The strategic retreat enabled Houston to better prepare his soldiers for battle, and on April 21 the Texans caught Santa Anna's troops in a surprise attack along the San Jacinto River. 2, No. THIS DAY IN HISTORY March 02 1836 March 02 Texas declares independence During the Texas Revolution, a convention of American Texans meets at Washington-on-the-Brazos and declares the. Includes notes. New map of Texas: with the contiguous American & Mexican states (1836), Map of Texas with parts of the adjoining states. Lesson Plan Downloadable/Editable versions of this lesson plan. 12 Houston issues a proclamation to recruit a Regular Texas Army. (2014). Filisola, leading the defeated and demoralized Mexican army, crosses the. Southwestern Historical Quarterly 117(4), pp. 722A. Oops. Constitucin poltica mexicana de 1824 3 WEEKs relevant to your specific needs. Suggested printing: 1 per group Todd Hansen, ed., The Alamo Reader: A Study in History (Stackpole Books, 2003). Mexican Constitution of 1824 Students will analyze excerpts from four primary source documents then respond to the analysis questions. A Tejano Living among the Comanches This activity explores a historical account of a young Tejano boy, Macario Leal, who was capture by a Comanche raiding party and lived with the Comanche for almost a decade. This unit is a three-week study of the events of the Texas Revolution. Ejercicio de gancho Una examinacin de las relaciones entre los angloamericanos y los indgenas en Texas desde la perspectiva de una nia de 12 aos en los aos que condujeron a la Revolucin de Texas. Dr. Andrew Torget discusses Susanna Dickinson, who survived the 73A *The Mexican soldiers returned to San Antonio without the cannon. Los recuerdos de la Sra. during the period 1835 - 1836. 1, Friday, May 26, 1837, newspaper, May 26, 1837; Houston, Texas. Lesson Plan Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan. Neill at Gonzales in command of 375 troops gathering there. A Tejano Living among the Comanches This activity explores a historical account of a young Tejano boy, Macario Leal, who was capture by a Comanche raiding party and lived with the Comanche for almost a decade. June The commander of the Anahuac garrison. Data expires in one year. Guided Notes Students will use guided notes to summarize the who, what, where, why and when of the battles of the Texas Revolution. Regularly engages the experiences of women in the Revolution. "Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1835." image Proof: We can rank the causes and explain our reasons Houston ordered Colonel James Fannin to abandon Goliad and join his retreat. Aftermath of the Texas Revolution: Cotton and Slavery Analyze the primary source documents and charts to answer the document analysis questions using supporting evidence. However, Fannin delayed his departure and sent a quarter of his troops to help evacuate the settlers at Refugio. book Copy of the Constitution of the Republic of Texas, March 17, 1836 Copy of the Constitution of the Republic of Texas, transcribed by Secretary of Convention, Henry S. Kimble: March 17, 1836, courtesy of the Benson Latin American Collection. Telegraph and Texas Register newspaper prints notice of reward for the runaway slave, Joe. On March 6 they attacked. The Texas Revolution, covering: (1) Chaos of Late 1835, (2) Battle of Articles Of The Law Of April 6, 1830 This printable primary source document should be used in conjunction with the SECOND Think-Pair-Share activity. Settlement By the 1730s the Spanish had sent more than 30 expeditions into Texas. 1848 The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo and the end . 1839 Austin becomes capital of Texas. Images and Definitions provided in the Vocabulary Discovery slideshow. Colonel Frank W. Johnson and Dr. James Grant began preparing to attack Matamoros. April 21, 1836 - In what may be the most important event in . This will provide a relatable and relevant activity that aligns to Stephen F. Austins letter to his sister. Students will create connections to the Republic era by evaluating the social, economic, and political impacts of independence. Some Anglo-American settlers feared the destruction that a war could bring Mexico passes a law forbidding sale or purchase of slaves and requiring that the children of slaves be freed when they reached fourteen. -Resolutions written at 1832 convention: U.S. immigration resumed, Ezempt from duties 3 years, Texas becomes a separate state from Coahuila. Resulted in the capture of horses and hay (grass). 815SS Retrieved from April 1 Santa Anna is elected president of Mexico. 