Will any of this help, or i ma missing a step somewhere? I have found that the Finder is not the fastest either. We will just focus on sharing a folder or drive on your Mac with other devices, for example my Amazon Fire TV with Kodi/XBMC can access media that resides on my MacBook Pro. LED Effects - Scrolling a pattern of 4 forever ... problem using MPU-6050 Accel/Gyro with ESP32, ConnectMeNow-v3.0.7-(Build-29)-beta-macOS-64bit.dmg, ApplePi-Baker-v2.2.6-(Build-1)-beta-macOS-64bit.dmg, Beat-Saber-Song-Renamer-Windows(32bit).exe, You will see here in the window above that this new share allows. Many computer people assume others know what all their abbreviations and jargon mean. By any chance: did you unzip the file? The “force user” parameter corrected a “share not available” error I had within kodi. First thing I did was to click the padlock in the upper left corner to unlock it – you’ll have to enter your password here. e.g. C’est dans les notes de version de Server 4.0 qu’Apple a caché qu’OS X Yosemite utilisait le protocole de partage de fichiers SMB 3. How do I set it up to start the service when I login in. From what you’re asking I understand that your iMac goes into sleep mode, even though you’ve set the “wake on LAN” option. That sucks … I am traveling at the moment, so I won’t be able to test anything myself.While trying to find a confirmation or solution, I did run into SMBConf – I have not tested it, but it does state El Capitan compatibility. Is there a way that a folder appears on multiple hard drives as a path? It would be nice if it makes SMBup 1 x Action. Last month, I finally updated to El Capitan after staying with 10.6 for years, and then I lost ability to scan from my Xerox 252 (that’s why I stayed with 10.6 for that long). January 17, 2019 January 28, 2019 Dave Nathanson Mac, Technical Documentation. It’s always helpful when users post “the fix” … so thank you for taking the effort to do so, and I’m glad to hear yours is up and running! You might want to check out the website of the SMBup developer (link), there is a FAQ there and he might be able to confirm if SMBup works properly under Sierra. I’ve also tried with SMBConf , but my level of computing is not as high. Or perhaps uncheck the “Share files and folders using SMB” in the “Options” section of Sharing? Des racks de 160 Mac mini server. When accessed through Kodi, this worked! When WDTV ask user and pw I put the right user and pw. share a folder on your Mac. There you go, you can now access all the files of the shared folder. SMBUp is a free application that replaces the Apple SMB implementation with the Open Source Samba version. First download the latest version from the SMBUp website, and unzip the downloaded file (simply open it, your Mac will extract it for you). -Apple not only added SMB2 support into Lion and later, but seem to be promoting it as their preferred format (as Ex-FAT is being promoted vs FAT32). As a developer of other applications, I have noticed that Apple is making it more and more difficult (and significantly less fun) for developers. I didn’t know you could do that – seems like a dangerous thing to do!Or did you mean in SMBUp? Hey everyone, I have installed SMBup on My Mac Mini and while I have had success accessing one of my shared drives over my network, there are still a few others that are inaccessible. Hi, thanks so much for your article. bug (dēˈbəɡ/) | "the process of identifying and resolving problems with a system (esp relating to computers)." 1) Uninstall the Daemons with the uninstall function of SMBup. Hi I have a problem. I cannot open the program to attempt to remove or uninstall it. Right mouse button does not work, but the Delete button on the keyboard has worked! And saving usually requires stoppping/starting the service. Can I fix this? What could be the issue? Below are suggested parameters to use in smb.conf file of the Samba server to improve operability with Mac OS X clients. Make the change temporary (without rebooting): To make the change permanent (requires reboot): The Mac laptop that was struggling I had tried multiple known fixes before this: Your email address will not be published. I’m glad it has been resolved.May I ask which channels you’ve added and where you got the addon? did you try “Unlock the padlock again so the “Start” button is operational again!” – I recall that on occasion I would have to do this twice. I never liked the performance of AFP and I have heard rumors that even Apple is abandoning it. (utiltize mdutil, but it requires disabling certain security features). I am trying