The Philosophy Department is located in University Hall, Suite 3600. Entpflichtete Professoren Hilfskräfte Visiting Professors Lehre und Studium ... Aktuelles. Professur für Philosophie und philosophische Grundfragen; Praktische Theologie. Chair of Religious Studies: Zöller, Günter: Prof. Dr. Name, Vorname Titel Telefon Raum; Biagini, Francesca: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-4492: 234: Bley, Werner: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-4432: 437: Frank, Rupert: Prof. Dr. Mit deiner Entscheidung Philosophie an der LMU zu studieren, sollte dir Bewusst sein, dass dieses ein Studium ist, welches vor allem dem Selbstzweck dient. Links und Funktionen. “The “Bi shi” 粊誓, Western Zhou Oath Texts, and the Legal Culture of Early China” in Kern, Martin and Dirk Meyer (eds.; Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft Clinical and Experimental Pain Therapy, Professor of Systems Biology of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Chair of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Professor of Computational Molecular Medicine, Professor of Molecular Pathophysiology - Pathophysiology of Angiogenesis, Professor of Brilliant X-ray Sources for Diagnostic Medicine, Chair in the field of Translational Stroke and Dementia Research, Professor of Experimental Pharmacotherapy, Professor of Immunotherapy and Molecular Biology, Professor of Translational Neurobiochemistry, Chair of Dentistry, esp. Hinweise zur Datenübertragung bei der Google™ Suche. Home Page Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München LMU Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich LMU mehr, Tod, Unsterblichkeit und Identität Die Dozentinnen und Dozenten des Studiengangs sind zumeist Professorinnen und Professoren der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The faculty offers a Philosophy degree program (bachelor, major and minor) and an interfaculty study of religion program (bachelor, major). mehr, In der Regel online -- zusätzlicher Präsenzunterricht wird angestrebt Fachbereich Philosophie Fachbereich Personen Professorinnen und Professoren. Die Philosophie ist in München wie an kaum einer anderen deutschen Universität durch ein breit gefächertes und gut aufgestelltes Lehrpersonal vertreten.; LMU-Portal; Sitemap; Sprachumschaltung. Menü ... Philosophie der Mengenlehre, Forcing, Formale Methoden in der Philosophie, Mathematischer Pluralismus. 2002 Wahrnehmung der Aufgaben des Lehrstuhlinhabers am Lehrstuhl für Christliche Philosophie in Lehre und Studienbetreuung; 2003/2004 Vertretung des Lehrstuhles für Christliche Philosophie an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der LMU München; 2005 Ernennung zum Akademischen Rat am Martin-Grabmann-Forschungsinstitut der LMU München Prof. Dr. Hannes Möhle; Apl. - 5560 (Sekretariat/ secretariat) Prof. Monika Betzler.; LMU-Portal; Sitemap; Sprachumschaltung. mehr, Das SoSe 2020 wird bei LMU-Philosophie-Studierenden nicht auf die Maximalstudienzeit angerechnet Home; Professoren Main Navigation. Links und Funktionen. Professoren Hauptnavigation. Professoren. FS). Damit du später reibungslos in einen Beruf einsteigen kannst, solltest du dich schon während deiner Studienzeit in anderen Bereichen weiterbilden. Name, Vorname Titel Telefon E-Mail; Brendecke, Arndt: Prof. Dr. +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 5561, bzw. Die LMU ist eine der renommiertesten und traditionsreichsten Universitäten Europas. Sie setzt sich umfassend mit den Themengebieten der historischen Philosophie sowie mit systematisch gestellten und aktuellen Fragen auseinander. Anschließend war er wissenschaftlicher Assistent an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und an der LMU, wo … Studium der Philosophie, Literaturwissenschaft und Geschichte an der LMU München sowie der Université Lyon II (M.A. mehr, Hinweise zur Datenübertragung bei der Google™ Suche. English Aktuelles Über uns Personen Professoren Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter Projektmitarbeiter Ehemalige Mitarbeiter ... Mitarbeiter Verwaltungsangestellte Weitere Personen Studium und mehr Digitale Lehre Wintersemester 20/21 ... Datenschutzerklärung LMU; Fehler gefunden/ Anregungen? Sie verbindet hervorragende Forschung mit einem anspruchsvollen Lehrangebot. Lorenzo Rossi obtained a DPhil in Philosophy from the University of Oxford in 2016, under the supervision of Volker Halbach