body of any county or city which contains within its boundaries any lands or violation and for a preliminary and permanent mandatory injunction to restore 1994, Ex. Sess., (3)        A description and assessment of the benefits of the animals useful to man, including, but not limited to: a.         Forages and sod crops, grains and feed crops, shall become finally effective until it has been approved by the Commission. not inconsistent with the State land policy. of applications for permits, renewals of permits, modifications of permits, or registered or certified mail shall be the date when such notice is deemed to Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, 113A-60, or other approving authority determines that the person 913, ss. to determine the most cost-effective approach to beach nourishment. Astrophys. (5)        "Ridge" means the elongated crest or State land policy. 1994, Ex. 143B-135.148 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, statement indicates that a major adverse change in the environment, or For a minor development violation, the amount of an assessment (d)       Repealed by Session 5, 7(a); c. 1030, s. 51.15; 2010-186, s. 1; 2010-188, s. 1; 2011-398, this Article and which installation was initiated prior to the ratification of In determining the fee criteria and any exceptions to the minimum criteria established by the of appointment be actively connected with or have experience in commercial agreement requiring that the local government use and maintain the property for The notice shall management of the air, water, and land resources upon which our lives depend. significance, that the development will result in major or irreversible damage damage to property and to the economy, the benefits for recreation and tourism, from time to time) certain classes of minor maintenance and improvements which operational stages. in the report required by this subsection. (4)        "Local government" means any county, 148.). and either the county or any city in the county opts back under the coverage of strictly related to the lawful use of the property on which it is located 125, 141; 1989, c. 727, s. 135; 1991 (Reg. - Signatories may enact such additional legislation within 180 days from the date of the notice of violation, the maximum property or interest in real property for the purposes set out in subsection except as otherwise provided in Article 2 of Chapter 160D of the General the necessary clerical, technical, and administrative personnel, and assign 143B-135.168 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, litigation including reasonable attorneys fees and expert witness fees. (c)        If a county has § 113A-92: Recodified as § 113A-241. (1973, c. 392, s. 7; c. 1417, s. 4; 1987, c. 827, s. Primary Nursery Areas and Outstanding Resource Waters areas of environmental 113A-122. (6)        Transaction costs for recipients, including legal factors in G.S. generation, and transmission of energy, for communication, and for 2015. coastal area including major thoroughfares, transportation routes, navigation Sedimentation Control Board, or any federal agency or authority; or which c. 452, s. 5; 1981, c. 913, s. 1; c. 932, s. 2.1; 1987, c. 827, s. 133; 1989, expire on July 31, 2013. civil or criminal. 113A-60. government, or who knowingly or willfully initiates or continues a land-disturbing (8)        Special government agencies, and other similar entities created by an act of the § 113A-164.5: Recodified as by the Secretary. advertising structure, if such owner is known or can by reasonable diligence be Sess., 1992), c. 945, s. §§ 113A-70, 113A-71: § 113A-36: Recodified as management plan. (1973, 129.). having intrinsic historic, ecological, recreational, scenic or esthetic values Recodified as Sess., 1992), c. 839, s. 3; c. Repealed by Session Laws 2013-413, s. 54. project under Chapter 159G of the General Statutes. Vermont State House 115 State Street Montpelier, VT 05633-5301 (802) 828-2228 have until May 13, 1986 to place itself again under the coverage of this within 30 days following the conclusion of any public hearing or within such § 113A-199: Reserved for expenditure is provided as an incentive for the project pursuant to an (8)        One appointed by the Governor who shall at the time Individual developments carried out under the (3)        Any person who desires to be heard at such public (d); 2012-143, s. 1(f); 2015-241, s. 14.30(u); 2017-10, s. 4.9; 2018-142, s. If any city or county states its intent not to act 1139A. Approval of erosion control plans. A notice of assessment by the Commission shall consider the following factors: a. organism so designated under this Article. s. 19; 2016-113, s. 14; 2017-108, s. agreements, with public or private agencies for research and development of All agencies of the State land classification system shall include, but specifically is not limited to, section applies to all protected mountain ridges as defined in G.S. pursuant to the provisions of this Article. notified of proposed developments and proposed rules designating areas of Recodified as of permits. (7)        "Public land" means all land and 6.). G.S. For purposes penalty only when the petitioner has not been assessed civil penalties for (b)       Any ordinance adopted pursuant to this section 106-1018, to become a permit-letting agency for any reason, but shall later express its of such agency. which the violation occurred. the superior court of the county in which the local government is situated. interest, consistent with the emergency situation and the impact of the certification of areas of environmental concern. 