to get access to some international channels for my grandparents, however, the specific channels instruct me to download a zip file. My last QNAP has a little more power to it, so that didn’t seem to be the problem anymore, ditto with WiFi with the newer higher speeds and more often I use an Ethernet cable. I am having the same issue with both options: I can see access the repository zip file, but when it does not let me press ‘OK’ to add it. Not sure which macOS version you’re running, but by default your Mac can connect to Samba shares (ie. Glad to hear you’ve got it fixed! Ehm … I have not run into that scenario … that can be pretty annoying to have to grant access each time you boot your computer. So much for the “user experience” I’ve come used to with Apple products. I’ll have to reinstall SMBUp, as I rarely use Windows shares – I’ll try to do some experiments this weekend. These and more of our favorite links can be found on the Links Page. Posted on 2019-01-12 by guenni On January 12, 2019, Microsoft released a fix for affected Windows 7 systems to fix the issue caused by the January 2019 update when accessing network shares. i have a 3ds and i want to connect to it using samba, but every time osx show error, because what i understand here is how to create a samba server but is there a solution or a samba client that work on osx. Installing SMBUp is pretty simple, however configuration got me confused initially. Now keep in mind, this is the short and quick version. but it refuses to connect. For both business and pleasure. Yeah, interesting point on Mac users being grateful for solutions as there are not that many. You can now quit the SMBUp application – the share(s) will remain active. Apologies that I could not be more helpful …. Now with SMBup, I can scan again to El Capitan. This worked like a charm on Mac OSX Yosemite 10.10.3. Internet connectivity issues or Apple’s server issues could likely be a reason for this error as well. I am setting an iMac to be a file server for Kodi at home and SMB has been a nightmare. Since I’m assuming a simple share, I’ve used my own user account, but you could of course create an account specifically for this purpose. Hello. Disabling SMB Signing (smb_signing) and it did show it as disabled in the terminal but had no impact for me. I’ll admit that I haven’t used SMBUp in a while, now that SMB seems more reliable with the latest MacOS X Sierra versions.Having a share set for both approaches (MacOS and SMBUp at the same time) might indeed cause issues. Searching Google for “10.11.5 slow smb” returns pages full of results of people reporting the same issue. I apologize for this kind of answer, I’ll try to tinker with it some more and if I find a good work around, post it here. Have I missed something? Check the box next to “Share files and folders using SMB”. Keep in mind that a donation is much appreciated by the developer …. Greeting Roland. In short, I build stuff. I’ve added other drives just to test this, and they all seem to work fine. Unfortunately I could not get this to work to scan to desktop. This means that your AppleTV has to send this packet and I’m not sure this is even an option on an AppleTV. When you try to access a specific folder that is located on a Network Appliance (NetApp) Filer or a Windows Server that supports SMB2 from a Windows-based system through the SMB Version 2 protocol, the access is denied. Diging a bit more I discovered that for some reason the Launchd script /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.samba.smbd.plist is not starting at boot although it is loaded in Launchd as an active script. Support quite a few formats as well. It's a common complaint that in recent versions of Mac OS 10.x, browsing Windows-hosted SMB shares is incredibly slow. If these options are grey; use the padlock to enable them. Am I doing something wrong? If you’re a Mac user, and you’re enjoying the newer MacOS X versions, then you might have noticed that Apple’s own implementation of SMB simply sucks … it just doesn’t work and for a company like Apple to just leave it this way is beyond me. Click “Manage Users” and select the user you’d like to add. I have tested this Mac OS X SMB Fix under Yosemite 10.10.2, with XMBC/Kodi as a client on an Android device , and it works great! Apple can’t include Samba any more, and that would be the only way to support all the devices out there that use it. Since Mac OS Catalina the SMB connection is automatically at SMB version 3 (On Mojave is was still smb version 1). It’s likely SMBUp will never go beyond version 