We are all made of energy vibrating at a rate that effects the experience we have with the world around us. Indeed we are returning to Source. So, being self-responsible for how you direct yourself is key in 2020 and beyond. We know a wooden table feels solid to the touch, but at the molecular level its an open space of vibrating atomic particles, just like our bodies. Its the layers of your energy body, which create your field of light (your auric field) through which you experience, interchange with and interpret life. Soul is wide awake and directing you to learn more about who you are through the dream state. We are light beingsand always have been. Be aware that they may not understand. But it's more common after age 20. Allow others to grow with you, if they choose. Black pepper acts as a chemical irritant on the nerves in the nasal mucosa, which causes sneezing. All rights reserved. This ends the dominant phase of the masculine, power, struggle, and war, and begins the new era of the divine feminine and balance. A thirst for ancient, esoteric knowledge - You may find that answers call from our ancient past. This version is not comfortable living life without greater meaning and it longs to express itself in creative and loving ways. Treating the underlying causes of sneezing, acaai.org/allergies/types/hay-fever-rhinitis, mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/symptoms-causes/dxc-20199808, community.aafa.org/blog/sneezing-and-sniffling-how-to-tell-if-its-allergies-or-a-cold-and-warning-for-people-with-asthma, hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/pediatrics/upper_respiratory_infection_uri_or_common_cold_90,P02966. You can clear much from your mind, if you awaken during this period. This is my list (in no particular order) of OVER 43 common ascension symptoms that I have seen in my work and what you can do to address them: Indeed, these are but some of the symptoms of 5D ascension and your rising awareness of expanded consciousness. 0000031695 00000 n On the other side is a new future here on Earth, and we can co-create this together by becoming more loving to each other today. There are several healers, spiritual coaches, channels, and energy workers out there who can assist in this process. No longer getting sick. They vibrate so high that theyve lost their dense physical bodies all together. ETs and extra-dimensionals are interconnecting with us all the time to assist in this process. Those close will feel that youve changed because you have. Heart palpitations, racing heart or it feel sluggish and strange. Pull your awareness in closer to your own energy field, rather than extending it out to meet others. Send of something impending. . Rather than becoming angry or frustrated, you can become excited instead. Bouts of euphoria - followed by feeling low - With 5D ascension and shifting daily planetary influences, you can experience bouts of being on a high, followed by days when your energy feels lower. Hay fever is another common cause. Take time to notice if you see an animal cross your path or re-occuring number patterns or symbols. Heres What You Need To Know, 3 Signs You May Be On A Spiritual Journey, Your email address will not be published. An intolerance for lower vibrational things in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, etc. Some people may even astral travel after going back to sleep - i.e have an outer body experience and be conscious of life continuing on, outside of the physical body while in the dream state. Fortunately, we teach you all the tricks to stop, Yes, you can sneeze with your eyes open, and your eyes wont pop out of your head! There are many types of light workers that specialize in specific areas. We have the good fortune of co-existing with other souls, each with their own specific journey. It is said in many channelled messages that this is the first time in our Universe that a planet is ascending into a higher dimensions while bringing its people along with it. 0000024657 00000 n If you are having difficulty coping, there are several key ways to deal with the incoming symptoms. Waking up between 2.00 and 4.00am - This is the hour of the night when energy is still and soul becomes active. Humanity is now on a journey of transformation from darkness into light. This is not an actual flu but it feels like you have one. The veil of separation between us and our universal connection is lifting, and the mysteries of spirit are are awakening inside each of us. Occasional runny nose and sneezing which lasts 24 hours and is not a cold or hay fever. They play a key role in humanitys ascension as they are a boots on the ground troop of souls from other planets and star systems that are inspiring people to awaken and expand. Spiritual growth (ascension) works in exactly the same way. War and conflict in all shapes and sizes manifests as an external projection of our feelings of separation from one another. Chicken soup and vitamin C are staple remedies, but well introduce you, Cold or allergy season can leave you with a dry nose. So, youll need to move through a period of time where youre either explaining yourself and your truth to others, seeing if theyll come on board and grow along with your new sense of spiritual truth, or some will need space from those close. Sneezing often happens suddenly and without warning. Many humans feel they are being called to help the world in profound ways. 0000019390 00000 n If your sneezing is a result of allergies or an infection, you and your doctor can work together to treat the cause and resolve your sneezing. Ascension isnt necessarily a time-based event or occurrence that we can set our watch to. Walking your spiritual talk is imperative to being grounded and authentic when embracing 5D ascension. If we ask for signs, they will appear, if we ask for help they will do their best for us. In other words, you realise that what you focus upon, you can create. Some of the most common anti-allergic medications are loratadine (Claritin) and cetirizine (Zyrtec). Speaking your truth. Awareness reveals the truth within one - no more pretending. . Sharma B, et al. trailer <]/Prev 52406/XRefStm 1287>> startxref 0 %%EOF 325 0 obj <>stream It could be a positive sign you are on an incredible transformation. 'pt.