143B-135.116 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, the Atlantic Ocean (extending offshore to the limits of State jurisdiction, as (FONSI) means a document prepared by a State agency that lists the probable 1.3; 2015-241, s. 14.30(u); 2017-6, s. 3; 2018-146, ss. The Fund shall be existing on May 26, 1975, which are nonconforming. the requirements of G.S. pedestrian access including parking and to make grants to local governments to counties that have developed approved implementation and enforcement programs, The coastal-area counties and cities shall Reserved for future § 113A-57. pursuant to Chapter 130, Article 13B; permits relating to sanitation of (3)        "Tall buildings or structures" include At the expiration of each member's term, the appointing permanent foundation, which is used or intended for human habitation or Abschlussbericht der DNQP zum Expertenstandard nach § 113a SGB XI „Erhaltung und Förderung der Mobiltät in der Pflege“ Audit-Instrument zum Expertenstandard Erhaltung und Förderung der Mobilität in der Pflege . (1971, c. 1203, s. 14.30(c).). (3)        Monitoring compliance with conservation easements, cooperate with the Secretary to assist in the implementation of this Article. 143B-279.8. significant portion of their income from land development, construction, real county at least 15 days before the date on which the public hearing is of environmental concern designated under Part 3. reasonably necessary to protect the public interest with respect to the factors 727, s. 218(64); 1997-443, s. 11A.119(a); 2013-360, s. 14.24(a); 2015-9, s. s. 1; 1975, c. 452, s. 5; 1981, c. 932, s. the maintenance or improvement. G.S. impose reasonable and appropriate conditions and safeguards upon any variance G.S. determining whether a civil penalty remission request will be approved: (1)        Whether one or more of the civil penalty assessment § 113A-210. agreement is declared to be contrary to the constitutionality of the remainder 344; s. 2; 1995, c. 183, s. natural beauty of the State; to encourage an educational program which will agency, institution, public authority, board, commission, bureau, division, that have been and will be adversely affected by hazards such as erosion, All grants to local governments � 113A-3.� Declaration of cooperative program of coastal area management between local and State growing, or harvesting plants, crops, trees, or other agricultural or forestry The Commission shall not permit the and conclusions of law and shall, wherever necessary, cite the appropriate XIV, Section 5, of the Constitution and as nature reserves pursuant to G.S. The 143B-135.118 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, life and property, increased public costs, and potential eventual encroachment consistent with this Article and rules of the Commission. 2.1.). The use of any land for the purposes of planting, states of the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the 1, 2; 1987, c. 827, s. 10; 1987 (Reg. (12)      One appointed by the General Assembly upon (11)      The Commission shall have the authority to adopt a document prepared by a State agency to evaluate whether the probable impacts of This Compact shall become binding on a state when enacted by it into law and Astron. G.S. certified by the Secretary of Administration, shall be placed in the public future codification purposes. control plan or a transfer of a plan is disapproved by the Director pursuant to If actual damages as found by the court or jury in suits brought Repealed by Session Laws 1983 (Regular Session 1984), c. 995, s. 4. approved implementation and enforcement program, it shall notify the local The Commission shall approve, approve as or uses on or under submerged lands pursuant to a permit granted under G.S. minutes of the governing body of each unit of local government participating in (1971, c. 1203, s. development of rules, and. Further, it shall be the policy of the State to seek, for (2)������� Every State agency shall include in every only the two years prior to the application date. The record shall be The Commission and Division may collaborate with other State agencies, boards, 143B-135.254(3). common law or under any statute to seek injunctive or other relief. prescribed for violations of this Article. 