and Tim Williamson. Münchner Kolloquium für Religionsphilosophie 2020, Peter Adamson erhält den Schelling-Preis 2020 der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vorabinformationen zur Abhaltung der Philosophie-Lehrveranstaltungen im WiSe 2020/21, Beschluss des Bayerischen Landtags: Mehr Flexibilität und Planungssicherheit für Studierende im Corona-Sommersemester 2020, Aktuelles Vorlesungsverzeichnis (WiSe 2020/21), Voranmeldeverfahren BA-HF- und -NF-Philosophie (1. Impressum und Disclaimer; Hinweise zur Datenübertragung bei der Google™ Suche. Hinweise zur Datenübertragung bei der Google™ Suche. Ausblenden. Name, Vorname Titel Telefon E-Mail; Begemann, Christian: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-3378 (6205) Dirscherl, Margit: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-3381 Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft Lehrstuhl für Philosophie II Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 D-80539 München Raum A 219 (HGB) Telefon: +49 (0) 89/ 2180 - 2488 Fax: +49 (0) 89/ 2180 - 2489 E-Mail: Lehrstuhl für Liturgiewissenschaft; Lehrstuhl für Pastoraltheologie; Lehrstuhl für Religionspädagogik und Didaktik des Religionsunterrichts The Heirs of Avicenna: Philosophy in the Islamic East from the 12th to the 13th Century (DFG funded project, 2016-19) ERC Project on Animals in Philosophy of the Islamic World Name, Vorname Titel Telefon E-Mail; drucken; nach oben; Fußzeile. Name, Vorname Titel Telefon E-Mail; Eshelman, Raoul: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-5267: Kazakova, Svetlana: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-6833 Prof. Dr. Klaus Konhardt; Apl. Metaphysics and Ontology, Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language, Professor of Philosophy, esp. (M.P.A. The Loyola Marymount University Department of Philosophy has a long-standing commitment to excellent teaching, careful advising, and productive scholarship, and is dedicated to providing a collegial and friendly environment conducive to ongoing intellectual development. Professor Dr. Reinhard Pekrun hat an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig und der Universität Tübingen Psychologie, Pädagogik und Philosophie studiert. drucken; nach oben; Fußzeile. Prof. Dr. Petra Kolmer; Prof. Dr. Dirk Lanzerath ; Hon. Economics of Education, Professor of Anesthesiology, esp. Nephropathy and Hypertension, Professor of Pediatric Palliative Medicine, Professor for Theoretical and Experimental Biology in Otorhinolaryngology / Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Professor of Neurosurgical Research with a focus on Neurooncology, Professor for Epidemiology of Vertigo, Balance and Ocular Motor Disorders, Professor of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Defects, Professor of Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Chair of Molecular Musculoskeletal Research, Chair of Operative and Conservative Dentistry, Chair of Internal Medicine with a focus on Hematology and Oncology, Professor of Global Health & Infectious Diseases, Professor of Lipidology and Metabolic Desease, Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Functional Genetics, Professor of Translational Apoptosis Research in Pediatric Oncology, Professor of Dental Radiology and Surgery, Chair of Neurosciences and Clinical Neuroimmunology, Professor for Translational Pathology of Tumors, Professor of Pneumology - Airway Inflammation and Obstruction, Professor of Neurobiological Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Professor of Neurodiagnostic Applications in Psychiatry, Professor for the Physiology of Adult Neurogenesis, Professor of Operative and Conservative Dentistry, Professor of Molecular Oncology with a focus on Radiooncology, Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical-Analytical Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases, Chair of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine, Chair of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Chair of Großtierforschung in der translationalen Medizin, Professor of gene therapy of eye diseases, Professor of Molecular Toxicology and Pharmacology, Professor of Regeneration and Plasticity of the CNS, Chair of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Professor of Psychiatric Translational Research in Dementia, Professor in Experimental Stroke Research, Professor of Molecular Neurobiology and Animal