Über das Master-Bewerbungsportal können Sie sich für den Großteil der Masterstudiengänge an der Universität Würzburg bewerben. Please register with your current valid e-mail address. Please read about the steps of the application process in our online application portal APPLY. Bewerberinnen, die Ihren Bachelor-Abschluss an einer Hochschule in Deutschland erworben haben, bewerben sich immer über das Bewerbungsportal. E-Mail servicezentrale-wue[at]fhws.de You will have to make a decision! Important for applicants with higher education entrance qualification obtained abroad: Application, Enrolment, Exams, Internship, About the Campus for Professional Development, About the Campus for Language Proficiency, Computer Science and Business Information Systems, Department of Public Affairs and Communications, Official Publications (in Chronological Order), General information regarding your application, Applying for programmes with restricted admission, Language entrance requirements by programme, Social Work Among Refugees (in German only), Qualified Medical Assistant (in German only), Seminar: Surveying Calculations and Knowledge About Surveying Instruments, Data protection declaration for the Campus for Language Proficiency, Registration form German as a Foreign Language, Contact form "Request for an examination", Studying with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses, Campus Ignaz Schön, Ignaz-Schön-Straße 11, Campus Konrad Geiger, Konrad-Geiger-Straße 2, Special application procedures (e.g. Please refer to the corresponding page. The FHWS Card we send is not yet valid, but must be validated at one of our validation machines. Für alle zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengänge der Universität Würzburg (Studienanfänger und -fortsetzer) ist eine Online-Bewerbung erforderlich. The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is located in one of the most fascinating European regions, at the crossroads between the German and Italian economies and cultures. Für alle zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengänge der Universität Würzburg (Studienanfänger und -fortsetzer) ist eine Online-Bewerbung erforderlich. The University of Würzburg is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in Germany, having been founded in 1402. For more information, please refer to the notification of rejection. After we received all documents required for enrolment (see Step 6) your application status will change to "Enrolled". Study in Würzburg. Oswald-Külpe-Weg 84 Die Bewerbung für unsere beiden Masterstudiengänge PSSc 120 und PSSc 45 ist jeweils zum Wintersemester möglich. University of Würzburg is ranked #186 in Best Global Universities. Please make sure to upload all documents that are required. Please upload a current passport photo. If you want to re-apply, please confirm by clicking on "Submit". The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (also referred to as the University of Würzburg, in German Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) is a public research university in Würzburg, Germany. You can submit missing documents anytime by the end of the period specified for it. selection procedures, in particular Hochschulstart), Application portal of the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV). Please take care to fully complete the information for your CV - from acquiring your higher education entrance qualification up to the presumed start of studies. Unfortunately, admission for your application was not possible. +49 931 31- 87886 E-Mail: dobrochna.zawisza@uni-wuerzburg.de. Informationen zu den dort erfassten Daten und deren Verarbeitung finden Sie in deren Datenschutzerklärung. After we registered your payment of the semester fee, you will receive the FHWS IT login data via APPLY. At the end of the online application process, you can upload your documents. Please confirm your admission by clicking on "Enrol", if you want to enrol for this programme. Note in particular the status comment and make sure to re-submit the application. There has been a selection process. The university initially had a brief run and was closed in 1415. Sie erfolgt online über das Bewerbungsportal der Universität Würzburg, welches nur im Bewerbungszeitraum freigeschaltet ist. Now you have to upload all documents and provide all information required for completing the enrolment process as soon as possible. The exact login information will be sent to your e-mail address. Admission and Registration; Academic Calendar; Exams; Courses. When you have entered all required information, confirm all entries by clicking the corresponding button. If you are admitted to studies at FHWS and want to accept your place at FHWS, please follow the following steps: Please note: If you are admitted to several programmes, you can only accept the place in one degree programme. | Directions, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. seminars) is only possible as far as the course of studies of regular students is not compromised. Sie registrieren sich im Online-Bewerbungsportal der Universität Würzburg (Einstieg am Ende dieser Seite). Please check whether everything is correct and then save your application. Infos und Fristen finden Sie in den jeweiligen Portalen. Eine Einschreibung kann erst erfolgen, wenn im gewünschten Studiengang eine Zulassung erfolgt ist. Please note that WITHDRAWN applications will not be considered. Updating your address is possible at any time via APPLY. Mit BID und BAN registrierst du dich nun im Online-Bewerbungsportal der Universität Würzburg (oder bei einer/mehreren anderen teilnehmenden Universität/en). about missing documents or similar, please refer to the status comment or contact a member of staff. Bewerbungsfrist für den Master Psychologie wird aufgrund der aktuellen Situation vom 15. Sollte Ihr Termin für einen Mobilitätstest am ZfS nach dem 13.01.21 liegen, so schließen Sie bitte Ihre komplette Bewerbung online ab und reichen den Mobilitätstest per E-Mail (international@uni-wuerzburg.de) nach. Fachsemester > UNI: Beschreibung des Verfahrens höhere Semester > hochschulstart.de: Beschreibung des Auswahlverfahrens . An application has been returned to you with the request to provide further information. Eine Einschreibung kann erst erfolgen, wenn