[173], On 28 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Mamushë was confirmed, bringing the total to 49. 181 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 9,869. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Reisepläne und kontaktieren Sie Ihre Fluggesellschaft od… Nov [76] 31 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 480. 142 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,944. [181][182], On 3 July, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, one from Vučitrn and two others unknown, bringing the total to 58. 46 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,425. [77] Serbia announced that it had donated 1,000 coronavirus testing kits to Kosovo. Dec Das ließe sich ändern, denn der Ausstieg ist allerorts machbar. [162][163], On 24 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Prizren was confirmed, bringing the total to 40. Der weiß, dass die Konflikte nicht mit schnellen Deals zu lösen sind. 196 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 4,463. [264], On 13 September, seven new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 596. 144 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,926. Nun schotten sich auch die Serben ab. [198], On 11 July, four new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 101. [228], On 8 August, twelve new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 315. Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für einen guten Reformpfad ist politische Stabilität. [252], On 1 September, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 533. [231], On 11 August, thirteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 354. 241 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 6,286. Aktuelle News, Bilder und Videos zum Thema Kosovo auf news.de im Überblick. Zeichen der Entspannung: Kosovos neue Regierung geht einen Schritt auf Belgrad zu. Deutschland hat wieder einmal Losglück. [89], On 26 April, one new death case with coronavirus from Gjilan was confirmed, bringing the total to 21. [214], On 27 July, a record number of infected people were recorded today. [105], On 9 May, 8 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 870. Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen zum großen Produktvergleich. [55], On 6 April, two new deaths from coronavirus are confirmed, one from Kosovo's capital, Pristina and one from village Koriša of Prizren. 19 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 690. Three recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 165. [164][165], On 25 June, two new deaths were confirmed by the coronavirus, one from Istok and one from Prizren. [118], On 21 May, 1 new positive case was confirmed, bringing the total to 1004. Im Jahr 2020 wird sich die Bevölkerungszahl Kosovo um 1 086 Menschen erhöhen und wird am Jahresende 1 811 452 Menschen betragen. [33], On 24 March, the decision taken one day before from Government of Kosovo for stopping the movement of people and vehicles for the following days came into force, the decision provides stopping the movement, except emergency cases from 10:00–16:00 and 20:00–06:00. 134 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,480. Die Corona-Gefahr von Nachtclubs und Großhochzeiten, Sprunghafter Anstieg der Corona-Infektionen im Ausland, Höhere Fallzahlen in Offenbach „auf Reiserückkehrer zurückzuführen“. [8], On 14 March, the third case was confirmed, a family member of the 77-year-old from Vitina tested positive for coronavirus. [15], On 17 March, a new case was confirmed. 3 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 874. Zum Vergleich: In der Schweiz ist es aktuell nur etwa 1 Prozent. [133], On 3 June, 19 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,142. Nine new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, one from Mitrovica, one from Peć, one from Rahovec, one from Pristina, one from Drenas and four others unknown, bringing the total to 75. [193], On 8 July, a record number of infected people were recorded today. 193 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,988. 163 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 6,411. Kosovo em 2020 - Vertrauen Sie dem Testsieger. [177], On 1 July, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, one from Gjilan, one from Pristina and one from Prizren, bringing the total to 54. [83], On 22 April, 26 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 630. 14 new recoveries were confirmed bringing the total to 52. [75], On 17 April, one new death case with coronavirus from Ferizaj was confirmed, bringing the total to 12. Alles Wichtige aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Sport, Kultur, Wissenschaft, Technik und mehr. Aber nicht nur der französische Staatspräsident findet: 27 Mitgliedstaaten seien erst einmal genug. 131 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 9,923. [175][176], On 30 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Vitina was confirmed, bringing the total to 51. 13–20 March 2020. Aug [243], On 23 August, ten new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 467. Kosovo vs. Moldawien Tipp, Prognose & Quoten – Nations League 2020 Absteiger gesucht bei Kosovo gegen Moldawien Mathias Bartsch 18. [143], On 12 June, 58 new positive cases were confirmed bringing the total to 1,384. Trump spricht von einem „wichtigen Durchbruch“. 71 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 14,763. Richard Grenell, der scheidende amerikanische Botschafter in Deutschland, glaubt, in Windeseile den jahrzehntelangen Kosovo-Konflikt lösen zu können. Five recoveries were confirmed bringing the total to 71. Dass endlich die Rolle der „Befreiungsarmee Kosovo“ juristisch untersucht wird, ist zu begrüßen. [241], On 21 August, ten new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 448. 