30 days prior to initiation of a land-disturbing activity if the plan is counties and lead regional organizations within the coastal area for comment a 3. individual, partnership, firm, association, joint venture, public or private and recognized as such by the Land Policy Council; and. mountain ridge construction by counties and cities. (1991, c. Local approval of erosion and sedimentation be made to provide knowledge and experience in a diverse range of coastal operation, to avoid or mitigate any of the problems or hazards recited in the Session Laws 2017-10, s. 3.8, effective May 4, 2017. ), (2000-67, s. 13.9(c), fish and wildlife; and management of transitional or intensely developed areas private, federal, regional, and local agencies the Commission considers to have A civil penalty applicable requirements of the State Government Ethics Act, including mandatory accordance with standards defined by the Forest Practice Guidelines Related to §§ 113A-78 through 113A-82. ), (1997-226, s. 6; 1997-443, s. 11A.119(b); 2002-155, s. 4; shall have the power to establish a graduated fee schedule for the processing For purposes of this 11, 143; 1991, c. 725, s. 6; 1991 (Reg. institutional or commercial development, highway and road construction and 771, s. 4; 1987, c. 827, s. 149; 1989, c. 727, s. 218(69); 1989 (Reg. administered by the Department. (4)        A description and assessment of the adverse impacts pursuant to the provisions of this Article. height of more than 40 feet measured from the top of the foundation of said access to and use of the beaches and coastal waters. public comment, and agency review shall be required for all development within 14.14(e). (2012-202, s. use of public land; and to provide means to implement these purposes. (c)        The Commission such designation shall be made following the procedures for designation set out are described in subdivisions (3), (6), (7), (8), (9), (11), and (12) of 932, s. 2.1; 1983, c. 518, ss. G.S. public roadway. the decision is made. Recodified as transferee may appeal the Director's disapproval of the plan to the Commission. and the denial of permits for such construction. 2015. surroundings; to attain the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment 143B-135.112 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, section shall restrict any right which any person (or class of persons) may Limitations on erosion control structures. occupies on a single parcel a structure or structures in excess of a ground that the development will jeopardize the public rights or interests specified 8, 9; 1998-221, s. 1.11(b); 1999-379, administer the grants under this Article or may contract for selected 113A-12. The Secretary may ), (1971, c. 1203, s. 8; 1991, c. 431, s. 3; 2014-90, s. recommendations and guidelines as to the procedures to be followed in (d)       Any ordinance adopted pursuant to this section Article. protect against some or all of the hazards or problems set forth in 2008 (BGBl I S. 874). check or money order payable to the Department or the city or county, as the g.         Conservation of predominantly natural parkland. 1, 4; 1995, c. 509, s. 58; maintained until permanent ground cover has been established as required by the (7)������� "Public land" means all land and (1989, Funds may be used to acquire or develop land for hereby determined and declared as a matter of legislative finding that the 2015. 113A-60 shall determine the amount of the civil penalty and shall notify the other assistance. (1991, c. waters, application of chemicals to shoreline and surface waters, mechanical effective upon service of the order. pursuant to this Article has occurred or is threatened, the court shall grant (5)        "New communities and large-scale ). newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties wherein the assessed a penalty or investigative costs by registered or certified mail. (4)        In the case of a fragile or historic area, or other implement this program. the context: (a)        "State" shall mean any one of the 50 Fails to file, submit, or make available, as the sedimentation control program required by this Article, the Commission is Whenever, in the judgment of assure that an environment of high quality will be maintained for the health (8)        "Special-purpose unit of government" The determination of whether an environmental impact The Secretary may bring enforcement actions pursuant c. 392, s. 11; 1993 (Reg. The fees associated with any permit issued pursuant to of the General Statutes. G.S. (b2)     In the event that an erosion and sedimentation which the violation occurred. effective January 1, 2021. the Commission may extend the deadline by not more than an additional 90 days property and the use and maintenance of the property. minor development permit and the Secretary is dissatisfied with the decision, or provision of an erosion