Models of Psychiatric Diseases, Professor of Biochemistry of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Professor for Experimental Vascular Medicine, Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Chair of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics, Professor of Internal Medicine - Rheumatology, Professor for Research in Neuromuscular Diseases, Professor of Internal Medicine - Diabetology, Professor of Clinical Pathobiochemistry and Pathophysiology, Professor of Physiology - Physiology of Microcirculation, Professor for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Professor of Neurology with a focus on Clinical Neurophysiology, Professor of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, Professor of Internal Medicine with special Focus on Cellular Immunotherapy, Chair of of Medical Microbology and Hospital Hygiene, Chair of Laboratory Medicine (Clinical Chemistry), Chair of General, Visceral und Transplantation Surgery, Professor of Lab Animals and Functional Genome Analysis, Professor of Biotechnology in Small Animal Reproductive Medicine, Chair of Animal Welfare, Ethology, Animal Hygiene and Animal Housing, Chair of Equine Medicine and Reproduction, Chair of Internal Medicine of Small Animals, Professor of Udder Science and Livestock Management, Professor of Clinical and Comparative Neuropathology, Chair for Fish Diseases und Fishing Biology, Chair of Palaeoanatomy and the History of Veterinary Medicine, Chair of Veterinary Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, Professor of Molecular and Experimental Pathology, Chair of Molecular Animal Breeding and Biotechnology, Chair of Physiology and Reproductive Pathology, Chair of Didactics of History and Public History, Chair of European History of the 19th and 20th Century, Professor of Eastern and South Eastern European History, Professor of Art History, with special emphasis on Modern and Contemporary Art History, Professor of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Historical Media Studies, Professor of History of Art in the Early Modern Period with a focus on religious images in Europe, Chair of Medieval History with a focus on the Early and High Middle Ages, Professor of Acient and Medieval Jewish History and Culture, Professor of Early Modern History, specialising in Western European History, Professor of Medieval and Early Modern History of Russia/East Central Europe, Professor of Art History, with special emphasis on Bavarian Art History, Chair of Bavarian History and Comparative Regional History, with special emphasis on Modern History, Chair of Ancient History with a focus on social and economic history, Chair of European History of the 19th and 20th centuries, Chair of Art History, with special emphasis on Italian Art History, Chair of the History of the Ancient Near and Middle East, Professor of Theatre Studies and Music Theatre, Professor of Art History, with special emphasis on Medieval Art History, Chair for Bavarian and Comparative Regional History with a special focus on the Middle Ages, Chair of Late Ancient and Arabic Philosophy, Chair of Philosophy, esp. Raum: Y 226 Postfach: 216. Some 700 professors research and teach at LMU Munich in all disciplines of knowledge. Name, Vorname Titel Telefon E-Mail; Aris, Marc-Aeilko: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-2392: Fuhrer, Therese: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-3783: Name, Vorname Titel Telefon E-Mail; Nicolosi, Riccardo: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-2844: Schweier, Ulrich: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-3782 : +49 7531 88 5768. mehr, Philosophie-Hausarbeiten aus dem WiSe 2019/20 / BA- und Masterarbeiten Honorarprofessorinnen und Honorarprofessoren des Institutes für Philosophie: Hon. Chair of Ancient Philosophy and Rhetoric: Yelle, Robert: Prof. Dr. Impressum und Disclaimer; Datenschutzerklärung Social Politics and Labor Markets, Chair of of Economics, esp. Studium der "Public Administration" an der Kennedy School of Government der Harvard University/Cambridge, Mass. Der an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München angebotene Bachelorstudiengang Philosophie führt in grundlegende philosophische Methoden ein und macht mit zentralen Problemen und Positionen der Philosophie in ihrer ganzen Bandbreite vertraut.Bei erfolgreichen Beendigung des Studiums, das regulär sechs Semester dauert, wird der Abschlu ssgrad „Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Einige ziehen wir von anderen Hochschulen hinzu. 