226 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 8,330. [270], On 19 September, 63 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,002. 136 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,683. Last 15 days 117 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,824. 205 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 6,616. 3 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 162. [87], On 25 April, one new death case with coronavirus from Štimlje was confirmed, bringing the total to 20. 220 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 7,137. Hoti will mehr testen – doch das reicht nicht Das bedeutet vor allem eins: der Kosovo testet zu wenig. Weltweit steigt die Zahl der Menschen mit einer erkannten Sars-CoV-2-Infektion unvermindert schnell. May Jetzt tritt er in Berlin ab – und könnte im amerikanischen Wahlkampf noch eine prominente Rolle spielen. [278], On 27 September, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 622. 2 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 845. 183 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 3,886. A 67-year-old man from the village Llashkadrenoc of Mališevo tested positive for coronavirus. Nine recoveries were confirmed bringing the total to 102. Unser Tipp. Zwölf Jahre, nachdem er feierlich die Unabhängigkeit des Kosovos verkündet hat, wird Hashim Thaçi wegen Kriegsverbrechen vor Gericht gestellt. Liga und zum DFB-Pokal sowie allen EM- und WM-Spielen und allen Spielen der UEFA Champions League! 205 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 4,512. Die Verdächtigen sollen jahrelang falsche Lotto-Gewinnversprechen gemacht haben. 48 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,520. 22 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1069. [226], On 6 August, sixteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 300. [217], On 30 July, a record number of victims have been registered. [121], On 24 May, for the first time since 13 March, no one has been reported infected with COVID-19. Um Ihnen einen Überblick zu verschaffen, haben wir im Folgenden alle EU-Länder mit Eintrittsdatum aufgelistet. [229], On 9 August, twelve new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 327. 35 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 201. Serbiens Nationalisten hoffen, dass Donald Trump Präsident bleibt. [230], On 10 August, fourteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 341. [275], On 24 September, 63 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,333. Prior to the infection, the victim suffered from cardiac and chronic lung disease and on the sixth day of the infection he had signs of pulmonary infiltration and massive pneumonia on the left side. [141], On 10 June, 29 new positive cases were confirmed bringing the total to 1,298. [128], On 29 May, 12 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,064. 96 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,169. 49 new positive cases were confirmed bringing the total to 1,486. 75 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,073. 143 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 9,085. 190 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,059. 172 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,419. 85 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,900. 40 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,267. [101], On 6 May, 4 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 860. 142 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,877. [14] Two additional cases of coronavirus were confirmed that day, a couple who flew from London to Pristina; a male and a female, both 26-years-old from Prizren and Obilić respectively. Er zeichnet speziell Brücken, Landschaften und viele Porträts. 141 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,815. 245 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 7,929. 101 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,088. Die Imkerin Shqipe Shala will das Umweltbewusstsein stärken - sie und ihr Mann produzieren mit 150 Bienenvölkern Bio-Honig. [201], On 14 July, the National Institute of Public Health has issued a press release announcing: "Due to the passing of the reporting for the publication of the results from the daily reports in the evening hours to the daily reporting at 15:00, we ask for your understanding and patience until the publication of the test results from NIPHK, which will take place tomorrow at 15:00". Doch die Bewohner der Hochhaussiedlung fühlen sich stigmatisiert. 133 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 4,863. [269], On 18 September, four new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 611. [239], On 19 August, nine new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 425. Das letzte Interview vor dem Bekanntwerden der Anklage wegen Kriegsverbrechen gab Kosovos Präsident Hashim Thaçi der F.A.Z. März 2020 bis auf Weiteres eine Einreisesperre für Reisende aus Deutschland, Italien, Frankreich und der Schweiz verhängt. [224], On 4 August, thirteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 269. [199], On 12 July, a record number of infected people were recorded. 122 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,799. [123][124], On 26 May, Istok got declared as COVID-19 free. Sixteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 212. Warum hat das so lange gedauert? [281] On the night of 25 March, the Kurti cabinet was overthrown by a no-confidence motion initiated in assembly by the ruling partner.