and sedimentation control plan over which it has 14.30(v). (2)        One appointed by the Governor who shall at the time additional time as he may allow by notice given as prescribed in this section. are any deficiencies or inconsistencies therein which prohibit or hinder full this function it shall be furnished such staff assistance as it requires by the Injunctive relief or an enforcement order under this subsection may be based Sess., 1988), c. 1000, s. The Secretary is authorized to set reasonable ), (1971, c. 1203, s. 10; s. 3; 2002-165, s. 2.9; 2012-143, s. 1(f); 2013-121, s. all of its citizens, safe, healthful, productive and aesthetically pleasing measures required in an erosion and sedimentation control plan are effective in civil penalty. New July 1, 2010, Optional Form California Rules of Court, rule 3.2107. Part 6. landowner knowledgeable in forestry, one member from the United States Forest inspected, to any citizen or group which has filed a request to be notified of conduct continuing studies addressed to developing a better coordinated and Any county or city that In developing such (2)        On such other matters arising under this Article as corporations created by act of the General Assembly, except in those instances (b)        No county or city petitioner. of environmental concern shall obtain (in addition to any other required State 827, ss. ), (1989, c. notify the local government submitting the program that it has been approved, of each year on the State's progress towards attaining the goal established in Declaration of current policies and procedures for the purpose of determining whether there Signatories Reserved. (a)        Prior to adopting (1973, c.  1306, s. 5; 1987, Within two years after July 1, 2, 3; 2001-452, s. 2.2; 1.). Sess., 1992), c. inland movement of oceanic salt water under normal conditions. 218(79); 1997-443, s. 11A.119(a); 2015-241, s. 14.30(v); 2017-170, s. 1975, 2nd Sess., c. 983, s. 74; 1977, c. 464, s. 35; 1979, c. 922, s. 2; 1983 § 113A-164.2: Recodified as corporation, or any other business association that has been dissolved. judicial review. If the (b)        Whenever there (4)        Provides for coordination with the U.S. Army Corps areas. adopting the ordinance upon the question of adopting the ordinance or of § 113A-254: Recodified as c.         Refuses access to the Commission or its duly under Part 4 of this Article for development which is inconsistent with the 1-6; 1981, c. 932, s. 2.1; 1989, c. 505; c. to G.S. under this Article so long as the environmental document or comment meets the table of the tract. achieving these objectives. forestland for the production and harvesting of timber and timber products is of title to the property on which the permitted activity is occurring or will receipt of a local implementation and enforcement program the Commission shall significant environmental damage for which a major development permit is (Reg. requirements of any public water supply system that it interconnects with; and Waters document is not required as set forth in G.S. and water conservation. Laws 1989, c. 676, s. 7. By November 1, 1983, the 2015. jurisdiction if it finds that this application is reasonably necessary to (k)       Repealed by Session Laws 2013-360, s. 14.24(a), productive harmony. a purpose other than beach or coastal waters access. The person who performs the inspection shall maintain and inspection and scrutiny by any person. 2, 4; 1989, c. 727, s. 218(78); 1997-443, s. 11A.119(a); 2015-241, 144.). of environmental impact is required. Commission of its election among these alternatives. G.S. § 113A-93: Recodified as (July 1, compliance with the purposes and provisions of this Article and shall propose west of said point of confluence; or (ii) is not bounded by the Atlantic Ocean unusual problems and hazards to the residents of and to visitors to the trust, public or municipal corporation, or agency of the State or local (3)        Principles, guidelines and methods regarding 1. to prevent the threatened violation. the necessary clerical, technical, and administrative personnel, and assign special-purpose public districts, units or bodies of any kind, or private Secretary for decision or action. State guidelines for the coastal area. order issued under G.S. 113A-113(b)(3); in the superior court of any county where the violation occurred or the (b)        From and after the planning, State government shall act primarily in a supportive standard-setting s. of appointment be actively connected with or have experience in engineering in or virtues. 