1992). the History of Modern Philosophy 22.01.2021 The Concept of Nature in German Idealism Call for Abstracts mehr 27.11.2020 – 28.11.2020; Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion; ... Professoren Main Navigation. Entscheidend bei der Auswahl sind fachliche Exzellenz und Praxiserfahrung. Kontakt Tel. Professoren Hauptnavigation. Name, Vorname Titel Telefon E-Mail; Krefeld, Thomas: Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89 2180-2289 Chair of New Testament Exegesis and Biblical Hermeneutics, Chair of Canon Law, especially Theological Foundation of Canon Law, General Norms and Constitutional Law and Oriental Canon Law, Chair of Medieval and Modern Church History, Chair of Ecclesiastical Law, with focus on Marriage Law, Procedural and Criminal Law and State Ecclesiastical Law, Chair of Ecclesiastical Law, with focus on Administrative Law and History of Ecclesiastical Law, Chair of Church History of the Antiquity and Patrology, Chair of Dogmatic and Ecumenical Theology, Chair of Systematic Theology: Dogmatic Theology and Ethics, Chair of Practical Theology with a focus on Homiletics and Theory of Media Communication, Chair of Systematic Theology with a focus on Ethics, Chair of Systematic Theology with a focus on Dogmatics and Ecumenics, Chair of Mission Studies and Religious Studies, Chair of Practical Theology and Religious Education, Chair of Church History I (Early Church History), Chair of Old Testament Studies I (History of Ancient Israel und Literary History of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible), Chair of Civil Law, European and International Commercial Law, Chair of Public Law, Public Economic Law and Tax Law, Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Philosophy of Law and Sociology of Law, Chair of German, European, International Labour Law and Civil Law, Chair of Social Law, Employment Law and Civil Law, Chair for Private Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, Private Law Theory, Chair of Civil Law, Civil Procedure, European Private Law and Procedure, Chair for Civil Law and Business and Corporate Law, Chair of Civil Law and German, international and comparative Civil Procedure, Professor of Civil Law, of German, Bavarian and Modern Legal History, Chair of Public Law and Constitutional Philosophy, Chair of (International) Employment Law, Comparative Labor Law and Civil Law, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Chair for Private and Business Law, Private International Law, Comparative Law, Chair of Civil Law, Commercial Law, Intellectual Property Rights and Comparative Law, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law, Chair for Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law with Information Law and IT-Law, Chair of Learned Law, German and European Legal History and Civil Law, Chair of Civil Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law, Chair of Private Law, Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Chair for Roman Law, Ancient Legal History and Private Law, Chair for Criminal Law and Procedure, Business Criminal Law and Legal Philosophy, Chair of German, European and International Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Business Criminal Law, Chair of International Law and Public Law, Professor of Strategic Organization Design, Chair of Management with focus on Capital Market Research and Finance, Institute for Information Systems and New Media, Institute for Leadership and Organization, Chair of Management with a focus on Management Accounting, Junior Professor of Strategy and Organization, Professor of Internet Business and Internet Services, Institute for Health Economics and Health Care Management, Professor of Vocational and Professional Education and Training, especially Human Resource Education and Development, Institute for Risk Management and Insurance, Junior Professor of the Theory of Management Accounting, Chair for Business Administration with a focus on Business Taxation, Institute for Information, Organization and Management, Professor of Business Administration with focus Health Services Management, Institute for Human Resource Education & Management, Chair of Economics with emphasis on Economic History, Chair of International Trade and Trade Policy, Chair of Economics, esp.