720C Emboldened by their victory, the Texans formed a volunteer army. 815SS Two Mexican soldiers killed. Examines the causes leading up to the revolution, providing a comprehensive overview of major contributing events. Comparando la independencia de Estados Unidos y Texas for the video: Who was Susanna Dickinson? Texans declare independence from Mexico March 1,1836 DeWitt and his settlers rebuild their town. Suggested printing: 1 ticket per student (two tickets per page) Jeffrey Dunn, To the Devil with your Glorious History!: Women and the Battle of San Jacinto, in Women and the Texas Revolution. Lesson Plan Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan. 1836 The Fall of the Alamo, Evacuation, and Executions. The scenario sets the scene for the big event of the year, the school dance. Final battle of the Goliad Campaign. Los estudiantes utilizarn las notas guiadas para crear una lnea de tiempo de los eventos que conducen a la Revolucin de Texas e interactuar con los documentos de origen primario. 720A Susanna Dickinson, the wife of an Alamo occupier, her infant daughter, Angelina, and Joe, a slave of William Barret Travis, were released to tell Sam Houston what had happened. Students will analyze the conditions of the Texian volunteers and form an opinion about the outcome of the Revolution. Relief shown by hachures. November 21 At Austin's urging, the Mexican Congress repeals the ban on foreign settlement in Texas. Slideshow This ready to use classroom presentation contains the hook exercise (above), essential questions, connections from the Mexican National era, three primary source documents with guided questions to promote discussion among scholars, and an exit ticket. They fled for their lives, leaving everything behind except for a few ecceintials.They were on the road for the Sabine River. Telegraph and Texas Register (Columbia, Tex. Extension Lesson Plan Downloadable/Editable versions of this lesson plan. Mexican army reaches the Atascosita Road at Victoria. . Military Maps of the Texas revolution - Combat near the Mission Concepcin, October 28, 1835. 73A Taking up Arms This printable activity contains the full version of the Texas Declaration of Causes for Taking Up Arms Against Santa Anna. Students will analyze the claims against Mexico and form opinions based on the primary sources and the document analysis questions. that are applicable to the Texas Revolution. Thwarting Mexican Law, (4) Law of April 6, 1830. We'd like to hear what you have to say about this unit. Provides an Era Overview and pacing, and outlines each lessons estimated completion time, essential questions, a description of each lesson, and student learning experiences and activities. The Texas Revolution as Part of the Ongoing Civil War in Mexico This activity explores Tejanos perspectives about the Texas Revolution. Lesson Plan Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan. grievances or complaints about the Mexican government. 1836 The Republic of Texas. January 31 Mexican forces and militiamen from the other colonies combined to drive Edwards from Texas. operated by Alamo Trust, Inc., a Texas non-profit The students will examine historical paintings to determine if historical bias exists based on the artist's interpretation of the event. Exit Ticket - Dilue Rose Harris Students will use critical thinking skills to create a Twitter post and hashtag by Dilue Rose summarizing her experience in the final battles and immediate aftermath of the Texas Revolution. The Goliad Massacre, following so closely on the heels of the Battle of the Alamo, seemed to turn the tide in favor of the Mexicans. Law of April 6, 1830. The Texas Revolution was the conflict between the armies of Mexico and Texas in the 19th century. Un tejano que vivi con los comanches Esta actividad explora la versin histrica de un joven tejano, Macario Leal, quien fue capturado por una partida de saqueo comanche y vivi con los comanche por casi una dcada. Military map of Texas and Coahuila, showing lines of Mexican and Texan frontier and lines of march to the San Jacinto battlefield during the Texas Revolution. 1846 The Beginning of the U.S.-Mexican War. Col. Fannin was the commander of the Texas Army at goliad. to complete each lesson; however, as the educator, use your best at Prohibited immigration from the United States to Texas. 372-402. Borden & Moore. "To accompany Texas independence by Col. Articles Of The Law Of April 6, 1830 This printable primary source document should be used in conjunction with the SECOND Think-Pair-Share activity. The following list of resources provide additional information to help Direct and succinct account of the experiences of Black Texans during the Revolution. 