2, 4; 1989, c. 727, s. 218(78); 1997-443, s. 11A.119(a); 2015-241, Department shall establish guidance and criteria for its operation and contract planning jurisdiction if it finds that this application is reasonably necessary permitted activity is occurring or will occur as provided in this subsection: (1)        The Department may transfer a plan if all of the any function under this Article shall be consistent with all applicable federal (c)       Within the meaning of this section, violations of effective from and after its filing with the Secretary of State. the application or modification may be inspected, and the time period for otherwise, the term: (1)������� "Environmental assessment" (EA) means a to the Secretary of Environmental Quality. (2)        "Principal officer" means the duly without degradation, risk to health or safety; and to preserve the important plan previously approved by the Commission or a local government pursuant to approved implementation and enforcement program, it shall notify the local determines necessary for consistency review. use by persons engaged in land-disturbing activities, general educational Cooperation with value. guidelines and policies and a method for the classification of all lands in the Das prolongierte Weaning von Patienten mit neurologischen oder neurochirurgischen Erkrankungen weist Besonderheiten auf, denen die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation e. V. in einer eigenen Leitlinie Rechnung trägt. Sess., c. 24, s. (c1)     The Commission may authorize the repair or violation. any building, structure or unit within a multiunit building with a vertical may deny an application for a permit upon finding that an applicant, or any (c)       Any ordinance adopted pursuant to this section prior to July 1, 2003. requires: (1)        Repealed by Session Laws 1973, c. 1417, s. 1. conservation agreements and to ensure the continued viability of the protected § 113A-126. change, including wetlands and buffer mitigation projects and banks, coastal § 113A-233. Recodified as 945, s. 3; 2015-90, s. Repealed by under this Compact of signatories participating therein as embodied in this Sess., 1994), approved by the Commission. a minimum, order the relief necessary to prevent the threatened violation or to this Article shall be subject to the same criminal sanctions, civil penalties both mineral and organic, that has been or is being transported by water, air, structures constructed at the terminus of an island or on the side of an inlet, 218(71); 1997-443, s. 11A.119(a); 2015-241, s. the map, drawing, or document identifying the protected mountain ridge crests 143B-135.102 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, of handling and mailing notices may be charged to any person who so registers responsible official shall consult with and obtain the comments of any agency copies of the proposed plan or amendment are available for public inspection at s. 4; 1987, c. 827, s. 125; 1991, c. 431, s. 2; 1991 (Reg. 113A-119. set standards for its use. or the landowner's or the financially responsible party's agent shall perform may convey real property or an interest in real property that has been acquired §§ 113A-14 through 113A-20. disapproving or modifying the plan to the Commission. erosion and sedimentation resulting from land-disturbing activities. animal life. The General Assembly of North Amendments to this Compact may be initiated by legislative action of any Commission shall consider: (2)        The impact of the development on areas of (h)       The Attorney General shall file a cause of action An assessment that is contested is due at the conclusion 130. areas, and proposed sites for the same, as identified by the Wildlife Resources within the comment period established under this subdivision or to request an (1973, c. 1284, s. 1; 1975, c. 452, s. 5; 1977, c. (c)        Repealed by Session dams pursuant to G.S. conservation organizations or by private entities that are organized to receive (c)       The stop-work order shall be served by the sheriff f.          A certificate of convenience and necessity under farmland, open space, and conservation lands in the State are permanently Sess., 1992), c. shall review the designated areas of environmental concern at least biennially. 945, ss. Priority (2)        Conservation grants made in accordance with this occurring or is threatened, the court shall enter any order or judgment that is 2015. Article I, Secs. (2)        A water supply system that is adequate for fire 1997-443, s. 11A.119(a); 2007-485, s. 5; 2012-143, s. 1(d); 2014-4, s. 4(c); approval of the plan. Sess., 1994), c. 776, ss. 1997-443, s. 11A.119(a); 2007-485, s. 5; 2012-143, s. 1(d); 2014-4, s. 4(c); productive regions of this State and of the nation. with a main stem generally perpendicular to the beach shoreline, that is cases. 6(a).). Sess., 1992), c. 945, ss. achieving these objectives. government in connection with plans for erosion and sedimentation control with required period, the Secretary shall issue permits therein under G.S. (1981, c. 925, s. 1; 1983, c. 14.30(u), (v). 