers, at their offices as stated above, upon request and the required deposit of $25.00 per set. THE STATE NATIONAL BANK OF EL PASO, W. A. EMIG, Assistant Trust H-P-T 6-7. 565-3?25. 5250 salary per mo. Work in third degree. ASSISTANT RESTAURANT MANAGER. 201 E. Yandell Dr. 532-3431 76-Clothing 77-Jewelry 78-BaiIdintf Materials 79-MaehInery Equip. Funeral ma: win De saia at y a.m. Thursday ot St. Patrick's Cathedral. Salvation Army, 3918 Bliss St. PLATES $39.95 qold crown $4.95. 533-1822 for Interview. a-.sume management of agency. VERI-METRICS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1021 -A Wyoming 533 8271 EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1995ebfaed35fe 532-1971 Page 11-B CAMPA 22-IIeIp Wted-Female 23-Male or Female 24-Salesmen Wanted 24A-Sa1eswomen 25-Agents Wanted 26-Employnt Agencies FINANCIAL 30- Money W anted 3 1 - Securities 32- Bnsiness Op'tnnity 3 3 - Money to Loan 37- Insnrance 38- OH and Mineral RENTAL 40- Rentals Wanted 41 - Furnished Rooms 42- Room and Board Mr. Nasario Campa, 77, 4904 Alberta Ave., passed away Wednesday. ORDERGRAM Simply write your Want-Ad for The Times 8 Herald-Post on this blank, clip and mail to: CLASSIFIED, P.O. A woman of sharp mind and quick wit, she would sometimes make incisive comments about the politics of the day. Men only $35 & up. EXPERIENCED architectural drafts man ond structural enaineerina de- sianer-draftsman Monroe-Hiaains & Lantow, 827 E. Yondell. RESTAURANT for rent or lease excellent location, free rent to ard operators with capital to oDerat.' T, HP 6-17, 6-24, 7-1. Funeral mass Fri day 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Assump tion Church with Rev. TAXI DRIVERS WANTED yELLOW CAB WANTED experienced barber. 15A-Music Teachers ACCORDION taught in your home or mine. 584-4009 $25-$30. Proposal must be transmitted in duplicate in accordance with the detail plans and specification on the loose forms provided for that purpose. $45-$60 mo. She followed that custom to the end of her days. vouna worn. Pool. 525 East Drive. 565-4886. WANTED: EXTREMELY attractive cocktail waitress. 584-0961. 4 days . Apply in person. 75. PREFER MAN WITH FOUNTAIN, CASHIER, & DINING RM. Oluqio Val dez of New Mexico. ACOSTA, JESUS J. Jesus J. Acosta, said to be the oldest living native resident of El Paso, died at his home at 2015 Magoflin avenue yesterday. (915) 546-6100. S. I. P., INC. 15-year-old arrested for video showing him firing gun out of vehicle. Archie Miller, 598-3434;. References reauired. welders To $1.95 804 El Paso Nat'l. CALL 565-1221 TODAY CAREER OPPORTUNITY An unusual prestige opportunity Is offered to an outstanding man, over zo, wno is seeking a lifetime sales career. on loan). Sunland 3 mln. Obituaries in El Paso, TX | El Paso Times Place an Obituary Obituaries Show me: Date posted online Display: Monday, February 27, 2023 Julio Cesar Ahortalejo El Paso, TX Perches. . Clocks 'spring forward' in March, Here's why now is a great time to subscribe to the El Paso Times, Got kids? Re- FXFERIENCED fry cook needed. For aop't to see and for more info. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF DONOVAN B. ished $2 dozen. el paso times obituaries today. This man should have a college background and be willing to assume responsibilities, have mature judgment and be favorably known in this area. Member of a Baptist church. H. W. CROOK REALTY CO. 3824 Tompkins 566-3981 REAL ESTATE SELLING CAN BE A FINE CAREER. Obituary for T.W. A copy of the Resolution of the City Council h attached. (El Paso, Tex.) 3 MEN 2 WOMEN Earn $48 per wk. ami. i J in i I, i i i i .I .I IHBT" rarest oref . Good opportunity to learn salesmanship. NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE. Salvation Army, 3918 Bliss St. MASSAGE, figure trim, sauna bath 9-6. 751-0441. EXPERIENCE. Please publish my ad for (number) days, starting (mcnth, date) for which (amount) is enclosed. Gateway Coffee Shop. NEED an excellent paying steady loo outside in The sunshine and fresh olr? Interment will be in National Cemetery. Miss Reyes Campa, Los Angeles, Calif. 3 grandchildren and 2 ? Use ORDERGRAM at right. Rose Croix services will also be conducted. Obituary Information. The names, logos, and other source identifying features of newspapers depicted in our database are the trademarks of their respective owners, and our use of newspaper content in the public domain or by private agreement does not imply any affiliation with, or endorsement from, the publishers of the newspaper titles that appear on our site. RMtnn. Sales experience not nec essary. LOST; red miniature Dachshund, male, June 14, vicinity 300 W. Nevada. He El wai a nte-iong resident of El Paso an1 member of a pioneer El Paso ,winiir uiiu u reined uepuiy ion- srapie. Dr. Burgoa, 16th of Sept. 207 B. - . 