73C Lista de vocabulario Ersiones descargables / editables de los trminos que aparecen en este pgina. Students will analyze excerpts from three primary source documents and respond to the analysis questions. Texas Revolution Battles and History As tensions grew between the people of Texas and the Mexican government, various political changes fueled the fires. 1836 The Battle of San Jacinto; Texas wins independence. Exit Ticket - Susanna Dickenson Students will use critical thinking skills to reflect on the process of primary source documentation. Telegraph and Texas Register (a newspaper in San Felipe, Texas) prints a Texans won the Revolution at the Battle of San Jacinto and became the Republic of Texas. After victories in several skirmishes, including the Battle of Concepcin and the Grass Fight, the Texans attacked Bexar. 720B The Captivity of Macario Leal: A Tejano among the Comanches Rivaya-Martnez, J. Bowie, Sequin, Houston, Fannin, Urrea, and Santa Anna. 8 Important People of the Texas Revolution Sam Houston, Stephen F. Austin, Santa Anna, and More Share Flipboard Email By Christopher Minster Updated on December 26, 2018 Meet the leaders on both sides of Texas' struggle for independence from Mexico. Even before Cos's defeat, Santa Anna had been making plans to retake Texas. . Treaties of Velasco Students will analyze and compare the two Treaties of Velasco and form conclusions regarding the agreements to end the Revolution. Travis's March 3 plea reaches Washington on the Brazos. By the eve of the Texas Revolution, San Felipe de Austin ranked second only to San Antonio as a commercial center. TX4T is replacing our older Resources 4 Educators site. Anlisis de fuentes primarias - Susanna Dickinson Los estudiantes analizarn extractos de fuentes primarias de Susanna Dickinson y otros que documentaron su viaje en la Revolucin. On a cold March dawn in 1836, Mexican officers escorted a shaken young woman and her infant daughter past the heaps of dead in the Alamo courtyard to Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. When Santa Anna marched his army into Texas in February 1836 and laid siege to When they stopped to rest their animals, Urrea and his main army surrounded them. Scrape, (6) San Jacinto. Hook Exercise In this printable hook exercise, students will write a letter to a family member requesting help achieving a goal outlined in the scenario. Students will examine the roles played by the people involved in the Texas Revolution, such as Juan N. Segun and other prominent Tejanos. TEKS: analyze the causes, major events, and effects of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of the Alamo the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Runaway Scrape, and the Battle of San Jacinto [4.3A] Social Studies Objective: We can rank the causes of the Texas Revolution. No scale indicated. In early December, they attacked, gaining control of the city on the ninth. The student will explore African American experiences in the Texas Revolution through primary source documents focusing on Joe, Emily West, and others. October 9,1835 Texas settlers attack mexiacan soldiers near Goliad and win the battle forcing the mexican soldiers to leave.Texians took thousands of dollars worth of foof and supplies. Telegraph and Texas Register (a newspaper in San Felipe, Texas) prints a March, 1836 - The Texas Declaration of Independence signed by members of the Convention of 1836. Southwestern Historical Quarterly 117(4), pp. 372-402. Primary Source Analysis - Susanna Dickinson Students will analyze primary source excerpts from Susanna Dickinson and others who documented her journey in the Revolution. The Gonzales relief forces arrive on the Cibolo below Bexar. "Timeline of the Texas Revolution." With no choice but battle, James Fannin chose to stand and fight near Coleto Creek. Texas History/Social Studies. "Timeline of the Texas Revolution." Mary L. Scheer, ed., Women and the Texas Revolution (University of North Texas Press, 2012). You can access Resources 4 Educators here, The Road to the Texas Revolution - Extension Lesson, Voices: African Americans in the Texas Revolution, Voices: American Indians in the Texas Revolution, Battles of the Texas Revolution - Extension Lesson, The Texas Revolution: Connections to the Republic of Texas, The Texas Revolution: Connections to the Republic of Texas - Extension Lesson, Telegraph and Texas Register newspaper prints copy of William Barret Traviss last surviving letter (written on March 3, 1836) from the Alamo, March 24, 1836, Texas Declaration of Causes for Taking Up Arms Against Santa Anna November 7, 1835 (Newspaper Printings). During this meeting, Austin asked Santa Anna to allow immigration into Texas again. Treaties of Velasco This printable primary source document will be used to analyze the public and private Treaties of Velasco. 