1.4.1 and that’s a real shame. SMBUp is a free application that replaces the Apple SMB implementation with the Open Source Samba version. Just an FYI: It is possible to mount NFS shares on Windows. Join me in my development, design and electronics journey. So I would first disable AFP and just use SMB, over an Ethernet connection, and see what happens.What also might help is disabling all kinds of extra tools like virus scanners, tools like Blue Harvest (which remove hidden Apple files from network shares), etc. (just in case a visitor here is looking for something like that as well). For enabling SMB windows file sharing, you need to change the password of your local account on your Mac and NOT the iCloud password: ‘. SMBconf switches to SMB 1 on OS X 10.9 or later. Forgot to mention… I tried to reinstall the smb and it keeps saying if failed to find connection 1 and connection 2, and tries to go out onto the internet for something but of course there is no internet access so the program just crashes at that point…, I had to uninstal and reinstall the virtualbox with a certain parameter to get the bridge mode to work until a fix is found for. Any idea what it might be? SMB is a network protocol, commonly know as “Microsoft Windows Network” or Samba, which allows sharing of files and devices over a network. In simple words: the old NTLM authentication shares the password as regular text, whereas the newer versions encrypt the password – which cause the older NTLM to think it’s the wrong password as it does not know how to decrypt it. […] Mac OS X SMB Fix, or How to install SMBUp […], this is a great and well written article, does anyone know if this resolves the issues with indexing an SMB share running on a Windows machine from MacOS Sierra? Still trying to activate different folder with different right. This “resets” Apple’s native Netbios processes. Client access the network share (SLOW): The FAQ contains steps to create one of these “Sharing-only users”. Thanks for confirming! Happy Holidays and thanks again for taking the time and effort to post a nice feedback. You are right that the time is excessive and your response made me think that maybe I’m troubleshooting the wrong thing. I try to get back to Yosemite. SMBUp seemed to install ok and i finally managed to ad share only user. I won’t go back…, Ford Superduty 4wd hubs problem QUICK FIX (ESOF). This is a debug/beta version of ApplePi-Baker v2 and for testing purposes only! One thing I notice is the share folder keep disappearing from smbUP. So a big thank you :). One trick would be using another type of connection, like AFP or NFS. I’m not running SMBUp right now, but I suspect this might be an empty or corrupted preferences file – then again, I’m not the developer. I suspect it had to do with the RAID card (actually, two that we tried), but I wasn’t prepared to switch card vendors and back up, reformat, and restore our 56TB of data on the volumes just to find out. Yeah, we have the QNAP TVS-EC1680U-SAS-RP R2, which has two special mSATA slots on the motherboard for SSD caching, without taking up any of the 16 regular drive slots. p.s. Please can you help me to understand what I’ve done wrong or missed out? About the donations, those numbers align with mine. I have yet to try this with El Capitan …On MacUpdate and on Reddit some users reports it working just fine. YES. Now that we have at least one user, time to add the folder or drive we would like to share – this can be on the internal harddisk of your Mac or on an external drive. Thats bad because I cant connect to my NAS anymore because it only supports SMB version 1. Server serving the network share: OS X rattrape là son retard, lui qui avait adopté SMB 2 avec Mavericks, à un moment où SMB 3 avait déjà été bien rodé sur Windows 8 et Windows Server 2012. I would recommend checking out the SMBUp website to see if there is additional info made available since then that may help. Donations are very much appreciated, but not required. This can be a little bit tricky, but you have to find where the USB drive is mounted, and it might require your device to be rooted – which I cannot recommend unless you really know what you’re doing. Sorry that I didn’t have the answer right away …. If it is not, try the guide that shows how to enable vfs_fruit module for Samba, I believe this is only useful if the server hosting the share is NOT a Mac as it enables better Mac compatibility for Samba. I spent 8 HOURS trying to get things back to normal and was forced to do a restore with Time Machine – I couldn’t connect to my