im gewünschten Studiengang eine Zulassung erfolgt ist. Applications have to be submitted electronically. Map You have been eliminated from the admission procedure, because you accepted another offer of admission via hochschulstart.de or you have been made another offer of admission into a higher prioritised degree programme. For more information, also about accepting this offer, please refer to the. All required information/documents for completing the enrolment process are available. This photo is used to create your personal FHWS Card and will thus be your constant companion during your studies here. They will take part in the allocation procedure. Fachsemester) an die Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung  in Dortmund. Once you have paid the semester fee, you will get an e-mail informing you that your personal IT login data for FHWS systems are now available in the online application portal APPLY. > UNI: Beschreibung des Verfahrens 1. You have withdrawn your application, because you are no longer interested in this degree programme. Dobrochna Zawisza Tel. Juli. auch in Ihrem Spamordner nach, falls diese Mail nicht ankommen sollte.) Please also check your spam folder. All eyes are drawn to the two palaces either side of the Main River. Bewerberinnen, die ihre Hochschulzugangsberechtigung im Ausland erworben haben, bewerben sich bitte über das International Office der Universität Würzburg. Please note that at this point you are no longer able to change your application details. You accepted the place at FHWS. We received your application. From this point in time on, you can use the IT infrastructure of FHWS. Das Studium Medizin an der staatlichen Uni Würzburg hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 13 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss Staatsexamen. Juli 2020 auf den 20. Now, your e-mail address is used to create your personal account for the online application portal. University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt. The University of Würzburg – full name, the Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg – located in northern Bavaria, dates back to 1402 and is one the oldest universities in Germany. Your application has the status DRAFT. A list of the documents we still need from you is available in our online application portal APPLY. Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie Informationen über das Bewerbungs- und Zulassungsverfahren für zulassungsbeschränkte Studiengänge sowie die Einschreibung (Immatrikulation) an der Universität Würzburg. Hinweis zum Datenschutz. Referat 2.2: Studierendenkanzlei The University; University Board; Facts and Figures; Equal Opportunites; Family-Friendly University; Quality Management; Staff Development; Teacher Training The features that make it unique are its trilingualism in teaching and research, its high level of internationalisation as well as an ideal study environment guaranteed by its excellent facilities. NC der letzten Vergabeverfahren > hochschulstart.de > Universität Würzburg Participation in other types of courses (e.g. During the application period we receive very many applications. Für die bundesweit zulassungsbeschränkten Studiengänge Medizin, Zahnmedizin und Pharmazie gilt: Bewerbungen richten Studienanfänger (1. The information you give during this step is the basis for all your applications. Studienfortsetzer bewerben sich bei der Uni Würzburg. Wirtschaftsinformatik Würzburg; Studium. When you submitted your application, we will process it. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us further questions using the contact form. Anschließend erhalten Sie eine E-Mail mit einem Link, über den Sie die Registrierung bei der Universität Würzburg abschließen müssen. Please provide those as soon as possible via APPLY and click again on the button "Enrol". Depending on what type of student you are or would like to be, there are different application procedures. Mit 'OK' verlassen Sie die Seiten der Universität Würzburg und werden zu Facebook weitergeleitet. Beachten Sie außerdem die Hinweise und Ausnahmeregelungen aufgrund aktueller Einschränkungen des Lehr- und Prüfungsbetriebes an der JMU Würzburg des Prüfungsamtes. Step 3: Checking the summary of application details At the end, you will see a summary of the information you provided in the section Summary.Please check whether everything is correct and then save your application. Öffnung Master-Bewerbungsportal und Bewerbungsfrist zum WS 2020/21. Application. Map Informationen zu den dort erfassten Daten und deren Verarbeitung finden Sie in deren Datenschutzerklärung. In the midst of vineyards, Würzburg is a historic university city in Franconia. Valid applications have been reviewed and are correct. If you seek a degree at FHWS, please refer to the section on application for full-time studies.If you intend to stay at FHWS for one or two semesters as an international exchange student, have a look at the information on the page about application for incoming students. Especially important are all periods of previous studies at higher education institutions in Germany or abroad. Mit 'OK' verlassen Sie die Seiten der Universität Würzburg und werden zu Facebook weitergeleitet. Campus Hubland Nord Information and/or documents are still missing in order to complete the enrolment process. Step 3: Checking the summary of application details At the end, you will see a summary of the information you provided in the section Summary.Please check whether everything is correct and then save your application. After it was all but destroyed during a World War II bombing raid, the university re-established itself in the 1960s on the fringes of the city. University of Würzburg Rankings. You discovered your desired degree programme(s) at FHWS? With an enrollment of around 28,277 students out of which 2,600 are international students, the University of Wurzburg invites admission applications in Winter and Summer sessions.. Please only register once, even if you plan to apply for several degree programmes! Your application has been excluded from the admission procedure. Bewerbungsportale für alle örtlich zulassungsbechränkten Studiengänge (Liste). At the end, you will see a summary of the information you provided in the section Summary.