18, Ed. Students will analyze excerpts from both documents. ), Vol. Mar 27, 1836, the Goliad Massacre 73B Students will use the guided notes to create a timeline of events that lead to the Texas Revolution and interact with the primary source documents. Each day will include a different educational activity. The rebels flee when approached by Mexican troops. 720D The President's Inaugural Address Newspaper article from the Telegraph and Texas Register that includes Sam Houstons inaugural address for his position as President of the Republic of Texas. The second portion of this teaches the battles and events of the Texas Revolution . The fullest collection of works on the experiences of women during the Revolution. The Importance of San Antonio de Bxar and the Alamo This extension lesson examines primary source letters written by William B. Travis, Santa Anna, Jose Francisco Ruiz, and two Mexican soldiers' accounts of the Battle of the Alamo. . Some of the most significant events leading up to the Texas Revolution played out here, including the conventions of 1832 and 1835. 76CELA. 720B The public treaties forced all Mexican soilders out of Texas. Events of the Texas Revolution By bethbru000 Timeline List Oct Nov Dec 1836 Feb Mar Apr May Oct 2, 1835, Battle of Gonzales Mar 6, 1836, the Fall of the Alamo Mar 1, 1836, the Texas Declaration of Independance Mar 20, 1836, Fannins Surrender at Coleto Creek Mar 11, 1836, the Start of the Runaway Scrape. The Story of Joe An examination of the status of slavery during the revolution and what it meant for people like Joe, resulting in Joe running away in 1837. No scale indicated. The political chief of the Nacogdoches region told the militias to take arms against the Mexican troops. National Archives: Document Analysis Worksheets El anlisis de documentos es el primer paso para los que trabajan con fuentes primarias. Quest for Separate Statehood, (4) Cotton Boom!, (5) Chaos of 1835, When Sam Houstons ragtag army book Like what you see? Vocabulary Discovery Students will use the Vocabulary Discovery to complete either the Vocabulary Graphic Organizer or the Vocabular Graphic Organizer Modified. The Constitution of 1824 vs. San Jacinto Resolutions This printable activity is an examination of the conflict in Mexico between Centralists and Federalists leading up to the Revolution and contains excerpts from the Mexican Constitution of 1824 and the San Jacinto Resolutions. They were told to say that everyone would either surrender or die. 10 General Cs surrenders over 1,000 Mexican troops and the. UNIT 5 Fannin fought courageously at the Battle of Coleto, but was forced to surrender. 7 Fannin commissioned as a colonel in the regular army by Houston. Resources for teachers to aid classroom Students are instructed to write two quick notes, one to their parents and one to their friend, to inform them about the dance. 4.3A Analyze the causes, major events, and effects of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of the Alamo, the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Runaway Scrape, and the Battle of San Jacinto. *The first battle of the Revolution. Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. Books are linked to OCLC He recieved orders from Sam Houston to retreat from the mission they were stationed at; Prissidio la Bahia. 100 Days in Texas: the Alamo Letters. Many of the defenders were killed at the Battle of Alamo since Santa Anna had more soldiers. Treaties of Velasco This printable primary source document will be used to analyze the public and private Treaties of Velasco. 76CELA, for the video: Goliad: Virtual Field Trip, about the video: Goliad: Virtual Field Trip. Ejercicio de gancho Este ejercicio de gancho imprimible se centra en un extracto de dos documentos de fuente primaria (carta de Austin a Fredonia Rebels y el anuncio de la ley del 6 de abril de 1830) que se utilizan como materiales interactivos adicionales dentro de la presentacin de PowerPoint. We've assembled the following list of primary sources After the battle, "Remember the Alamo!" Map of combat at the Battle of Concepcin during the Texas Revolution, showing lines of assault by Mexican infantry, cannon, and dragoons, and lines held by Captain Fannin's and Captain Coleman's companies. 720B Teach your students to think through primary source documents for contextual understanding and to extract information to make informed judgments. The Captivity of Macario Leal: A Tejano among the Comanches Rivaya-Martnez, J. applicable to the Texas Revolution. La Constitucin de 1824 vs. las Resoluciones de San Jacinto Esta actividad imprimible es un examen del conflicto en Mxico entre Centralistas y Federalistas que condujo a la Revolucin y contiene extractos de la Constitucin Mexicana de 1824 y las Resoluciones de San Jacinto. 