^LzTb? A higher vibration prevents chronic illness. Just pause, allow them to absorb and say, Thank you. Anything that you are ready to heal will be sure to come up for examination in your life. They commit to working with light in ways that are in alignment with their souls calling, their passion, creative expression, and their spark. Most headaches arise due to the opening of the third eye. They have accepted the call to devote their lives to following what lights them up, and how they can help others increase their frequency by choosing love over fear. 0000001467 00000 n Learning to love every part of our bodies and every aspect of our being is essential. Sometimes this is a major life-changing crisis like an accident, a threatening health issue, job loss, or the end of an important relationship, ,or whatever it might take to trigger an individual into their awakening and inspire them to use more loving thought and action. And some may accept that a new path awaits them - which will bring in new friends and possibly means a changed relationship with family, meaning little or no contact. Heat rising in the body - Similar to spiritual flu, this can often occur early on with some regularity during your spiritual awakening journey. Wayshowers help to pave the path of humanitys ascension by holding the frequencies of light within them and grounding them to Earth and the collective consciousness grid. As a human, your physical body serves as a primary vehicle for experiences that will facilitate the growth and expansion of your soul. So, each of us has to decide how we choose to interact with family and friends who are no longer in alignment with us. We had reached a critical mass of souls who had risen in consciousness to a high enough level, to bring the 5D reality in for all. Healthline only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. A need to take action - Where youve been sitting back unsure or unmotivated, once ascension begins youll likely feel the need to move and be active along your path. Seeing things in life you were just thinking or talking about. It can get really hard when you are being physically, emotionally, and spiritually being transformed at a rapid pace, while your mind is attempting to hold on to the past. Youll put pressure on yourself and others. 0000012320 00000 n More light is getting in and is moving our connected human consciousness into a higher field of vibrational energy. The world changes when we change and this is why it is imperative we work together and be in service to one another, to treat others as we want to be treated. If you've been off purpose for too long, youll feel the desire to change everything at once and just be free of old restraints and ways. shoulder pain. 0000031780 00000 n This 5D level of awareness (a creational energy template) finally embedded around our planet back in June 2019. But the negative acts we see in the world are reflections of our own beliefs, traumas, and fears. Sneezing Runny or stuffy nose Itchy or watery eyes Itchy nose or ears Post-nasal drip (which can sometimes cause a mild sore throat) Mild fatigue COVID-19 The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a viral illness that can be spread in ways that include coughing, sneezing, and close personal contact. Hence, youll expect more from yourself each day and ultimately from those around you too. Some people may want to tackle many changes all at once. AS YOUR OUTER BODY LAYERS GROW AND ACTIVATE - YOUR PHYSICAL BODY CHANGESAnd because of this higher awareness (of 5D) that so many are opening up to, theyre experiencing very real changes to their physical body, as a result. When you see a number sequence, simply pause - take note and say, Thank you. (2019). It contains an entire new set of functions and abilities for us, which included heightened psychic abilities, age reversal, longer life-spans, optimal health, healing powers, and universal connections and understandings we cant even comprehend yet. We too have the ability to become ascended masters and many of us are beginning this path right now. Dark energy or thoughts are usually rooted in ego, fear, survival, selfishness, and separation. Its during sleep that the release valve on your day is set off. Feeling exhausted even after waking. Use what you feel and pick up on to be kinder to yourself and affect positive change in your own life - first and foremost. Not applying your creativity can result in pent up energy stifling you. Noises, people, crowds, tv, etc may start to bother you. Sneezing is your bodys way of removing irritants from your nose or throat. The most common cause of rhinitis is a cold. Messangers help communicate important messages and teach, while Seers have heightened psychic abilities and intuition. Practice relaxing into the knowingness that you are always guided and protected, always safe, and always being divinely led by your higher self and spirit guides. This is our last incarnation on a fear-based three dimensional plane and our new bridge to the more abundant and peaceful life that awaits us. Love wants to win, so is it winning inside you? And over the past 100 years (in particular) weve seen a spike in the number of people who are aware of their energetic (spiritual) nature. I trust that this blog post has provided you with reassurance that all is well on your path. Allergy shots contain the extracts of purified allergens. These are signs from the Universe, your higher self, and your guides that they are with you and that you are on the right path in your life. Allergies can cause you to sneeze when your body tries to expel these organisms. To Know, 3 Signs you may find that answers call from our ancient past within one - no pretending... On the nerves in the world are reflections of our feelings of separation from one another that theyve lost dense... Their own specific journey, survival, selfishness, and separation their own specific journey this blog post has you... The most common anti-allergic medications are loratadine ( Claritin ) and cetirizine Zyrtec... Our connected human consciousness into a higher field of vibrational energy result in pent up energy stifling.! Can cause you to learn more about who you are ready to will... Is essential hay fever notice if you are having difficulty coping, there are several key to. 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