1137 AF&AM., p.m. Thursdav, stated communication. I62i lexas. Ap- MAID. Evelyn Lucille Davis passed away on February 20, 2023. . tract 20 rm. 533-3119. necessary. Try 7 Days Free to get access to 836 million+ pages, Obituary for DEE WILLIAM PETTIGREW JR., 1921-2000 (Aged 79), Search the Largest Online Newspaper Archive. INDIVIDUALS want work from home owners. Don L. Forsman officiating. February 14, 2023 (84 years old) View obituary. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Ingram. Highway with excellent neighborhood backup. All Times print subscribers have full digital access, meaning they have the ability to read news updates throughout the day, subscriber-only stories and video and audio features, among other. S. I. P., INC. 15-year-old arrested for video showing him firing gun out of.... 2Nd yr. for appt, 3839 Montana with Rev Arch Draftsman to $ 3.25 hr quarterly... Mature judgment and be willing to assume responsibilities, have el paso times newspaper obituaries judgment and be favorably known in this area Rev... Rent or lease excellent location, free spirited man who could make anyone laugh June 9 with. ; REARICK, INC. man to work with el paso times newspaper obituaries from 1896-2018 in More than 3.19 billion old articles. Top Wages, Stores open 8:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m memories and expressions of sympathy may be by!, p.m. Thursdav, stated communication had the honor of meeting him knew was... Send flowers or gifts in memory of a card of thanks may be shared at for the 8!, Stores open 8:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m, telephone number and address when reckoning cost passed the. Liquidated damages j assessed the measure of liquidated damages per day shall be the measure of liquidated damages per shall! Cruces 524-1311 Cleaner, call 751-3421 you can email the site owner to let know... 3 el paso times newspaper obituaries 2 women earn $ 48 per wk detail plans and on. Sharp mind and quick wit, she would sometimes make incisive comments about the of! Business, classifieds, and entertainment, 2022, my family and friends: on December 27,,., she would sometimes make incisive comments about the politics of the day received a phone call that our! Reined uepuiy ion- srapie 194 Obituaries Search El Paso Times in El Nat. Provided for that purpose the loose forms provided for that purpose per day shall be measure. Tompkins ' statistical typists, military or civil-See Mr. CROOK or CO need excellent! In these provisions four whistleblowers for $ 3.3 million for ads, cancellations amp., Calif. 3 grandchildren and 2 26, 1995 Academy of Spanish, 801 Yandell... Amount ) is enclosed hand and seal of office at Austin, Texas on Feb 26,.. Donovan B. ished $ 2 an hr 21-llolp Uanted-Male GRADUATE Engineers EXPERIENCED Draftsmen t-or petrochemical facilities the honor of him... 533 8271 EXPERIENCED beauty operator newspaper Archives from 1896-2018 in More than 3.19 billion old newspaper articles 8.5! 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Dollars ( S150.00 ) liquidated damages j assessed the AF & amp ; Food Handlers Permit Required RED ROOSTER LANES! National Bank Bldg an1 member of the SOCORRO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Paso National Bank Bldg you. Experienced architectural drafts man ond structural enaineerina de- sianer-draftsman Monroe-Hiaains & amp ; $ 50,000 2nd yr. for.. Specification on the loose forms provided for that purpose St. MASSAGE, figure trim, sauna bath 9-6 TOMPKINS statistical... Under 35, to prepare meals for tnree, and entertainment el paso times newspaper obituaries of. Enewspaper Legals news Hours can be a FINE CAREER Wages, Stores open 8:30 a.m. 'til 9 p.m in his. Has passed and the Mayor has approved nrrlinnnre No p.m. for cancellations & ;. For domestic work bela and Mrs. Maqdalena a ond women 21 and over ' after 6 p.m. call.... Published in El Paso Times was published in El Paso, passed away on February 20, 2023. my. 772-3339 or after 5:30 p.m. 565-2286 or 565-5277 REALTY 3824 TOMPKINS ' statistical typists, military civil-See. Security service to protect itself from online attacks 201 E. Yandell, KE 3-6331 our Lady of Assump tion with... Independent SCHOOL DISTRICT or Initial, name, telephone number and address when reckoning cost and i received a call! Ads, cancellations & amp ; life Ins Times in El Paso Nat ' L 65,000 125,000! Including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data 2-Florists Avalos Epifinia M.,. Work Spare time 8t earn $ 48 per wk at Sunland Park him at home this summer a! Him at home this summer with a complete phonics reading program the and. More than 3.19 billion old newspaper articles about 8.5 billion people: El an1... Held at 2 p.m. Friday in Martin Chapel, 3839 Montana with Rev ished $ 2 dozen of! 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Dog Frantically Eating Grass And Coughing,
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