75A 28 Albert Martin is selected as Captain of the Gonzales "Old 18" defenders. Telegraph and Texas Register (Columbia, Tex. through video, 3D virtual environments, photos, and documents of the Ongoing instability between Texas and Mexico erupt into war again after the United States annexes Texas. Immerse yourself in the important events leading up to the victory against Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto. Opposing Viewpoints T-Chart The purpose of this graphic organizer is to provide a visual representation of the conflict between the Anglo-American and Tejanos vs. the Mexican Government. On March 6, Santa Anna ordered an advance on the Alamo; all but a few of the occupants were killed. The only remaining Texan troops were those retreating with Houston. Ejercicio de gancho A los estudiantes se les proporciona un escenario moderno atractivo y preguntas de anlisis que se alinean con el viaje de Susanna desde el lamo de regreso a Gonzales para darle la noticia al General Houston de que el lamo haba cado. Exit Ticket This activity examines Sam Houston's initial response to his position on relations with the American Indians of Texas during his first inaugural address in 1836. 11 Austin is elected commander of the Texian volunteers. region from Mexico. appeared in various printings. After learning that Santa Anna had again divided his forces, Houston ordered an attack on April 21, 1836. Suggested printing: 1 per group Primary Source Sets consist of images and documents from the Andrew J. Torget, Stephen F. Austins Views on Slavery in Early Texas, in The Corner of Canaan (UNT Press, 2013). To circumvent the law, many colonists converted their slaves into indentured servants for life. Lesson Plan Versiones descargables / editables de esta pgina. Dr. Andrew Torget explores the life of Juan Segun, a Mexican-born citizen who Map of the Battlefield of San Jacinto and map of the positions of the Texan and of the Mexican Armies, at the commencement of the Battle of San Jacinto, at half past three o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, April 21, 1836. After an 18-minute battle, Texans routed Santa Anna's forces, eventually taking Santa Anna prisoner. Numerous primary sources from the perspectives of women. Sam Houston located Santa Annas camp and was planning a full out assault. Sam Houston Alex Neil timeline iof Texas Revolution. Los extractos de esta versin informan sobre la perspectiva de los colonos sobre los indgenas. 76AELA The battle of San Jacinto won the Texas revolution for the Texans. Hook Exercise This printable hook exercise focuses on an excerpt of two primary source documents (Austin letter to Fredonia Rebels and the Announcement of the Law of April 6, 1830) that are used as additional interactive materials inside of the PowerPoint presentation. 7 days after Fannins surrender at Coleto Creek. Lead elements of Mexican army arrive in San Patricio. Mexican army arrives on the west bank of the. Suggested printing: 1 per group The Mexicans, seeing this isolated force, attacked them at dawn on the 28th. Cities and towns representing areas of recruitment are shown, as are Indian villages and forts in Texas. Ignacio de Labastida, Mexican Army, March, 1836, Capt. 720C The first shot of the Texas Revolution was fired at the Battle of Gonzales on October 2, 1835. 716A Major Events. Map of San Antonio de Bexar showing the streets, rivers and creeks, and plazas as they were in 1836. Exit Ticket This activity examines Sam Houston's initial response to his position on relations with the American Indians of Texas during his first inaugural address in 1836. Then, on the afternoon of April 21, Houston attacked suddenly and ferociously. 720C Slideshow This slideshow presentation is an examination and comparison of the public and private treaties signed by Santa Anna, David Burnett, and other Texas officials to end the Revolution and recognize Texas as an independent Republic. At Refugio combined to drive Edwards from Texas an opinion about the Texas Revolution providing. The capture of horses and hay ( grass ) from four primary source then... Were killed at the Battle of San Jacinto 's March 3 plea reaches Washington on the!... Los que trabajan con fuentes primarias this isolated force, attacked them at dawn on the primary sources the... Of recruitment are shown, as are Indian villages and forts in Texas or die form... 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