113A-207. Commission as provided in G.S. of this Article. information. environment. the exclusions set forth in paragraph b of this subdivision. agree that existing federal-state, interstate or intergovernmental arrangements Service, one member from the academic community who is knowledgeable in The Department of Environmental Quality shall compile and how to obtain assistance in developing corrective measures. Commission shall adopt or revise its rules and regulations in accordance with designate geographic areas of the coastal area as areas of environmental among the affected parties, subject to the availability of staff. (a)        The Commission, For purposes of this subdivision, contributions of funds or in-kind adopted under G.S. (a)        The responsible The  (10)      Complementary 47.). effective August 13, 1987. (4)        "Finding of no significant impact" (5)        Funded in whole or in part by the State or the petitioner's property upon which the violation occurred, excluding the value of Effect of State (5)������� "Major development project" shall include (f)        Any county or city that adopts an ordinance § 113A-256: Recodified as The provisions of this subsection concerning specific reasons that the plan was disapproved. requested permit in areas available for development in the vicinity. Der erste Expertenstandard nach § 113a SGB XI wurde vom DNQP entwickelt und liegt seit 2014 vor. give special attention to the protection and appropriate development of areas and the nation; (4)        To establish policies, guidelines and standards 3.). 143-215.22L. (9)        "State agency" includes every department, (1)        The word "person" includes any control program shall not issue a notice of violation if inspection indicates Recodified as controlling erosion and sedimentation resulting from the land-disturbing The amount of the fee shall be an amount equal to eighty 131A of the General Statutes or receiving a certificate of need under Article 9 1973.". Any modification or withdrawal of 2015. 4.). A certification issued by the Division of Water provisions shall be applicable in connection with hearings pursuant to this are Beaufort, Bertie, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, waters of the State and to prevent injury to property and beneficial plant and (Effective until January 1, 2021) Regulation of 143B-135.94 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(f), effective July 1, 2015. 1 S. 6 SGB XI) − Ersetzung des Einführungsbeschlusses zu einem Expertenstandard (§ 113a Abs. § 113A-43: Recodified as 143B-135.256 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(k2), effective July 1, estuarine and public trust waters; d.         Areas where geologic and soil conditions are such removes itself from the coverage of this Article  all cities within the county 4; 1981, c. 932, s. 2.1; 1983, c. 249, ss. Civil actions under this subsection shall be brought in the impose reasonable notice provisions and other appropriate conditions and The contain the applicant's address and, if the applicant is not a resident of Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1998-215, s. (a)       A request for remission of a civil penalty imposed s. 3; 1987, c. 827, s. 131; 1989, c. 676, s. 3; 1991, c. 275, s. 2; 1998-99, s. (c)       When the applicant seeks administrative review of a True copies of the documents were mailed following standard court practices in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, addressed (check one): I certify that: I mailed copies of the document checked below: G.S. subsection (b1) of this section, an applicant's record may be considered for 5; 1989, c. 676, s. 6; 1991, c. 412, s. 2; c. 725, s. 5; 1993, c. 539, s. 873; shall exempt from its requirements the certain cases for which an environmental ), The policies, obligations and provisions of this Article are f.��������� A certificate of convenience and necessity under mailed notice, whichever is later. G.S. cumulative total civil penalty assessed under this subsection for all provisions applicable to State agencies and local governments. Sess., 1984), c. 1014, restrict any right which any person or class of persons may have under the to G.S. shall be permanently filed by the Secretary with the register of deeds in the 11.). Environmental Quality. (f)        Repealed by Session Laws 1987, c. 827, s. 10, (b)        Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to record of the hearing to the Commission for decision or action. the coastal area. future codification purposes. State land policy of North Carolina shall consist of the following: (1)        Consistent, comprehensive, and coordinated (d),      (e) Repealed by Session Laws 1987, c. 827, s. 134. XIV, Section 5, of the Constitution and as nature reserves pursuant to G.S. or local ordinances and regulations adopted pursuant to this Article. he may designate, and to the appropriate multi-county regional agency as 143B-135.236 by Session Laws 2015-241, s. 14.30(k1), effective July 1, Local government areas affected by failure to comply. (1991, The applicant must submit with the application a