[282]. [272], On 21 September, two new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 615. One new recovery was confirmed bringing the total to 166. Der serbische Präsident und der kosovarische Ministerpräsident treffen sich zum ersten Mal persönlich in Brüssel – nachdem zuletzt Amerikas Sondergesandter Grenell die Verhandlungen moderierte. [109][110], On 13 May, 8 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 927. [262], On 11 September, five new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 586. 79 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,878. 131 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,431. [260], On 9 September, six new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 574. 207 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 4,307. 162 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,168. 119 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,570. [102], On 7 May, one new death case with coronavirus from Dragaš was confirmed, bringing the total to 27. 103 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,472. Der zieht die Konsequenzen – und tritt zurück. 159 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 8,505. 38 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1018. Griechenland baute als erstes einen Grenzzaun gegen illegale Migration. Oct 10 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 782. [113], On 16 May, 23 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 978. In dem kleinen Balkanland werden die Karten neu gemischt. 81 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1506. Die aktuelle Durschnittsbewertung liegt bei 3.9 von 5 Punkten. 104 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,674. 50 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 14,496. [88] 28 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 731. [116], On 19 May, 1 new positive case was confirmed, bringing the total to 989. Der Kosovo steht hier aktuell vor großen Herausforderungen, weil das Präsidentenamt durch das Parlament neu zu besetzen ist. 32 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,095. In den deutschen Statistiken zu den Corona-Infektionen taucht Südosteuropa nun auffallend oft auf. [144], On 13 June, one new death case with coronavirus from Prizren was confirmed, bringing the total to 32. 103 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 2,370. Erst einmal geht es um die Wirtschaft. Nov 3 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 785. Dezember 2020). [49], On 2 April, a new case was confirmed. [221], On 2 August, thirteen new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 249. 239 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,188. [242], On 22 August, nine new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 457. Er zeichnet speziell Brücken, Landschaften und viele Porträts Wussten sie, was sie da unterschrieben haben? Skanderbeg gezeichnet von Gazmend Freitag Details Written by Max Brym Category: Vermischtes Published: 30 November 2020 Gazmend Freitag stammt aus Kosova und lebt in Linz als mittlerweile in ganz Österreich bekannter Maler. [114], On 17 May, 7 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 985. [203], On 16 July, six new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 118. Unser Newsticker zum Thema Kosovo enthält aktuelle Nachrichten von heute Mittwoch, dem 23. Der Kosovo ist ein Staat in Südosteuropa. 119 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,910. 61 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 15,063. Billig wäre das allerdings nicht. [178][179][180], On 2 July, one new death case with coronavirus was confirmed, one from Mitrovica, bringing the total to 55. 118 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 5,735. Mit Abstand am meisten Corona-Fälle unter den Rückkehrern kommen aus dem Kosovo – nicht gerade ein Sehnsuchtsort deutscher Urlauber. Der Historiker Robert Pichler sieht das mit Sorge. 29 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1047. [279], On 28 September, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 625. 138 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 4,267. [265], On 14 September, four new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 600. 61 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 622. 24 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 871. Sie sehen hier die aktuellen Feiertage, Festtage und Ereignisse von Kosovo. [107], On 11 May, 11 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 895. 139 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,782. [112], On 15 May, 10 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 955. 23 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 736. [234], On 14 August, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 381. We have 206 guests and no members online. [280], On 18 March, the interior minister, Agim Veliu was sacked due to his support for declaring a state of emergency to handle the pandemic which would have given power to the Kosovo Security Council chaired by President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi. [9] On the same day, two other new cases were confirmed, a 42-year-old man from Vitia and a 37-year-old woman from Mališevo. [94], On 29 April, 9 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 799. Göttingen hatte das Coronavirus gut im Griff, dann kam es zu einem Ausbruch im sozialen Brennpunkt. [233], On 13 August, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 373. 