windows shares no matter what I did. Thank you sooooo much for the article and pointers, installed on my macmini which can now be seen by atv2 with xbmc, all good :-). Selecting a share and pressing the “delete” key removes them. I’ve noticed some others have had the same issue. Mein iMac ist per Lan Kabel angeschlossen und hat auch alle Freigaben aktiv. As for permissions; I’ve had issues with that in the past as well. Nice write-up. Thanks for posting your fix as well – I hope others will benefit from it aswel! The WDTV instead see an older Mac OSX 10.8.8 Leopard. Hello, thanks for this article, and thanks the author of SMBup. Been tring to fix since win 10 broke it. I guess things could be worse …. Installation can take a little bit, strongly depending on your Internet speed. -Dragging folders onto the list can add them quickly. If every user would donate a buck, it would cover my time and server expenses. Finder will ask for username and password if the share requires this. I used OsX advance permission in sharing ….and all was good. Check the box next to your account and click Done. I have been trying to hook up my Mede8er 3d media server for two days. I’m just super grateful that SMBUp exists! If you’re seeing problems with Macs connecting to SMB servers you are not alone. I have been searching for days for instructions like yours and had no luck until now! Luckily this’ll mean newer devices will add more support to this than legacy protocols (NFS and AFP) or force deprecated versions of existing ones (SMB with Samba). Thank you very much for posting the suggestion – I’m sure other users will benefit from this! We get about 450 MB/sec write and 650 MB/sec read to the QNAP NAS, which has a 10 Gb card and twelve 8TB 7200 rpm Enterprise drives in RAID 6, plus two SSDs for write caching. This is the reason OS X’s shares sometimes work sand sometimes don’t. miniWol is a simple, but effective application to send Wake On LAN to network devices. I know smbUP is working because before I couldn’t even browse the network. I’ll update when I have done the test on the other NAS’s. I installed the new OSX and I can not access my files to see through Boxee Box and KODI. I’ve found PathFinder to be a little faster, but it comes with it’s own issues …. Thanks Sanket for confirming it worked on your system as well, and thanks for the nice feedback – it’s always very much appreciated. Super thank you. I am trying to scan to folder using a ricoh machine (c401). I don’t suppose this can be used for speeding up the Finder when connecting to a Netgear ReadyNAS 516 with firmware 6.4.2. Modified debug information. How Creative Professionals Struggle with Mac/SMB File Sharing Submitted by Alexey Sotnikov on 20 Apr 2017 The presence of Apple Macs in business is growing and IT administrators must take special steps to ensure that Mac users can effectively utilize basic services like network file access, searching, sharing, and printing. “Fetching” is gone. Two suggestion I found there, worth trying: To re-enable windows file sharing you could try two things: 1. Definitely worth the try. Enter the password and click “Add user“, rinse and repeat if needed for other users – for a simple share you’ll only need one user, specially when “guest access” will be allowed. You deleted all users and only have the user “Guest” available? Using it, I was able to get SMBUP working very quickly on Yosemite 10.10.5. Thanks again Hanz! You might have to experiment with those settings. Also have a google nexus player in the house if the shield will give me too much hassle. Click “Add new Shared Drive” and select the drive or folder you’d like to share. Get a toolkit for safe macOS update. Maybe a permission issue. Not every solution works, but here are 3 simple fixes that completely solved the issue for me (Using Windows Server 2012 & 2012R2 with Mac OS X 10.9 & 10.10). Since I never encountered this issue, I’d have to guess that either te config file is corrupted (doubt this is the issue though) or that an automatic update check seems to fail (see this post). For me it’s to share files with family, friends, or to share media files with my XBMC/Kodi setup. Do a full system backup first. Bonjour, Je viens de passer aujourd'hui même sur MacOS Sierra (je suis en 10.12.2), et maintenant mes montages smb ne fonctionnent plus : quand je tape smb://ip_reseau, je vois bien la liste de mes partages mais quand j'en sélectionne un, il me dit que la connexion a échoué alors que je n'avais pas ce problème avec El Capitan.
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