1 new positive case was confirmed, bringing the total to 861. Auf dem Balkan sind die EU und Washington von Verbündeten zu Gegnern geworden. 276 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 7,413. [166][167], On 26 June, two new death cases were confirmed, one from Prizren and one from Orahovac, bringing the total to 44. 76 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 14,839. DAS sind die Gegner der DFB-Elf. 10 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 963. Alle Ergebnisse, Tabellen, Ranglisten und Statistiken LIVE! [232], On 12 August, eleven new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 365. [115], On 18 May, 3 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 988. Four new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 86. [170][171][172] Twelve recoveries and one new confirmed case in Istok were confirmed. 187 new positive cases were confirmed. Besuchen Sie die typografische Skulptur NEWBORN, die aus der Freiheit des Kosovo entstanden ist. 19 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 822. 7 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 803. [274], On 23 September, one new death case with coronavirus was confirmed, bringing the total to 616. 126 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 12,451. Selbst politische Gegner springen für Thaçi in die Bresche. Serbien reagiert wohlwollend und will den Dialog mit Prishtina nun wieder aufnehmen. [263], On 12 September, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 589. [132], On 2 June, 13 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,123. [a], On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, who had initially come to the attention of the WHO on 31 December 2019. 1 recovery were confirmed, bringing the total to 691. Die kosovarischen Behörden haben mit Wirkung vom 13. [23] Two additional cases of coronavirus were confirmed on the night of that date. 245 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 8,799. 53 new positive cases were confirmed bringing the total to 1,437. [86], On 24 April, 34 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 703. [93], On 28 April, 10 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 790. 187 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 10,300. Aktuelle Nachrichten, Informationen und Bilder zum Thema Kosovo auf Süddeutsche.de Auslosung zur EM-Qualifikation Schon wieder Holland! [97], On 2 May, 10 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 823. Wird man auch dem Präsidenten des Kosovos Kriegsverbrechen nachweisen können? In unserem Nachrichtenticker können Sie live die neuesten Eilmeldungen auf Deutsch von Portalen, Zeitungen, Magazinen und Blogs lesen sowie nach älteren Meldungen suchen. [46], On 31 March, two new cases of coronavirus are confirmed, one as a case of contact of two positive relatives with coronavirus from Gjakova and one from Prizren, who was infected during a visit abroad. 6 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 890. Skanderbeg gezeichnet von Gazmend Freitag Details Written by Max Brym Category: Vermischtes Published: 30 November 2020 Gazmend Freitag stammt aus Kosova und lebt in Linz als mittlerweile in ganz Österreich bekannter Maler. 28 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 1,902[188][189][190], On 6 July, a record number of infected people were recorded today. Dies entspricht einer Infektionsrate von 2,54% sowie eine Todes- bzw. 113 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 13,287. [196][197], On 10 July, three new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 97. 24 new positive case were confirmed, bringing the total to 919. [210], On 23 July, eight new death cases with coronavirus were confirmed, bringing the total to 158. Der „saubere Krieg“ des „Kameraden“ Thaçi, Kein Serbien-Kosovo-Treffen im Weißen Haus, Mehrere Landkreise unter schwarze Warnstufe gerutscht, Was sich 2021 für Steuerpflichtige ändert, Entwicklungsminister: Corona wirft 130 Millionen in Armut und Hunger zurück, 101 Jahre alte Frau hat erste Corona-Impfung in Deutschland erhalten, Wie kreativ Bauämter Wohnraum schaffen wollen, Kosovo hebt Strafmaßnahmen gegen Serbien auf, Osteuropas schmerzlicher Abschied von der Kohle, © Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH 2001-2020, Anja Skledar, Anja Sagadin, Evelin Munda, Gymnasium Ptuj/Slowenien. Unser Newsticker zum Thema Serbien kosovo enthält aktuelle Nachrichten von heute Dienstag, dem 22. [31] Meanwhile, in the evening unfortunately even 26 cases were confirmed, 14 cases from Mališevo, 11 close members of the same family from village Vrapčič of Gjilan, 10 members of the same family got infected from another member who flew from Germany[32] and one case from municipality of Gjakova and the number of positive cases rose to 61. [90] Thirty-two new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 763. 4 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 847. [185][186][187], On 5 July, a record number of victims have been registered. [99], On 4 May, 4 new positive cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 855. 201 recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 6,817. [40], On 27 March, two new cases of coronavirus are confirmed in the evening, one from Gjakova and the other from Kosovo's capital, Pristina and the number of positive cases rose to 88.[41]. Balkan Opposition gewinnt Parlamentswahl im Kosovo. A 31-year-old man from the village Senik of Mališevo tested positive for coronavirus.